The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Good Stores to Contact?
Started by: joepub
Started on: 3/14/2011
Board: Publishing

On 3/14/2011 at 11:07pm, joepub wrote:
Good Stores to Contact?

Hey all,

I recently published Perfect, Unrevised, a game about crime in a steampunk dystopia. I'm planning to send an email out to retailers, to ask them if they'd like to pick up some copies for their store. I'm not working with IPR or any distributors at this point, so it falls upon me to contact retailers directly.

I'm looking for a list of indie-friendly retailers, from anywhere in the world. If you know any places that'd be good to speak to, I'd love to know about them! Either as a direct reply here, or as a PM or email.

If you have the name & email of the person I should speak to, that'd also be radical.
Perhaps this can serve as a useful destination for others looking for similar information!

Message 31286#285153

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On 3/15/2011 at 3:06am, Jason Pitre wrote:
Re: Good Stores to Contact?

My easy suggestion is to work off the IPR retailers list as a starting place.  If they order IPR, they must have _some_ audience interested in the independent and niche games. 

Message 31286#285161

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On 3/15/2011 at 3:06pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: Good Stores to Contact?

Here's a list of the retailers who carry my games: Hooray Retailers!


Message 31286#285169

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On 3/15/2011 at 3:24pm, Mike Sugarbaker wrote:
RE: Re: Good Stores to Contact?

Note that a store that works with IPR may be doing so because they don't actually like handling a zillion individual publisher accounts themselves. They'll do it if you have something special their customers are talking about, but if you're just cold-calling them, they may start off by eyeing their ever-growing to-do list and wondering if they want your game on it.

Message 31286#285170

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