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Topic: How do you Die?
Started by: F33
Started on: 3/16/2011
Board: Game Development

On 3/16/2011 at 12:19am, F33 wrote:
How do you Die?

Currently, I am working on a game that uses a system of d6 dice for attacks and skill checks. If your level in Strength is 2, you roll 2d6 for the skill check. The damage would be 2, since that is the level of the skill you used. If you use a weapon, it adds a damage bonus.
So, my question is, what is a simple way to do Health? There are no levels, and individual skills are upgraded if all dice used roll a perfect six. I can't think of a good way to implement health, dying and death. Any ideas?

Message 31311#285215

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On 3/16/2011 at 12:33am, SteveCooper wrote:
Re: How do you Die?

Well, what do you want combat to feel like? How killable should characters be? Do you expect a character to die 80% of the time after being hit with a spear? Are characters human? What's the genre? More context, please!

Message 31311#285216

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On 3/16/2011 at 5:12am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: How do you Die?


Great question, great topic. I'm posting to remind you that threads in this forum need to include a link to some kind of external document. It doesn't have to be the whole game or even anything but notes, but it has to be something we can use as a reference.

Best, Ron

Message 31311#285218

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On 3/16/2011 at 6:16am, davide.losito wrote:
RE: Re: How do you Die?

While waiting for you to link any reference text for this game, I suggest you to implement some defense-related skill to contrast with.
If the attacker scores higher, the difference left is the "damage" inflicted.
Then it all depends on what kind of game are you aiming for... if you want a gear-releated game, you'll have some kind of armor, valued in "levels" that can adds some protection, in the form of damage subtractions.
If you instead want a highly deadly system, you can have just 1 health level.

How is the whole "combat" managed?
Can you write a detailed example of a fight exchange?

Message 31311#285219

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On 3/16/2011 at 10:20am, Enker wrote:
RE: Re: How do you Die?

Perhaps a system where characters wear armour which has its own damage value - this then must be broken before the character's actual health can be attacked. Resetting itself after each round, in a manner that means groups acting together can quickly vanquish a single foe by having on attack break the armour and the subsequent ones hitting home, where as one on one combat is more drawn out. Higher level characters deal more damage and break armour more easily, etc.


Monster has a HP of 1 but armour value 2 -> is attacked by three player characters each dealing 1 damage a turn if their attack is successful -> The first hits and damages the armour, the second misses and the third hits to break the armour. However because this is now the end of the round (ignoring the monster's attack) the players deal no damage and the armour resets itself.

Monster has a HP of 1 but armour value 2 -> is attacked by three player characters each dealing 1 damage a turn if their attack is successful -> The first hits and damages the armour, the second hits to break the armour and the third deals direct damage to the monster, killing it outright.

Message 31311#285221

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On 3/16/2011 at 8:00pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: How do you Die?

Hi everyone,

So that my post doesn't get missed, let's hold off on further replies until the reference is available.

Best, Ron

Message 31311#285235

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On 3/16/2011 at 11:32pm, F33 wrote:
RE: Re: How do you Die?

Oops, sorry. Here's an example. By the way, 'States' are skills/attributes of a character. Every creature and character has a level for all 18 States. They are things like Strength, Destroy, Intelligence, Aid and Order. I apologize in advance for the very much Alpha version of the instructions.

"States are used for every action. States are upgraded by one point when all dice used roll a perfect six. The outcome of actions are dictated by the State used. The level of the State is how many six-sided dice are rolled. EXAMPLE: If a Goblin is trying to hit a Gremlin, the Goblin would use Strength. A Goblin has a Strength score of two, so it would roll two six-sided die. The Gremlin would probably try to dodge the blow, so it would roll with Reflex. Its Reflex score is also two, so it would roll two six-sided die. If the Goblin rolls higher, it hits the Gremlin. If the Gremlin rolls higher, it moves out of the way. Also, since the Goblin was attacking, the damage dealt would be Goblin's Strength score."

Weapons, like I said, have a name, State and level. For example, Sword:Strength:2. That means if Strength is used to attack with the sword, there is a damage bonus of 2. Also, the character can not use the sword if their Strength score is less than two.
Armor is basically the same. Chainmail:Order:1 would give a bonus of 1 for an Order roll to dodge an attack.

The system isn't perfect, and that's why I'm coming to you. Thank you for the help.

Message 31311#285236

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On 3/17/2011 at 1:04am, davide.losito wrote:
RE: Re: How do you Die?

Well, questions remain: how deadly do you want your system to be?

Message 31311#285237

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On 3/17/2011 at 5:24am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: How do you Die?

Everyone, stop replying. I said, No further replies until an externally linked source of rules information is available. This is a hard and fast rule of this forum, and unless it is met. the thread must be closed.

I do want to see this thread and discussion continue. Please help by following the forum rules.

Best, Ron

Message 31311#285243

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