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Topic: Analog Game Development News? Is there any?
Started by: Sp4m
Started on: 3/1/2012
Board: Game Development

On 3/1/2012 at 4:17pm, Sp4m wrote:
Analog Game Development News? Is there any?

This isn't exactly "game development" related, but this is the best place I could think of to ask.

I'm looking for news sites or blogs that talk about developments in the board game world. Either indie or mainstream, I'd like to know what's going on, what's coming up, and the politics of the choices that get made when development becomes a business.

Message 32814#290750

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On 3/15/2012 at 4:41pm, Sp4m wrote:
Re: Analog Game Development News? Is there any?

In case others are looking for something similar, here's what I've found in the past week.

Penny-Arcade Report has a Tabletop Section.

The Fortress-AT is a board game new and review site, with frequent updates and articles.

the Dice Tower is a video review site. On the lighter side of things, they mostly do review, but produce often and with good quality.

Message 32814#290815

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On 3/19/2012 at 7:59pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Analog Game Development News? Is there any?


I'm going to remove this topic, I think. It's not matching the goals for the forum.

I'm posting, instead of simply clicking-and removing, to let you know I appreciate the thought but eventually decided it wasn't a good fit.

Best, Ron

Message 32814#290848

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...started by Ron Edwards which Ron Edwards participated Game Development
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...from around 3/19/2012