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Topic: Project Exodium
Started by: killxo
Started on: 4/5/2011
Board: Game Development

On 4/5/2011 at 8:14pm, killxo wrote:
Project Exodium

i began work on Exodium in mid February of 2011. it started off as just an idea for an mmo, i was simply coming up with concepts and ideas. i was making use of available time i had in-between classes at my college.
eventually i got very serious about the game and wanted to make it real. obviously i do not have the capacity to create an mmo, so that goal was very unrealistic. i had then planned to shift it into a PnP game, much like Warhammer40k and D&D and all those kinds of games. since then, i've been working a few hours everyday on bits and pieces of it. i have a very clear vision of the game , and i've been progressing at a good pace towards that vision.

i created a blog in early march where i am posting information for the game there. i have about 1/4 of the game already completed, the bulk of it still remains. i plan on using the SRD 3.5e D&D rules as the backbone of the game , along with many unique systems i have come up with myself. i have a To Do list on the main page i posted recently of everything i think is required for the game to be complete and ready to play :)

i am also looking for people interested in the game who might want to get in on the project. doing it all by myself is slow, and just because i think something is good doesnt mean it is because i dont have anyone to bounce my ideas off of. so if anyone is at all interested in the game, send me an email and i will get back to you. thanks :) wonderful forum you have here!

Message 31420#285664

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On 4/8/2011 at 7:57pm, killxo wrote:
Re: Project Exodium

recently i have added the pages for prefixes and suffixes for equipment

i have finished the first tier of skills for the 7 different kinds of magic types, and am in the process of putting those on the blog.

next thing is to get the Mastery skills done, skill for two-handed/one-handed/ranged weapons

Message 31420#285712

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On 4/17/2011 at 6:44am, killxo wrote:
RE: Re: Project Exodium

Game Update

i have finished the skill lists and have posted them. only the magic skills tho, still working on the mastery skills ( i have one of them done, need to finish the other 2

i also went ahead and created a page that explains the character attributes and how they work and what they effect. i'm really happy with the result, and it is quite different from D&D; which is good from my perspective. while i am borrowing ideas from D&D, and some basic rules; i want the game to be unique all on its own in as many ways as possible so it stands out amongst other rpg's.

i'be been playing Diablo 2 alot recently, and it has factoring in alot to my creative thinking. i'll definitely use it for naming schemes for weapons and equipment

keep in touch :)

Message 31420#285876

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On 4/17/2011 at 1:14pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Project Exodium

Hi there,

I want to encourage you in developing this project. However, the Forge is a site for what are called table-top or face-to-face or pen-and-paper games, not computer games. Your project really isn't a suitable topic for the site.

If anyone can help with alternate sites or venues for discussing projects of this kind, please post them here.

Best, Ron

Message 31420#285877

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On 4/17/2011 at 1:44pm, killxo wrote:
RE: Re: Project Exodium

not trying to be rude here, but you obviously didn't read anything i posted or the blog. Exodium is a PnP RPG

Message 31420#285878

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On 4/18/2011 at 2:20am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Project Exodium

You're being polite. I read it but obviously was completely stupid!

Carry on, yes, this is a perfect and excellent Forge topic, and you are golden. I apologize for the stupidity.

Best, Ron

Message 31420#285882

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On 4/18/2011 at 9:17am, killxo wrote:
RE: Re: Project Exodium

Ron wrote:
You're being polite. I read it but obviously was completely stupid!

Carry on, yes, this is a perfect and excellent Forge topic, and you are golden. I apologize for the stupidity.

Best, Ron

heh thats ok :) i'm not offended or anything.

Message 31420#285884

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On 5/5/2011 at 12:19am, killxo wrote:
RE: Re: Project Exodium

There have been several new updates to the blog that are worth looking at.

still looking for a few people to help me with the project. if anyone is interested let me know!

Message 31420#286075

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On 5/5/2011 at 12:39am, Noon wrote:
RE: Re: Project Exodium

Hi Killxo,

Do you have any questions about developing your game? Obviously we all have our own preferences in design direction (or atleast I do), so maybe answers wont match the direction your aiming for. But on the off chance they match, any questions?

Message 31420#286077

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On 5/5/2011 at 10:15am, killxo wrote:
RE: Re: Project Exodium

well, not really. i've actually gone through that phase already. i've been focusing on balancing the ideas of complexity and simplicity; and i've been focusing on doing that with each element of my game. i've ahd variou questions in relation to usage of D&D rules on another forum and those have been answered. i honestly cant think of any kind of questions right this moment. surely in the future i may need some answered, but right now i'm mostly just working on creating everything: skills, spells, weapons, coming up with names, properties and values etc. etc. so, i know what to do but it's taking time because of how much is needed to be done.

Message 31420#286087

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On 5/5/2011 at 3:10pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Project Exodium


The Forge is a discussion forum, and unfortunately what I'm now seeing is that you're basically posting announcements. Here are my suggestions for making your posts compatible with the site.

1. Post about playing the game - not promotional promises, but rather, actual experiences of yours in playing so far. Even ones which led to changes in the rules, in fact, especially those. You can use this forum (Game Development) for these threads. I do not exaggerate in saying that doing this is the single best promotional device you can utilize.

2. Post in the Publishing forum regarding your plans and business model for publication, in order to learn what other publishers have done and what options you may have.

But please, no more posting about "I updated my blog" or anything else which is merely setting your footprint into the forums.

Best, Ron

Message 31420#286089

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On 5/7/2011 at 7:15pm, killxo wrote:
RE: Re: Project Exodium

currently working on creating equipment, and naming them, along with the tier 2 Hybrid skills.

what kind of unique combinations of magics and martial skills do you find to be interesting? Shapeshift, Life, Death, Water, Wind, Fire and Force are the 7 types of magic in Exodium, along with 2-hand, 1-hand and ranged weapon skills. the tier 2 and higher skills are combinations of these. like fire and death combined to make a darkflame, stuff like that. also imbuing your weapons with the types of magics. skills like " you shoot a bolt at the target, as it flies through the air it shifts into a coil and wraps around the targets body making them unable to move", etc.

obviously magic types like combining Life and Death wont see any hybrid skills; because that doesnt make much sense.

also when it comes to dungeons and battle scenario's, what are some you've never seen before? possibly something i could make sure i have to be unique :)

Message 31420#286110

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On 8/18/2011 at 6:19pm, killxo wrote:
RE: Re: Project Exodium

in the past month i've added a fair amount of new things to my blog, along with things i'm currently working on
i've added several new minor races. i really like them alot. i've been trying to tie in the story of the game with every thing i work on, to make things flow more and to give a much more story-like feeling; i think it improved the depth in the game and will allow for plenty of role-playing.
i've also started on a new Campaign for Exodium, it's called the World Eaters Campaign. you can read the full background of it on the blog. the players get to play through the campaign and decide the fate of 2 races! plenty of combat and glorious gaming to go along with it.

my current work in progress is the character sheet. its almost done, im just trying to make it look as organized and well thought out as possible. theres a post on my blog that explains how the sheet will essentially work. simplicity is best! then im gonna to develop equipment, weapons and armor and make a basic character. i'm going to work on the Head Hunting adventures first and start fleshing that out; creating NPC's and objectives and rewards and what not.

please post any feedback or critiques you have; i'm always looking for a way to improve my concept. thanks !

Message 31420#287862

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On 8/18/2011 at 7:34pm, Daniel36 wrote:
RE: Re: Project Exodium

Well, I have one suggestion. Change the "element" Wind to its proper name Air! :)
But besides that, you say simplicity is best, but you choose to use the D&D 3.5 rules as a backbone. Why is that? Any particular reason?

Message 31420#287863

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On 8/19/2011 at 5:41pm, killxo wrote:
RE: Re: Project Exodium

Daniel36 wrote:
Well, I have one suggestion. Change the "element" Wind to its proper name Air! :)
But besides that, you say simplicity is best, but you choose to use the D&D 3.5 rules as a backbone. Why is that? Any particular reason?

heh, maybe i will. i'm also adding an Earth element to the list of magics. it just makes sense to have it.

also, im not using the 3.5e rules anymore. i'm just using my own that i come up with as i go. for example, i dont use AC; i use Armor and Evasion. i want to make exodium to be different from DnD but still have the basic concepts of having a DM/GM and using dice for rolling outcomes.

Message 31420#287875

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On 8/19/2011 at 9:24pm, Daniel36 wrote:
RE: Re: Project Exodium

Good, because D&D is very complicated.

So what is your philosophy? What are you aiming for with Exodium?

Message 31420#287876

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On 8/23/2011 at 7:05pm, killxo wrote:
RE: Re: Project Exodium

Daniel36 wrote:
Good, because D&D is very complicated.

So what is your philosophy? What are you aiming for with Exodium?

sorry for the late reply.

well, i have alot of ideas in my head. they're all very different from what i've experienced as a gamer, and are partially influenced by them. so i want other to enjoy these things i've thought up, because i enjoy them myself and just because its something new and fresh that i think is different from the majority of everything else. so there's a personal side to it that is very strong and is one thing that makes me want to make the game; i'm not only making it as something people can play but as something for myself. i just like being creative and to think up crazy stuff :)

secondly, this is a long term project for me. i hope one day to possibly pitch the game idea to a company and have it made into  series of video games and what not. i believe the exodium universe, when completed, will have a lot of potential. a good example is the warhammer 40k universe. W40k has war gaming, novels, a 3d animated movie, RTS video games and now soon there's gonna be a FPS game. i feel that Exodium can work the same way in that the universe can be used in many ways to create entertainment. the original concept was a MMO that involved territory-take-overs, mass PvP, and story-driven instanced dungeons and lengthy story-quests.

another thing to is that Exodium is my attempt to create something that i see as being kind of..perfect? i like to try new things and do something no one has done before. hard sci-fi is a great realm for creating amazing novels and stories, many stories that never see the light of day in games. so Exodium tries to combine elements of hard sci-fi and fantasy to create a universe that is explained through a evolutionary process, uplift and etc. but species can use magic and there's wild beasts and things called Astral beings. i love hard sci-fi and fantasy and wanted to try and bridge the two of them to make something very cool and unique.

i also want exodium to be something fun and quick to play. i think it would work well as something people could play on a tablet and group up with friends on weekends or after class or after work and play for a few hours through missions and quests and enjoy themselves from the combat and dialogue. i love the SRPG games like Final fantasy tactics and i think exodium could fit well in that genre.

i hope i answered your questions. i kind of jumped around a bit lol

Message 31420#287955

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On 8/24/2011 at 9:51am, Daniel36 wrote:
RE: Re: Project Exodium

Well, that seems as a good enough, solid philosophy. I read your background a little. I like what I read, though I did notice quite a couple of typos and such, but that is something to worry about later.

I didn't really get the World Eater deal. Do they literally eat worlds? Or is it more like depleting the resources like Tyranids?

Anyways, my tip for you is, focus on specifics first. Take time to flesh out the human race first. Why are they called Zev now? Then flesh out the first world they found. How does the difference with Earth affect the people living there? Then flesh out the alien race, etcetera. Don't try to write it all at the same time. Divide it into manageable chunks.

To mirror to WH40K, when it was first released more than half of the races didn't exist yet. Perhaps they were hinted at, but they weren't what 40K focused on. All of those were fleshed out and then released later on, after the original races were sufficiently fleshed out.

Message 31420#287975

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On 8/24/2011 at 9:04pm, killxo wrote:
RE: Re: Project Exodium

Daniel36 wrote:
Well, that seems as a good enough, solid philosophy. I read your background a little. I like what I read, though I did notice quite a couple of typos and such, but that is something to worry about later.

I didn't really get the World Eater deal. Do they literally eat worlds? Or is it more like depleting the resources like Tyranids?

Anyways, my tip for you is, focus on specifics first. Take time to flesh out the human race first. Why are they called Zev now? Then flesh out the first world they found. How does the difference with Earth affect the people living there? Then flesh out the alien race, etcetera. Don't try to write it all at the same time. Divide it into manageable chunks.

To mirror to WH40K, when it was first released more than half of the races didn't exist yet. Perhaps they were hinted at, but they weren't what 40K focused on. All of those were fleshed out and then released later on, after the original races were sufficiently fleshed out.

@ the world eater campaign comment. off the top of my head i'm quite positive i described the race as having a mega-ship that is used to gain resources from large asteroids. but its so powerful that it can "devour" or" eat" planets and obtain their far greater amount and diverse types of materials to use in rebuilding their race. the conflict begins as they encounter the Insane Legion of Wal's planet and they ensue in combat. the player's role is that they take on a task given by a faction, i forget the name atm, and they are meant to "resolve" the conflict between the world eaters and the ILW. the player can resolve it anyway they want, as other races, namely this faction, is going to clean up and profit from the resources gained and possible enslavement of any people left. so you can aid the demise of either side or both sides.

@ the zev comment. The Zev are the last humans whom defended themselves on their home planet. whether it was called earth or not, i havent figured out. but that was their last bastion that they fled too as the interstellar war was ending. overtime the humans changed as they invested heavily in new technologies and essentially wanted to prepare for any other race similar to the progenitors, or the progenitors themselves, to come into contact with and fight again. so they started going crazy with scientific development and their bodies and DNA became warped and very different from when they were still "human". in short; over time the humans changed drastically due to scientific research and are now called the Zev; they aren't human anymore.

i agree that i should focus on certain things and flesh them out completely. i may seem "all over the place" and the reason for that is when i get a good rush of creativity i just right it down and its always different and varies. but its generally always good and that sort of how i've done things so far.

thanks again for your comments and critique

Message 31420#287995

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