The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Secret lies of roleplayers ( SLORP )] Flowchart check and verbal coherancy
Started by: Noon
Started on: 2/22/2011
Board: Game Development

On 2/22/2011 at 10:38pm, Noon wrote:
[Secret lies of roleplayers ( SLORP )] Flowchart check and verbal coherancy

Any points in the flowchart that lead to a dead end? Any opaqueness/unclear meaning in the text? Does it disappear up it's own arse, like a news report on news reporters might?

Message 31205#284442

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On 2/22/2011 at 11:07pm, Gregor Hutton wrote:
Re: [Secret lies of roleplayers ( SLORP )] Flowchart check and verbal coherancy

Callan, for what it's worth I feel you should step back from wherever you're going with this.

That post is just odd. And not in a good way.

Message 31205#284443

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On 2/22/2011 at 11:57pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: [Secret lies of roleplayers ( SLORP )] Flowchart check and verbal coherancy

Grab a clue, guys. You're being suckered. See either the Game Development or the Ronnies threads about Willow's game The Secret Lives of Serial Killers for the background if you're interested. This is Fang Langford all over again, trying for attention, offense, and above-it-all detachment at the same time when he couldn't get his way.

Callan's rationally stated position may be found in Site Discussion. Discuss it there if you want to. This thread, which I judge to be a fit of sophomoric hysteria, can be closed.

Best, Ron

Message 31205#284444

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...from around 2/22/2011