The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Quick question
Started by: Chris Chambers
Started on: 3/19/2011
Board: Publishing

On 3/19/2011 at 4:48pm, Chris Chambers wrote:
Quick question

I was looking at incorporating a previously published system as my system mechanic,however I cannot find who owns the property now or how to contact them.  The system in question is the MARS system by David Tennes.  I know FASA had the rights to it once, don't know if they bought the system or just the license.  As it sits FASA isn't around except as a copyright holding entity, and they have no contact information available. 

Any suggestions as to how I can go about this?  I like the information that the "Book of Mars" provides and would like to use that as the base for the rest of the system I am working on.  Hope you can help me.

Message 31321#285288

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On 5/30/2011 at 9:46pm, KeithBVaughn wrote:
Re: Quick question

Why don't you look over the web for fan sites and see if anyone knows of the current copyright holder?

Message 31321#286410

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