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Topic: Need proofreaders for a gothic role playing game (already released in spanish)
Started by: penumbra
Started on: 3/6/2012
Board: Game Development

On 3/6/2012 at 7:00pm, penumbra wrote:
Need proofreaders for a gothic role playing game (already released in spanish)


My name is Javier CUesta, I recently completed and released the spanish version of a new gothic role playing game called "Penumbra: the gothis post-apocalyptic role playing game" (But in spanish).

Now Im working on its translatio into english, since I do not have money for paying a profesional translator (more on this laters) I did the translation myself and now Im looking for people that is interested in checking how the bok is written and rewritte it in words that any english native talker would use.

I said that I have no money for paying a profesional translator, well the fact is that the project has been made with alomst no money, The ilustrations of the book has been donated by severall photographers, the text is mine but some short tale sthat has been donated by Azahara, the layout was almosta  gift made by evil design studio... But the result is impresive, please download the game for cheking it in here:

Just go to the lower part of this page and click on "PENUMBRA_el_juego_de_rol_gótico_postapocalíptico" the book is free to download (more on this laters) so if you end in a paypal donation page is that you clicked wrong, go back and search the adequate link.

Thats how the book looks like, at this point both the wabsite and the book are in spanish so you wont understand much but if you want to see it in english you just have to give me a hand proofreading it ;).

I said that the book is free to download, that’s true, the book is only released in digital format so sooner or laters people is going to be able to download it for free, since I do not believe in placing walls in internet I decided to release it for free since the start, what I want is that the book is downloades and read by the more people the better.

Then I ask for if you liked the book or the game and want to support the project you are free to place a donation in Penumbra paypal account. Im only asking for 1.99€ for each copy if you actually like the project (you'll have time to decide if you like it or not when the English version is released).

Well, and that brings me back to the point: Im in need of proofreaders, I already have 7 people that promised to help me in proofreading the book, but since I cant ask them more than what they are able to do and I don't want to send lot of works to anyone Im looking for the more proofreaders the better. If you want to help, please send me a mail to or leave amessage in here and ill get in contact with you.

On a side not and just for touching your fiber ;) Penumbra pretends to be a long term project, and hopefully it will see lots of releases. The point in here is that the releases are going to be affected by the player base, I pretend to create what I called “Penumbra story line” very little is said in the book about the past or the future of penumbra becouse its the player base that playing the official modules who will decide what happened and what will happen in the world (extending the history both forward and backward)

In those modules, and with their games, playerbase is going to decide if certain aspects are included in the rules or not, some examples are “mysticism” (some kind of magic) and “mutations” both will have more sense for you once you are able to read the book in english. The point in here is just to let you know some relevant aspects of the game.

Well anyway, thanks for your time, and please, help me if you can.


Message 32821#290770

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