The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Wanting to buy Universalis; waiting list?
Started by: thousandlegs
Started on: 3/16/2011
Board: Universalis

On 3/16/2011 at 4:57am, thousandlegs wrote:
Wanting to buy Universalis; waiting list?

I first wrote down "buy Universalis" several years ago, and then life intervened. Now a friend and I really both want to buy the book, but it's out of stock at IPR. The spreadsheet indicates that as of Oct 13, 2010, there were 23 copies left in stock at IPR, so maybe that's good news? A sudden burst of buying? But it leaves me in a pickle.

O Mazza the Great and Mighty, is there a chance that IPR will get more stock? I can promise at least two sales if so. Or if not, and you're thinking of another run (either print or electronic), I would gladly put my name on a waiting list and purchase immediately when new copies are available.

Thanking you copiously in advance,


Message 31312#285217

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On 3/16/2011 at 12:27pm, juliusz wrote:
Re: Wanting to buy Universalis; waiting list?

Lucky you! You don't have to wait for Ralph or for a reprint - Noble Knight has both Universalis and Universalis revised in stock. And if you're from Europe, revised edition via Leisure Games seems to be the best option. I mean, of course, if you're not a die-hard IPR customer.

Message 31312#285222

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On 3/16/2011 at 4:42pm, thousandlegs wrote:
RE: Re: Wanting to buy Universalis; waiting list?

Thank you thank you! I have placed an order and will be smiling all day long.

The only reason I know about IPR is because of the link on the site. My Interwiggle searches all seemed to turn up only sketchy companies with one copy to sell at $75. Noble Knight to the rescue!

Message 31312#285227

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On 3/16/2011 at 5:02pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Re: Wanting to buy Universalis; waiting list?

I just checked, and apparently we have a couple of copies of Universalis still in the Arkenstone store as well. Just for reference in case anybody else in Europe is desperate for a copy.

Message 31312#285229

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On 5/17/2011 at 2:37am, jjafuller wrote:
RE: Re: Wanting to buy Universalis; waiting list?

I would just like to note that Ralph and I have been working on getting a PDF edition of the revised edition ready for distribution. Hopefully it will be available soon.

Message 31312#286216

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