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Topic: [AW] Sex and the Battlebabe
Started by: Eliarhiman6
Started on: 8/1/2011
Board: lumpley games

On 8/1/2011 at 7:07pm, Eliarhiman6 wrote:
[AW] Sex and the Battlebabe

Another question. I think I already did read the answer somewhere, but i don't remember it - it was months ago - and I can't find it now, so I'm sorry if it is something you already answered a lot of times...

The special move of the battllebabe is to negate the special move of her partner. But some special moves would be beneficial to her. Can she "turn off" her special move sometimes if she wants? (by the way, what is the reasoning for this special move? It's to show the battlebabe as someone "untouchable" in a sentimental/emotional sense, to show her as someone who is completely free to do what she wants, both or something completely different?)

In our game the battlebabe joined the hocus orgiastic cult. The last session ended with some funny moments, so when the subject did come up the Hocus player said (off-character) that the orgies would be organized late at night, after the battlebabe had gone home for the night, and before that moment, the evening would be at most PG-13.  But thinking after that joke, following the end of the session, I realized that I don't know the correct answer: what happen if the trollbabe join a orgy?

Something that I realized just now: if the battlebabe special move can't be turned off, this means that the only way for the battlebabe to be changed/influenced by sex, is to change playsheet and stop being a battlebabe? Or the fiction is stronger, and she can decide to be affected as much as she like, and the character sheets will simply reflect that?

Message 31806#287579

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...from around 8/1/2011

On 8/1/2011 at 7:12pm, Eliarhiman6 wrote:
Re: [AW] Sex and the Battlebabe

Moreno wrote:
what happen if the trollbabe join a orgy?

Battlebabe!  Sorry, I played a lot of Trollbabe lately. I made the same mistake at the gaming table last session (the fact that the player is playing a battlebabe very similar - horns excluded -  to her previous trollbabe doesn't help...)

Message 31806#287580

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On 8/1/2011 at 7:17pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: [AW] Sex and the Battlebabe

No, the battlebabe can't turn off her sex move by choice and allow the other character's (or characters') to happen. Nobody's sex move is optional.


Message 31806#287581

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On 8/3/2011 at 10:19pm, Eliarhiman6 wrote:
RE: Re: [AW] Sex and the Battlebabe


What about the orgy?

Message 31806#287610

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On 8/8/2011 at 5:22pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: [AW] Sex and the Battlebabe

Well, like, if the battlebabe is in on all of it, then nobody's sex moves happen. If for some of it the battlebabe is otherwise occupied with other people, though, so the hardholder, the driver and the brainer have sex with each other without her, then theirs do happen.

It's the same thing when, I dunno, most or all of the characters are in an orgy. The hardholder gets to give a gift to everyone she has sex with, the driver has to roll+cool for everyone he has sex with, the brainer gets to pry into the emotional histories of everyone she has sex with, and so on.

Message 31806#287652

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On 8/9/2011 at 3:36am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: [AW] Sex and the Battlebabe

Heh. If you've been to an orgy where someone gets to have sex with everyone there, then I want a ticket to the next one.

Best, ron

Message 31806#287658

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On 8/9/2011 at 6:49pm, Eliarhiman6 wrote:
RE: Re: [AW] Sex and the Battlebabe

She's the Battlebabe, Ron. No matter who you had sex with, you were looking at her!

(or maybe, it was a gangbang)

Message 31806#287664

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