The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Card-based Mechanics: The Legerdemain Betrayers - Playtest Release
Started by: wicked.fable
Started on: 1/20/2012
Board: Game Development

On 1/20/2012 at 2:55pm, wicked.fable wrote:
Card-based Mechanics: The Legerdemain Betrayers - Playtest Release

Hi all,

I've just recently made the playtest release of my game, "The Legerdemain Betrayers" available. Briefly, it is about four people that find out there are other mages and witches that can perform magic like them and the dire situation that they find themselves discovering this bit of information in. The game's mechanics are card-based (at least one deck of playing cards, including jokers) and there are premade characters as well as a good bit of information for running the scenario the game is about.

You can download the game here: If anyone is interested enough to run the game, I would be very grateful for playtest reports to be emailed to me at

Thank you,

Message 32727#290386

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On 1/23/2012 at 5:15pm, andrei wrote:
Re: Card-based Mechanics: The Legerdemain Betrayers - Playtest Release

I'll definitely playtest it, along with a more rudimentary card-based RPG, in February.

Message 32727#290415

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On 1/23/2012 at 9:47pm, wicked.fable wrote:
RE: Re: Card-based Mechanics: The Legerdemain Betrayers - Playtest Release

Thanks, andrei. I look forward to hearing how it goes!

Message 32727#290418

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...from around 1/23/2012