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Topic: Looking for collaborators for a (Hybrid) Tabletop and Miniatures FRPG.
Started by: Snake_Eyes
Started on: 3/4/2012
Board: Game Development

On 3/4/2012 at 11:20am, Snake_Eyes wrote:
Looking for collaborators for a (Hybrid) Tabletop and Miniatures FRPG.

I am looking for help and feedback on a game I am in the process of making, it is a work in progress. MARS is a Miniature Action Role-play System, it is a miniature and tabletop hybrid within the FRPG genre.

The dice mechanic is based on 3d6 VG Fudge, and it uses a Graphic Combat System modeled off the Harn character sheet.

*Note* This is a WIP and is not a complete game to play.

Questions or Comments?
:) Snake_Eyes

Message 32817#290763

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On 3/7/2012 at 6:32pm, Sp4m wrote:
Re: Looking for collaborators for a (Hybrid) Tabletop and Miniatures FRPG.

Document appears to be empty "Untitled Document" try again!

Message 32817#290775

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On 3/7/2012 at 7:29pm, Snake_Eyes wrote:
RE: Re: Looking for collaborators for a (Hybrid) Tabletop and Miniatures FRPG.

Sp4m wrote:
Document appears to be empty "Untitled Document" try again!

Message 32817#290777

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On 3/8/2012 at 7:17pm, Sp4m wrote:
RE: Re: Looking for collaborators for a (Hybrid) Tabletop and Miniatures FRPG.

I think you're document needs a little formatting improvement before you can start getting collaborators.
I can only speak for myself, but a 31 page wall of text is more than I want to approach in my leisure time.

Your document starts out by saying that we'll need a calculator to make characters. That's a pretty big turn-off. Is there a way you can fix that? If not, as a developer, I'd leave that comment out. Otherwise I guarantee you're losing prospective players.

Message 32817#290782

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On 3/9/2012 at 8:08am, Snake_Eyes wrote:
RE: Re: Looking for collaborators for a (Hybrid) Tabletop and Miniatures FRPG.

Sp4m wrote:
I think you're document needs a little formatting improvement before you can start getting collaborators.
I can only speak for myself, but a 31 page wall of text is more than I want to approach in my leisure time.

Your document starts out by saying that we'll need a calculator to make characters. That's a pretty big turn-off. Is there a way you can fix that? If not, as a developer, I'd leave that comment out. Otherwise I guarantee you're losing prospective players.

I have an Open Office document, I just do not know how or where to display it? I can send it to any one interested via email though. I can not display the googledoc any better I am not that good with computers, sorry.

The intro was written when I was going to aim it at under 18, but now I think that I will write for the adult RP. You need to add five small numbers together and then divide by ten, i.e. (3+4+5+6+7)/10=3.5 then do that about twenty more times to generate skills.

I would just atm like it to be at a stage where I can submit it to a host website. I need to do a page of charts, but still have not worked out how to type (probably need to use a drawing program.) it yet. And need to work on a character sheet graphic. It is for a niche market and I might exclude some people, but it is not meant to please everyone. Harn was never a popular system, and is very complex compared to 3d6 VG Fudge, which are the two models I have based the mechanics off.

Thanks for your time and comments,
:) Victorian

Message 32817#290788

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