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Topic: Dice Mechanic Question: Unsure Where to Post
Started by: Gerald C
Started on: 10/22/2011
Board: Site Discussion

On 10/22/2011 at 4:33am, Gerald C wrote:
Dice Mechanic Question: Unsure Where to Post

I'm developing a game at the moment, and although I do intend to share it here eventually, it's currently much to early to do so. I do, however, want to generate a little discussion about my intended die mechanic, namely getting people in the know to comment on the maths, which is far beyond my ability to calculate. Please let me know where I should post, or simply move this topic and let me know. Thanks!

Message 32156#288830

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On 10/22/2011 at 1:07pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
Re: Dice Mechanic Question: Unsure Where to Post

Hi Gerald, and welcome.

The best solution, I think, is for you to think back on the various dice mechanics you've used or seen used in role-playing games. Not just read about, but experienced. Which ones were especially positive or negative in influencing you in your current design?

Then post about those experiences in the Actual Play forum. You can be perfectly up-front about the design ideas you have in mind; the only requirement is to be reasonably descriptive and reflective about your play experiences that led you to them (as far as you can tell at the moment). The big benefits of doing so are (1) it helps get your own head into thinking about the ideas analytically, and (2) it explains to everyone here exactly what you want the dice in your game to do, in a way that cannot be matched for clarity.

Looking forward to your thread, Ron

Message 32156#288833

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On 10/22/2011 at 4:47pm, Gerald C wrote:
RE: Re: Dice Mechanic Question: Unsure Where to Post

Hi Ron, and thanks very much for the reply. I've been thinking about it, and I'm not sure that what you've suggested is quite the answer for me. The mechanic is unique in my experience, meaning that, aside from the shape and number of dice, nothing about it resembles anything I've personally used before. It was created almost out of thin air in order to reflect a theme of the setting. What I really need now is to find out if the probability graphs in a usable manner. Please feel free to reexplain your position if you feel I misunderstood you.

Message 32156#288834

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