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Topic: [Streed Rpg] Fitting equipment for semi-Modern Action (and Animal Anthros) ?
Started by: Catelf
Started on: 1/26/2012
Board: Game Development

On 1/26/2012 at 12:34am, Catelf wrote:
[Streed Rpg] Fitting equipment for semi-Modern Action (and Animal Anthros) ?

Ok, i have my own Game System, and the basics works. It is a further-development of WW's Storytelling system, but made for further speed and simplicity.
I have tried to turn it into a complete Rpg, but gotten stuck on one area or another.
This is one of those areas: Equipment.

A Player do not have to play an Animal Anthro in the game, but it is possible.
The intended genre and so for it is semi- or pseudo-Modern, but may be used both for some action, some horror, and some comic relief.
The Tech-level is somwhere between 1980 to today ... officially. Inofficially, think X-Files and/or The Fringe.

So, what weaponry would work? What would be proper?

Here is the Basic Streed Rules on download(it should be there, at least ... ) :

Message 32735#290440

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