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Topic: Supernormal powers in HeartQuest
Started by: Michael Hopcroft
Started on: 8/22/2002
Board: Seraphim Guard

On 8/22/2002 at 3:21am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
Supernormal powers in HeartQuest

I'm trying to put togetehr a liost of 30 or so concievable supernormal powers for HeartQuest. These are the sorts of things that are likely to appear in shoujo stories that have supernatural abilities in them.

In HeartQuest, supernormal pwoers are created and defined individually by the player and the gamemaster working in cooperation to create a viable character. But someone is trying to create a character generator and needs some names to plug into his system.

Can I get some help from my fans? Whenever I need a power for one of my books, I just create one....

Message 3135#30091

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On 9/13/2002 at 8:42am, NinjaBoy wrote:
RE: Supernormal powers in HeartQuest


I can only think of a few.


-Modify Element (Earth, water, fire etc...)


-Group power (All members can combine for super attack)

-Framiliar (Some sort of magical creature which follows their commands)

-Magic (fairly obvious, can read scrolls and do magical things with them)

-Weapon (Can create a weapon out of thin air, normally something like a fire sword, or such. Never kills anyone with it but looks cool)

-Superspeed (vroooom)

-Can contact spirts (Somehow has a link that allows them to talk to spirts, such as forest spirits, ghost spirits etc...)

-Forsee the future (Might be kinda hard to do in an rpg, but could make for an interesting plot device as characters try and change the future)

-Possesed (An ancient force such as a powerfull samurai from the past can posses the character and make them incredebly powerfull)

Message 3135#32610

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On 9/14/2002 at 6:44am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
RE: Supernormal powers in HeartQuest

Transformations are already covered in the HeartQuest rules. They are a common feature of "magical girl" series and come in several vaireties, from instantly changing clothes and activating your other powers to growing instantly older and prettier.

Message 3135#32744

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On 9/14/2002 at 7:07am, NinjaBoy wrote:
RE: Supernormal powers in HeartQuest

ah, well I haven't been able to see a copy of the hq rules yet...

I do plan on picking them up. It seems like an interesting project

Message 3135#32745

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