The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Heroes Against Darkness] Solo adventure available for playtesting and feedback
Started by: Justin Halliday
Started on: 2/23/2012
Board: Game Development

On 2/23/2012 at 11:26am, Justin Halliday wrote:
[Heroes Against Darkness] Solo adventure available for playtesting and feedback

The alpha version of the first solo adventure for Heroes Against Darkness, The Sundered Tower, is now up on the rules and downloads page of the website.

The solo adventure has pregen characters, a gamebook section, five combat encounters (each with their own maps) and a bunch of ability tests (plus excitement and adventure).  It's still alpha at the moment as it'll go through a bit of playtesting before we call released.

As ever, drop me an email or comment with any feedback.

You can find The Sundered Tower and the full rules over at the downloads page:

Message 32796#290703

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