The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [AW] I want to be what you were
Started by: Eliarhiman6
Started on: 10/11/2011
Board: lumpley games

On 10/11/2011 at 2:25pm, Eliarhiman6 wrote:
[AW] I want to be what you were

At the start of the game, everyone choose one booklet. No duplicates. OK, that's easy.

Let's say that I am playing an Angel, and my friend is playing a Hardholder.  When I can change the character type (after the fifth improvement) can I choose a Hardholder, too?

I suppose not. But what if my friend's Hardholder is a Savyhead now? And there are no Hardholder played at the moment?

What if my friend's Hardholder is dead?  Or Retired?

What if after a lot of improvement, changes and deaths, there are no unused playbook left?  (OK, this is easily solved by using some other playbook found in the web. But let's say that for some reason I can't use them. I have no Internet access, or I am playing in a setting where they are not usable, or I dimply don't like the and I don't want them in my game). The only option left is to create new playbooks (or ask the players to create them)?

Message 32093#288656

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On 10/11/2011 at 2:49pm, lumpley wrote:
Re: [AW] I want to be what you were

No duplicate playbooks is the rule at character creation. It's not the rule thereafter, although most of the time you'll find it most natural to keep not duplicating.


Message 32093#288657

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...started by lumpley which lumpley participated lumpley games
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/11/2011