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Topic: Some Quick Ygg stuff (not long!)
Started by: Christoffer Lernö
Started on: 8/25/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 8/25/2002 at 5:33am, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
Some Quick Ygg stuff (not long!)

As I've mentioned in Ygg & Martial Arts thread, I was considering letting people build up moves one keyword at a time.

But now I'm thinking this might not only be hard to implement but might create too much of a manga feeling (I only want a light touch of it). However, it could've been cool. Especially using the same method to create fighting magics.

What about "God Storm Aura Cannon Blast" for a fat mother of a magic attacking spell? Other names like "Exploding Rain Strike" and "Ultimate Spinning Circle Slash" kind of pops up automatically.

But that might be a little too manga. Let me know what you think.

The second thing was about the professions or classes or whatever. Ideally I'd have no classes, but that leaves me with the problem of balancing all abilities. I DEFINATELY don't feel like doing that.

So classes seem to be the way to go. I originally thought of a standard class+race configuration, but that seemed to force the classes into a too general definition. Consequently I did something more Talislanta style which defines unique classes for every race. Anyway. I made up a few and listed some possible abilities/powers/skills/resources/background related to each. (Reading this list you should keep in mind that '*' means this is optional for the class).

Male Troll Seer
True Seeing
Speak To Nature

Male Troll Forrester
Club fighting
Throw Rocks
Resist Damage
Incredible Strength Feats

Dangerous Female Troll Mystic
Light weapon
Light Armour
Glamour (strong)
Animal Friend
*Shape Shifting

Human Martial Master
Martial Arts School/Sect
Unarmed Martial Arts
Martial acrobatics
Pranja Powers
Deflect Arrows/Missiles
*Iron Claws/other similar hand weapons
*Throwing darts & such

Human Weapon Master
Martial Arts School/Sect
Weapon martial arts
*Martial acrobatics
*Armour movement
*Deflect Arrows

Demonic Corruption

The Human Archer (bowmaster)
Missile Weapon Specialist
Light armour
Nature Lore

Witchpeople Archer
Missile Weapon Specialist
Amazing Stealth
Light armour

Dwarven Artillery Man
Armour Movement
Pyroalchemy (little)
Bomb throwing

Dwarven Adventuress
History (oriented)
Pyroalchemy (oriented)
Geography (oriented)

Shapeshifter of the Witchpeople
*Light weapon
Ultimate stealth
Claw martial arts
*Nature affinity
*Animal Bond

Warrior of the Witchpeople
Weapon martial skill
Martial acrobatics
*Light armour

Dwarven Soldiers
Heavy Armour Movement
Axe, Battle Mace, War hammer and similar
Resist Pain
Never Stop Fighting

Dwarven Slayer
Dwarven runes
Axe, Battle Mace, War hammer
Slayer traditions
Die In Combat

Goblin Fortuneseeker
Pick locks
Pick pockets
Disarm traps
Thief's Ultimate Escape
Haggle & Evaluate
Know any language
Superior Greed

Goblin Renegade
Know any language
Light Armour
*Light Weapon
Superior Intellect

Wandering Weapon Master
Weapon Master Skills +
Dark Secret

Arcane Weaponmaster
Weapon Master skills +
Arcane Incantations
Pranja Soulpowers

Human Talekeeper
Primitive Divination
Light-to-medium Armour
Singing & Playing & Telling
Ancient Lore
Myths & History
Arcane Incantations (oriented)

Human Silent Scout
Light Armour
Spot & Make Traps

Demon Hunter
Demon Hunter Sect
Specialized Weapon Skill
*Martial Acrobatics
*Smell/See/Taste/Sense Magic
Protective Incantations
Create Protective Wards
Exorcism Rituals
Demon Lore

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Message 3172#30381

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On 8/25/2002 at 8:33pm, ks13 wrote:
RE: Some Quick Ygg stuff (not long!)

What about "God Storm Aura Cannon Blast" for a fat mother of a magic attacking spell? Other names like "Exploding Rain Strike" and "Ultimate Spinning Circle Slash" kind of pops up automatically.
But that might be a little too manga. Let me know what you think.

This seems be going against the original feel you set up with your magic system. The game initial sounded darker, nastier, with all that taint and disfiguration stuff. This current line of thinking strikes me as presenting the game with a more cartoonish flavour. Unless you are changing the approach for the whole game, the difference in feel might be very jarring. The use of the classes as described fits the current, or style/action/cinematics, approach, but I'm having a hard time combining this with the "realism" and Illusionist play you discuss in other threads.

Where do you want to take things?

Message 3172#30424

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On 8/26/2002 at 5:25am, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: Some Quick Ygg stuff (not long!)

Yes, I agree that if it's not crossing the line it's at least dancing on it. The reason I'm looking into the manga/anime angle is because I want good scenes for the game. If the game can't replicate the scenes you see drawn then I've failed in some regard.

Considering manga has some of the best scene set-ups you can find, it's a valuable tool. However, if I go too far and make it feel like a manga/anime rpg I've gone too far. I suspected that this was too much myself.

ks13 wrote: The use of the classes as described fits the current, or style/action/cinematics, approach, but I'm having a hard time combining this with the "realism" and Illusionist play you discuss in other threads.

I don't quite understand. I'm not sure if you're referring to the too manga stuff as being "the current approach" or something else. Could you clarify?

Message 3172#30453

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