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Topic: Upcoming Playtest Looking for Product in Development
Started by: Grimcleaver
Started on: 2/9/2011
Board: Game Development

On 2/9/2011 at 6:29pm, Grimcleaver wrote:
Upcoming Playtest Looking for Product in Development

(Hey sorry if this is in the wrong place, I just figured it would get the eyeballs of the folks I need.)

Grimcleaver here. We've got a group of three veteran, two newish players fresh and eager to playtest something in development here on the Forge. I only just heard about this place and we're all pretty eager to give something a shot. At first we thought we'd use an already developed game like Sorcerer, Primetime or Dogs in the Vineyard, but what we really want to do is give input on a game by putting it through its paces so that it can actually help someone. From perusing these posts I get the vibe that a lot of people are having troubles contacting groups outside their own to test their games out on.

That's us.

So if you've got a system you want us to give a spin, go ahead and nominate yourself and throw up a link to what you have so far and our group will give each one a look and pick the one we want to try. That by itself should give some good feedback--and we'll try to make that our first post on our Play Experiences posting, why we picked one over the other. But then we hope, week by week, to give a download of how each session went, what worked for us, what we felt we needed to change and why, and what we loved. So yeah, anyway here we are: hit us with your pitches!

Message 31142#283910

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...from around 2/9/2011

On 2/9/2011 at 8:10pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
Re: Upcoming Playtest Looking for Product in Development

Hello and welcome,

I am excited by your enthusiasm and would very much like to see lots of games get into your hands. However, hold up a wee moment while I help tune your offer and post into something that is acceptable here at the Forge.

The thing is, this thread can't be about people pitching their games to you. They've already busted their asses making design documents available and discussing issues of design right here in this forum. Everything they can do to inform you about their games, has been done. It's up to you to peruse the threads and design what you'd like to playtest, and to contact the authors if you need more game material to play.

In addition, there's the current Ronnies endeavor, which just concluded its second round for 2011 and therefore includes no less than 31 playable alpha drafts of new games to look over, all available in PDF at the 24-hour game site.

I look forward to seeing your posting here in the Game Development forum.

Best, Ron

Message 31142#283913

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On 2/9/2011 at 8:58pm, Parylus wrote:
RE: Re: Upcoming Playtest Looking for Product in Development

Hey Grimcleaver and Ron. I understand the OP wasn't in the right place, but I did wish to respond to Grim. I tried to find a way to private message him but did not find one. So, I hope I'm not making it worse by replying to this thread, but I'd love to get some playtest feedback on my new universal system called APEX. Here is a link to the thread:

Again, I hope I'm not stepping on any toes or breaking any rules!

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 31140

Message 31142#283916

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On 2/10/2011 at 12:50am, Grimcleaver wrote:
RE: Re: Upcoming Playtest Looking for Product in Development

Augh! Sorry. Apparently my opening question was totally true and this post seems to be in the wrong place, has violated some site rules, and seems to be mildly insulting to the efforts of all involved. I can't seem to find a way to delete my post, so if someone in authority could please shoot my post in the head so as to put it out of its misery.

Eep...and thanks.

Message 31142#283925

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On 2/10/2011 at 1:10am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Upcoming Playtest Looking for Product in Development

Hey, nothing's that terrible.

Wrong place/post, sure, but no insults, no agony. No public shame, no apologies necessary, and no deleting - in short, no big deal. I'm totally sincere about looking forward to the threads.

Best, Ron

Message 31142#283926

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On 2/10/2011 at 9:44am, davidberg wrote:
RE: Re: Upcoming Playtest Looking for Product in Development

Grim, I hope it isn't hard to find what you're looking for here.  If it is hard, tell us about it in the Site Matters forum!

Message 31142#283941

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On 2/10/2011 at 6:53pm, Ghostlight Games wrote:
RE: Re: Upcoming Playtest Looking for Product in Development


I put this up a few weeks ago and it hasn't gotten the kind of attention I've been looking for.

It is complete, at least in draft form, and has, afaik, never been played. You might want to take it for a spin if it's up your alley (not sure if it will be, from the games you mentioned). Either way, I've got "more where that came from". And there's a billion other games here worthy of your attention too, I'm sure.

- Devon

P.S. I hope Ronnie did not implicitly forbid this kind of post (am I missing some nuance of these forums to assume that this thread would be locked if we weren't supposed to post in it?).

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 31094

Message 31142#283966

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On 2/10/2011 at 8:42pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Upcoming Playtest Looking for Product in Development

Hey guys,

Let's close this thread down. I should have been a little clearer about that in my post. No more posting to it, please.

Note: "Ronny" is an award. I'm just Ron.

Message 31142#283974

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