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Topic: A Must Read for any Sorcerer fan
Started by: Bailywolf
Started on: 9/1/2002
Board: Adept Press

On 9/1/2002 at 8:45pm, Bailywolf wrote:
A Must Read for any Sorcerer fan

I was mucking about downtown Athens today, and I happened into the Bizaro Wuxtry and discovered an absolute must-read for any Sorcerer player or GM... a fantastic (and very well written & scripted) graphic novel called Creature Tech.

The art is quirky B&W and the characters are... well... you just have to read this thing. It goes beyond a source of inspiration for Sorcerer- you could take the characters, situations, and themes in Creature Tech and adopt them whole-cloth to Sorcerer.

Ron- check this one out. It might make a great addition to the official Sorcerer bib.

Here is the author's website:

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On 9/3/2002 at 2:14pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: A Must Read for any Sorcerer fan

Hi Benjamin,

Yeah, Jared tipped me off to Creature Tech a little while ago, and it sounds so Me that I have to have it. I've been a bit wrapped up in GenCon and my recent (very recent!) move to house-ownership, but it's on my Get Now list.

Anyone else know much about the book or the creator?


Message 3274#31176

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On 9/3/2002 at 8:57pm, Bailywolf wrote:
RE: A Must Read for any Sorcerer fan

An cool follow up. I emailed the creator of C-tech to let him know I enjoyed his work, and he said it was currently optioned to FOX for production... he didn't say if it was FOX's TV or film division though.

If you get the chance Ron, its well worth checking out.


Message 3274#31259

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On 9/7/2002 at 5:03am, soundwave wrote:
RE: A Must Read for any Sorcerer fan

To quote Dr. Jameson: "Ooo! I want one of those!"

Message 3274#31836

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