The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Another GNS Permutation
Started by: jburneko
Started on: 7/12/2001
Board: GNS Model Discussion

On 7/12/2001 at 9:59pm, jburneko wrote:
Another GNS Permutation

This is in all likelyhood just another permutation of GNS and doesn't add THAT much to the ideas already out there but I thought I would throw it on the table for others persual.

I was doodling on a sheet of paper and I happened to draw a triangle and I started mindlessly labeling it GNS when I noticed I had made a mistake and had labeled the EDGES instead of the VERTICES. This made me curious. I said, well if the edges are GNS then what are the vertices? This is what I came up with.

The vertex where the N edge meets the S edge is what we've been calling Dramatism. This is the style where the GM has a largely pre-plotted or branching storyline that the players then 'live out.'

The vertex where the N edge meets the G edge was most interesting to me because that's where I feel like I myself stand. I determined that this vertex represents people who like stories about characters who are challenged in some way. 'Who Done It' style mysteries fit into this catagory as do tales of high adventure and fast paced action. These are the people who like to play D&D for the challenge of the adventure but hate it when one of the players is killed off by a random non-meaningful die roll because it ruins the cinematic feel of the story.

The vertex where the S edge and the G edge meet was confusing at first. Mainly because I see gamism AS simulationism + game balance and challenges. And then it occured to me that I think this is Wargamming. I found it interesting that I just happened to draw this vertex at the top of the triangle with gamism and simulationism springing forth from it. Also of note is that Narrativism is the edge diametrically opposed to this vertex and that it is common in Narrativist games to refer to 'shaking off the vestiges of wargamming.'

Just some curious thoughts.


Message 328#2902

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