The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Oracle Online
Started by: JSchwag
Started on: 3/11/2012
Board: Game Development

On 3/11/2012 at 9:07am, JSchwag wrote:
Oracle Online

I've been developing a game in C# on and off for about a month now. I thought i'd upload a screenshot to see if there's any interest here.


- OpenGL graphics. MySQL user/item database.

- The game utilizes both TCP AND UDP sockets in the same way as World Of Warcraft does. Obviously in a much simpler way; however, fundamentally the same for best performance and reliability.

- The map editor is coming along nicely. Blocked tiles work perfect with players and mobs. Warping tiles work great.

- I plan on finishing this game 100%. I will be adding all the basic mmorpg features. As well as a marketplace and buyable guild halls.

The tiles and sprites are unoriginal. I'm looking for a lead art designer.

I have an auto updater ready for anyone who would like to try it out.

Message 32831#290794

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On 3/31/2012 at 8:46pm, JSchwag wrote:
Re: Oracle Online

Set up a temporary website with some new screen shots:

Looking for artists!

Message 32831#290983

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On 4/1/2012 at 12:37am, hansel wrote:
RE: Re: Oracle Online

Hi there,

The Forge is for tabletop roleplaying (i.e. non-digital) game development and discussion. There are lots of other forums to engage in for a game like yours, but this isn't the one.

Message 32831#290984

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