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Topic: rules tweaks
Started by: xiombarg
Started on: 8/29/2002
Board: My Life With Master Playtest

On 8/29/2002 at 8:36pm, xiombarg wrote:
rules tweaks

I'm going to be running this game this Saturday. With that in mind, I kinda have to decide which rules tweaks to use and which ones not to use, of the ones suggested on this forum recently. Any suggestions?

I'm thinking of using the rule suggestion where you always get to roll one die, as I share some of Mike's concerns about being forced to "beg" for the extra dice, but still leaving the d4/d6/d8 award in the hands of the GM for now. (I think testing one difference from the current ruleset at a time is a good plan...)

Message 3243#30847

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On 8/29/2002 at 9:19pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: rules tweaks

Hey Kirt,

I'm going to be running this game this Saturday.

Woohoo! I'm really looking forward to hearing about it.

I think testing one difference from the current ruleset at a time is a good plan...

I agree. I think testing too many new things at once is a bad idea. You might consider the following factors in making your decision:

1) The rules, as written in My Life with Master, rules v. 1.2, include mechanics for Providing Aid and Being Captured that have not been tested because they didn't come up during playtest, and for Innocents, which were not part of the rules document I took to GenCon.

2) A Master created using the guidelines in a curious endeavor: Master creation and an infinity of eight: Master Type/Aspect combinations has not yet been subjected to actual gameplay.

3) I'm considering the one die roll minimum rule for inclusion in the game much more strongly than other discussed rules changes, so I am definitely interested in seeing it playtested.

The question is whether that's too much unplaytested stuff, and never having done this before, I guess I don't know. So it's totally your call. Some form of the Master creation guidelines will surely become part of the game text, so if you're planning more than one session of play, I'd recommend using them.

Good luck!


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On 8/29/2002 at 9:25pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: rules tweaks

Paul Czege wrote: 2) A Master created using the guidelines in a curious endeavor: Master creation and an infinity of eight: Master Type/Aspect combinations has not yet been subjected to actual gameplay.

In fact I don't believe that any Master made on the spot has been played. I think this will be the coolest thing to see in action. That said, I doubt that anything can go wrong with it. Seems like a slamdunk to me. Still, I suppose that it's just possible that somehow a group will make an inappropriate Master. In any case, it will be great to see that playtested out.


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Message 3243#30856

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