The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Little Fears
Started by: Game Mistress
Started on: 8/21/2002
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 8/21/2002 at 8:56pm, Game Mistress wrote:
Little Fears

I am really not sure if I am in the right place. I went to the Key20 publishing site in the hopes of finally finding little fears character sheets, but to no avail. It said that the owners of said site post here, so I figured hey what the heck.......just maybe.....

I am trying to get a game of Little Fears together but my slacker friends are doddling with the excuse of no character sheets (yes, I know that they could just put it on paper, but I reiterate "Slacker") God love 'em! LoL I have checked that particular site several times over, but still.....**Whimper, whimper** character sheets. I can't seem to find them anywhere besides the back of the book, but I have no access to a copier, just the internet and a printer. I have an entire story line and everything but no character sheets and yes, I know I sound like a broken record at this point. Does anyone know of anywhere that I may be able to find the Little Fears character sheets on the net? If so, any and all suggestions would be very helpful. Thanks so much!!!

Game Mistress

I am not bound by the laws of reality....I have a potion of polymorf self and a disguise kit!!!! ----Anastrianna Seonadel

Message 3130#30056

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...from around 8/21/2002

On 8/21/2002 at 9:21pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Little Fears

Hi, welcome to the Forge (and to the Key 20 forum).

The low-resolution versions of the character sheets are available on the website here:

The high-resolution will be put up as soon as I can save my old computer from its current state.

I hope you enjoy the game!

Message 3130#30062

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On 8/22/2002 at 5:14am, Comte wrote:
RE: Little Fears

Hey I clicked the link you provided and it's broken. However when you take the period at the end of the internet address away when the new window pops up it works wonderfuly. However they have thouse big black borders around them. Very stylish but for gods sakes they are hell on my poor printer. I suppose I could ask you to crop the black borders and what not but you are busy. Mind if I do it and post them somewhere like bitterreighn? I won't get around to it untill about next week or sometime cause I don't have any of my neat toys on this computer. Never mind I found my cd full of toys and tried it out, it would be a really quick job, and done none to professionaly. I would just cut out the black boarders, half of that cool little angel kid on the bottom, and the top of the words little fears. It looks kinda goofy but it saves on ink and leaves pleanty of space for notes.

Message 3130#30103

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On 8/22/2002 at 12:24pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Little Fears


I added the period to end the sentence, it wasn't meant to be part of the link. I've fixed it now.

If you want to crop the character sheet and put it on bitterreign, feel free. I hope to have the text-only version up very soon.

Message 3130#30121

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On 8/23/2002 at 7:33pm, Game Mistress wrote:
Little Fear Character Sheets

Thank you so much for your most excellent response time but that is the same site that I have been trying to get the sheets to come up on, thing is, I am not very internet literate so I really don't know what I should do about actually getting the pages to come up, I either get a "page cannot be found" message or the little icon in the top left of a blank screen that normally appears when a page won't load properly. I apologize to anyone having to read about my inabilities on the world wide net but I desperately need some assistance. Any help to be offered is greatly appreciated, I just want to get my game started, my gaming group consists of 8 people including myself and nothing would make me happier than giving them these character sheets to stop the incessant bitching. This game will be only the second game that I have ever actually run myself, the first being Witchcraft, there were problems between all the poeple in that particular group, but that is another story. I am very anxious to get this game started with a more open-minded, "thinking out of the box" kind of group which I have now, but not until I can alleviate the need for character sheets. Sorry to trouble you again, but please respond soon.

Desperate GM,

Q. If you are riding on a jet ski and the wheels fall off, how many pancakes does it take to pave a dinosaur?

A. None! Cause purple has no bones!!! LoL

Message 3130#30237

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On 8/23/2002 at 7:40pm, Adam wrote:
RE: Little Fears and both work fine for me. The JPG versions, however, seem to be down.

Jason, let me know if you can't get the JPG versions from your local archives for some reason, and I'll re-do them from the PDF version for you.

Message 3130#30238

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On 8/23/2002 at 7:56pm, Game Mistress wrote:
Thank you!!!

Thank you to all that have helped me, I finally have finished my adventure in the exhausting search for character sheets and have emerged triumphant! Woo Hoo! The alternate sheet in the center is still giving problems but I have what I needed, this is just a small note to let you know. Thanks once again for everything.

Elated GM,

Tip: When life hands you lemons, use them to throw at your enemies!!!

Message 3130#30243

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On 8/23/2002 at 11:45pm, Comte wrote:
RE: Little Fears

Tip: When life hands you lemons, use them to throw at your enemies!!!

Actually I usually slice them up and squeeze them into the eyes of my already captured enemies...or lazy players whom ever is occupying the chair at the moment.

I have not enough to do, so I'm gonna try and turn this into something vaugly productive...questions are productive.

[Query] so what do you use to make thouse text only charecter sheets? Do you just use word or some sort of special program that lets you lay everything out. If I could make my own charecter sheets I would be infinatly happy, that way I could easly keep track of all NPC information at a glance. After all things are easyer to find when you make them yourself. [/Query]

Message 3130#30283

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