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Topic: Dogs in the Vineyard Modern Cop Drama
Started by: two_fishes
Started on: 4/24/2011
Board: lumpley games

On 4/24/2011 at 11:55pm, two_fishes wrote:
Dogs in the Vineyard Modern Cop Drama

It occurred to me that DitV would be a great vehicle for a Detective Drama RPG, like The Wire, Lethal Weapon, or maybe even the Dirty Harry movies. Two players is ideal--partners. The supernatural is dialed way down. Demons are things like booze and drugs, guilt, hatred, etc--the things that drive people to break the law. Escalation can remain exactly the same. The point of many of  these shows and movie is the moral dilemmas in which the detectives find themselves. It's something I'd like to try, I think.

Has anyone done this? I was surprised there was nothing like it in the Alt Settings thread.

Message 31464#285950

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On 4/26/2011 at 8:01am, Josef Wilhelm wrote:
Re: Dogs in the Vineyard Modern Cop Drama

Sounds pretty awesome to me! You could have something like 'Crimes' instead of 'Towns', with the same kind of progression, and a collection of related NPCs. I'm very tempted to try something like this.

Message 31464#285954

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