The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Fantasy Map Collection
Started by: Davik of Kent
Started on: 3/30/2011
Board: Publishing

On 3/30/2011 at 10:13pm, Davik of Kent wrote:
Fantasy Map Collection

I am publishing my Fantasy Map Collection on CD and also making it available for download via my website.

The actual CD is listed in my eBay store here:

The digital download is available here:

Please visit and tell me what you think about both venues. I am looking for some feedback on self publishing and the fuctionallity of my efforts so far.


Message 31377#285542

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...from around 3/30/2011

On 4/14/2011 at 11:06pm, Ghostlight Games wrote:
Re: Fantasy Map Collection

Truthfully: I would download your maps if they were free, but not pay money for them. This has more to do with my income than the quality of your work (or the quality of your marketing). It also has to do with the "market"--there is a glut of free-to-use maps online for those who know where to look, and even for those who don't.

(If your maps were of modern/futuristic locations, which are much harder to find, I might shell out the five bucks.)

I hope that's of any help!

Message 31377#285853

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On 5/6/2011 at 10:52pm, Davik of Kent wrote:
RE: Re: Fantasy Map Collection

Thanks Devon! Its always good to get feedback. I have, just this month, broken even on sales of my CD and have started to make a small profit. YAY!! My eBay sales have done the most for me even after purchasing the software and license, CD's, lables, cases, printer ink, packaging and postage, and not to mention ebay and paypal fees. I decided to offer the product digitally to meet customer demand. I have no delusions of getting rich with one simple product but its nice to see my efforts pay back even a little. For everyone that aspires to publish their own gaming materials, I say go forth and multipy thine efforts! Thanks again Devon!

David Savedge aka. Davik of Kent

Message 31377#286104

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...started by Davik of Kent which Davik of Kent participated Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 5/6/2011