The Forge Reference Project


Topic: New Virtual World Platform "Bit Whirl" Looking For Test Drivers
Started by: tehstu
Started on: 12/20/2011
Board: Game Development

On 12/20/2011 at 1:09pm, tehstu wrote:
New Virtual World Platform "Bit Whirl" Looking For Test Drivers

Currently, the platform is best suited for 2D games - single or multiplayer. RPGs like Diablo and Zelda work best with the implemented features, but much more is possible.

Bit Whirl has many similarities with the now-closed Metaplace and with Second Life, in that its content is entirely created by its users. The features page ( ) explains the possibilities.

We are looking for creative people with an idea for a game or other interactive virtual place.
Offering free hosting to anyone who applies with a well formulated project and the intention to make it come true. As long as access to the game/virtual environment stays free, the hosting stays free (and as long as we have spare bandwidth of course).

Sign up for a free account and contact us through our contact form ( ).

Thanks for your interest!
- thestu

Message 32646#290066

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