The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Fraxion Payments II (split)
Started by: Danny2050
Started on: 4/2/2011
Board: Publishing

On 4/2/2011 at 5:31am, Danny2050 wrote:
Fraxion Payments II (split)

Hi Folks,

things have been proceeding a pace at Fraxion Payments. We have recently released the ability to assign royalty slices to others for articles on your web sites. The Fraxion Payments margin, which is on a reducing scale based on sales volume, is applied to the web sites aggregate sales for each month, before royalty slices are calculated.

A web site just recently set up using this system is Sorcery Tales. Anyone can sign up to be a contributor and the site pays a 90% royalty slice. Here is the link to the site information in our catalogue:

There is an RPG scenarios and campaigns web site in the works, when and if its editor finishes dealing with his Phd submissions.

Message 31410#285615

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On 4/3/2011 at 3:05am, Ron Edwards wrote:
Re: Fraxion Payments II (split)

The above post was split from Self-publish with Fraxion Payments.

Best, Ron

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Topic 30650

Message 31410#285621

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...from around 4/3/2011