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Topic: Alternative Terminology: Success
Started by: nataix
Started on: 1/20/2012
Board: Game Development

On 1/20/2012 at 11:14pm, nataix wrote:
Alternative Terminology: Success

I've hit a mental brick wall and need a hand.
The game I've been working on for a few years uses a dice pool system, with each die showing a 4 or greater counting as a "success".
Problem is, I don't want to call it "success".  I want it to be something distinctly different from any term you would use when describing if the overall task was successful or not.  It's not an issue for most experienced gamers, but this has always been one of those weird things that takes some adjustment for some new players.  I considered "hits" as well, but that has the same problem.
"Did you hit him?"  "I'm not sure..."  "How many hits did you roll?"  "What?"
Every time I read what I've got til now, this bugs me.  Now I'm just banging my head on the desk trying to force my brain to go in another direction.

What are some alternative terms for a single die that counts for a successful roll?

Message 32728#290388

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On 1/21/2012 at 2:19am, Noon wrote:
Re: Alternative Terminology: Success

An 'Advance'?

"How many advances did you roll?"

They advance you toward suceeding at the overall task.

Message 32728#290389

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On 1/21/2012 at 3:20am, JoyWriter wrote:
RE: Re: Alternative Terminology: Success


Message 32728#290390

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On 1/21/2012 at 10:03am, DWeird wrote:
RE: Re: Alternative Terminology: Success

If the basic issue is that it won't be obvious to the inexperienced reader, be literal. "4+"

"How many four plusses did you roll?"

Message 32728#290391

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On 1/22/2012 at 7:25pm, andrei wrote:
RE: Re: Alternative Terminology: Success

"How many points did you score?"
Or perhaps "How many passes?"

Message 32728#290403

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On 1/23/2012 at 6:05am, pawsplay wrote:
RE: Re: Alternative Terminology: Success

Diversity in Challenge Outcomes

Message 32728#290406

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On 1/23/2012 at 6:10am, stefoid wrote:
RE: Re: Alternative Terminology: Success

Make up your own little acronym that sounds short and sweet. 

Message 32728#290407

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On 1/25/2012 at 4:51am, nataix wrote:
RE: Re: Alternative Terminology: Success

Thanks! Some great responses.
Points or passes might work, though that could get confused with points of damage. I may have to tinker around with some acronyms.  Diversity in Challenge Outcomes just strikes me as funny and somehow politically correct.  Which makes me wonder if there is not some sort of delightfully evil and funny politically acronym acronym I could use...

Message 32728#290431

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On 1/31/2012 at 1:05pm, Velexia wrote:
RE: Re: Alternative Terminology: Success


S.C.R.A.P.s? (Successful Counted Rolls As Points)

#'s or Higher?

Something in theme with the setting perhaps?

Message 32728#290511

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On 2/9/2012 at 2:28pm, phatonin wrote:
RE: Re: Alternative Terminology: Success


Message 32728#290589

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On 2/9/2012 at 10:35pm, hansel wrote:
RE: Re: Alternative Terminology: Success

I feel like no matter what you write, people are just going to fall back on old habits and call them "successes" or "victories" or whatever it is they call them. Why does it matter to your design that it's called something other than "success"?

Message 32728#290590

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On 2/11/2012 at 8:48am, dugfromthearth wrote:
RE: Re: Alternative Terminology: Success

it's a dice pool problem. To succeed at a task you need to get 3 dice to roll 4+. If you call rolling a 4+ a success it gets confusing that you need 3 successes for the attempt to be a succcess.

whereas if you call a 4+ a point, saying you need 3 points to succeed is clearer

Message 32728#290599

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On 2/23/2012 at 10:51pm, Sintua wrote:
RE: Re: Alternative Terminology: Success

As mentioned above, I recommend "Marks".

I had a shadowrun game going with a bunch of people who were pretty new to RPGs altogether, let alone shadowrun. After I noticed some of the "I got hits, but I dont hit" confusion we started referring to them as marks. Less confusion that way.

Message 32728#290705

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On 2/24/2012 at 3:31am, thedroid wrote:
RE: Re: Alternative Terminology: Success









Bull's eyes



It really depends what kind of flavor you want to give the game.

Message 32728#290711

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