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Topic: [Game Chef 2011] Anastasia - Legacy of Romanovs
Started by: F. Porcelli
Started on: 7/20/2011
Board: Endeavor: Game Chef 2011

On 7/20/2011 at 5:38pm, F. Porcelli wrote:
[Game Chef 2011] Anastasia - Legacy of Romanovs

Premise: Sorry for my english, but isn't my native language

When I saw the Game Chef 2011 I immediately wanted to participate in the last year, I gave up because I was not good enough, but this year I studied the theory and I have been involved in game creation, diligently.
William Shakespeare is a topic that has fascinated me from the beginning, as posed infinite possibilities of game design ... read the ingredients, however, I had a gap in my mind, I was undecided whether to deal with classical themes, or choose something new and innovative.
After thinking for two days, I chose the ingredients: Daughter, Exile, Nature.
And here is the idea: Anastasia Romanov, history and legend, strong themes and tragic, even as he loves the bard;)
About game mechanics there will be more roles: Anastasia, Rasputin and other supporting characters. I'd like to be a GM-less game and to resolve conflicts we will use the Tarots, including the major arcana and minor arcana.
For now I have written a draft yet, but the next few days will test it with the group.
Will update soon ...

Quando ho visto il Game Chef 2011 ho subito pensato di partecipare; l'anno scorso avevo rinunciato perchè non ero ancora abbastanza bravo, ma durante quest'anno ho studiato la teoria e mi sono impegnato nella creazione di giochi, assiduamente.
William Shakespeare è un tema che mi ha affascinato sin da subito, in quanto poneva infinite possibilità di game design...letti gli ingredienti, invece, ho avuto un vuoto, ero indeciso se affrontare tematiche classiche o scegliere qualcosa di innovativo.
Alla fine, dopo aver pensato per due giorni, scelgo gli ingredienti: Figlia, Esilio, Natura.
Gli ingredienti evocano nella mia mente la figlia di un uomo potente il cui destino è carico di responsabilità; mentre sto pensando a principesse e affini, penso anche agli altri ingredienti, soprattutto all'ingrediente "Esilio".
Ed ecco la scintilla, Anastasia Romanov, storia e leggenda, temi forti e tragici, così come ama il bardo ;)
Riguardo alle meccaniche di gioco ci saranno più ruoli: Anastasia, Rasputin e altri personaggi di appoggio. Mi piacerebbe fosse un gioco GM-less e per dirimere i conflitti si useranno i Tarocchi, compresi di Arcani maggiori e arcani minori.
Per ora ho scritto una bozza provvisoria, ma nei giorni seguenti lo testerò col gruppo.
Aggiornerò presto...


Message 31765#287302

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On 7/20/2011 at 5:41pm, F. Porcelli wrote:
Re: [Game Chef 2011] Anastasia - Legacy of Romanovs

Sorry, I forgot to translate some text... :P
William Shakespeare is a topic that has fascinated me from the beginning, as posed infinite possibilities of game design ... read the ingredients, however, I had a gap in my mind, I was undecided whether to deal with classical themes, or choose something new and innovative.
After thinking for two days, I chose the ingredients: Daughter, Exile, Nature.
The ingredients in my mind evoke the daughter of a powerful man whose destiny is full of responsibility, while I'm thinking about princesses and the like, I also think the other ingredients, especially to the ingredient "Exile".
And here is the idea: Anastasia Romanov, history and legend, strong themes and tragic, even as he loves the bard;)
About game mechanics there will be more roles: Anastasia, Rasputin and other supporting characters. I'd like to be a GM-less game and to resolve conflicts we will use the Tarots, including the major arcana and minor arcana.
For now I have written a draft yet, but the next few days will test it with the group.
Will update soon ...

Message 31765#287303

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On 7/20/2011 at 7:12pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: [Game Chef 2011] Anastasia - Legacy of Romanovs

Sounds good so far! Certainly the last days of the Romanovs will fit the contest theme and ingredients very well.



Message 31765#287305

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On 7/21/2011 at 7:05am, fjj wrote:
RE: Re: [Game Chef 2011] Anastasia - Legacy of Romanovs

F. wrote:
here is the idea: Anastasia Romanov, history and legend, strong themes and tragic, even as he loves the bard;)

I want to play a game about the Romanovs! Tell us more:

• How will the historical background be presented?
• If you use the historical characters, what are your thoughts on replayability?
• Why use tarot cards?


Message 31765#287323

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