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Topic: [rant] Snake_Eyes Game Chef 2012
Started by: Snake_Eyes
Started on: 4/7/2012
Board: Last Chance Game Chef

On 4/7/2012 at 5:46pm, Snake_Eyes wrote:
[rant] Snake_Eyes Game Chef 2012

**Please excuse the poor presentation, I think I am going to bed, but wanted to get this out, it is based on Native American myths, and is about a contraband ship leaving Earth during the last days of humanity**

Myths are from

They have the dialogue I am using for the scene framing.

And some cool clip art.

Each of the characters will get some dialogue, and there will be additional quotation to frame the scenes, each character will have scene objectives, and individual goals.

It is based on domino tiles and through a gambling mechanic, and a tally at the end one of four individual endings can be reached. There is only the basic rules here they take about 500 words currently, and then there is some examples of the myth quotation relevant to stars, or the four animals etc..


The world is going to end...

And you are going to get off this planet,

It is the year 2532. 520 years in the future, 1040 years after the discovery of the Americas.

The world was dying a thousand years ago, and died already,nothing can save the mother earth, though through fear or love there is hope for her children to reach the stars.

The Slaver Coyote; The Doctor Snake; Spider a Lantern of Hope; and Raven a Mimic; are ready to board one of the last craft off a doomed world, and their only hope last chance at escape.

Coyote has the connections, he is a rutheless criminal with the ability to commandeer a flight. A scavenger of the lowest kind.

Snake, a valued Doctor and medical scientist has a curiousness and heart of a child, with the mind of a genius, with the gift of healing and leadership.

Spider, a psychic medium and fated to to bring great karma and weight, a luck charm of unkown quality, seen by others as possibly both mean and bright. A Lantern to light the future either a dark or pale hue.

Raven, the Mimic a sexual predator, and messanger of death, and penultimate symbol of flight into the stars.

There are different opinions about the stars. Some say they are balls of light, others say they are human, but most people say they are living creatures covered with luminous fur or feathers.

A FOUR/ FIVE PLAYER GAME. (Not sure yet)

“”Earth is floating on the waters like a big island, hanging from four rawhide ropes fastened at the top of the sacred four directions. The ropes are tied to the ceiling of the sky, which is made of hard rock crystal. When the ropes break, this world will come tumbling down, and all living things will fall with it and die. Then everything will be as if the earth had never existed, for water will cover it. Maybe the white man will bring this about.  Well, in the beginning also, water covered everything. Though living creatures existed, their home was up there, above the rainbow, and it was crowded.””

“”They would tell them of how the world today has turned away from the Great Spirit and that is why our Earth is "Sick".  The "Warriors of the Rainbow" would show the peoples that this "Ancient Being" (the Great Spirit), is full of love and understanding, and teach them how to make the Earth (Elohi) beautiful again. These Warriors would give the people principles or rules to follow to make their path right with the world. These principles would be those of the Ancient Tribes. The Warriors of the Rainbow would teach the people of the ancient practices of Unity, Love and Understanding.””

“”They saw Sun die, sinking into the water. They passed over the water and entered Sun's house with him. Sun's house was the great dome of the sky.  All around the brothers were stars and Moon. Moon was a woman, Sun's wife. Moon said to the brothers, "How have you come here, so far from home?"  "We have followed Sun on his daily journey since we were boys."  Then Sun said, "Why have you followed me? It is not time for you to come here."  "We wanted to see where you went when you died," the brothers answered.””

“”One day in the long ago, two young girls were lying on the grass outside their tipi on a warm summer evening. They were looking up into the sky, describing star-pictures formed by their imaginations.  "That is a pretty star. I like that one," said First Girl.  "I like that one best of all--over there," Second Girl pointed.””

“”There are different opinions about the stars. Some say they are balls of light, others say they are human, but most people say they are living creatures covered with luminous fur or feathers.””

“”The animals then decided that it was too dark, so they made the sun and put it on the path in which it still runs today.  The animals could then admire the newly created Earth around them.””

“”At first there was darkness and cold, vast and endless, stretching out in all directions. Beneath the great stone arch of the sky there was a dizzying drop. One by one tiny creatures began to awake and one by one they realized that they were cold, thirsty and very crowded.””


You are going to need a 6 point 28 bag of dominos.


01S 11M 21M 31L 41D 51S 61S
02M 22M 32 42M 52L 62M
03L 33L 43D 53M 63D
04D 44D 54S 64D
05L 55S 65S
06L 66L


01 15 16 23 45 55 56
Swap any exhausted tiled of yours for an unexausted tile at random.

“”While everyone including Our Mother was gathered to gaze at the luminous Morning Star, Coyote tiptoed over to the jar of stars to see for himself what the man was doing. As he lifted the jar's lid just a little, the stars rose to the occasion, pushed the lid away and raced for the sky. This is the reason so many twinkle without order or pattern, and why so many are not named.  Our Mother was angry with Coyote, and said that because of his mischief with the stars Coyote would forever be a wanderer and bring trouble with him wherever he may go. That some days he could be happy and abundant, but other days he would see unhappiness and hunger.””


00 04 14 44 46 34 36
Swap two exhausted tiles, one which must be your own, at random.

Some myths.


03 05 06 13 33 25 66
You may swap any two un-exhausted tiles, one which must be your own, at random.

“”He smiled his special spider smile and moved away, spinning as he went.  Soon the moon glistened on a magical silvery web moving gently in the window. "See how I spin?" he said. "See and learn, for each web will snare bad dreams. Only good dreams will go through the small hole. This is my gift to you. Use it so that only good dreams will be remembered. The bad dreams will become hopelessly entangled in the web."  Sleep well sweet child Don't worry your head Your Dream Catcher is humming Above your bed  Listen so softly I know you can hear The tone of beyond Close to your ear  Love is alive And living in you Beyond all your troubles Where good dreams are true””

“”Then Grandmother Spider said, "Let me try." First, she made a very thick clay pot, big enough to put the Sun in. Then, she spun a web which reached all the way to the other side of the world. She was so small and quiet that these people did not notice her at all. When she was ready, she quickly snatched up the Sun in her big clay pot, and hurried back home along her web. Now her side of the world had light, and warmth. Everyone rejoiced at Grandmother Spider's gift.””


02 11 12 22 24 26 35
You may swap any exhausted tile for any other un-exhausted tile at random.

Some more myths.


6 ICY TOUCH (Command someone)
5 COLD BLOODED (Hurt someone)
4 COOL HEADED (Avoid stress)
3 WARM HEART (Influence someone)
2 HOT BODY (Seduce someone)
1 BOILING POINT (you are Angry)
0 FIERY SPIRIT (you are Passionate)


Each time you perform an action you may use any expend the use of exactly two of your remaining dominos for the scene.

Take your dominos from your hand.

You do this by putting them face down.

Describe your action, and opponent describes their response. Citing the skill you wish to use, and the skill your opponents wish to use.

Flip the tiles.

Compare the skills to the numbers shown on the tiles.

Count the number of successes in your chosen action skill.

and of the chosen defense skill.

Compare them to the opposing players.

Whoever has the most successes wins the resolution.

If it is tied the scene is decided by the highest tile.

Put them into the exausted pile face down.


Change scene whenever any player has performed three actions or contests.


Once each scene you may use your special ability.


You pick a random appropriate tile, and then the player you picked from picks any other random tile of yours. (Do this with the tiles face down)

Thanks all for your time.

Message 32901#291112

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...started by Snake_Eyes which Snake_Eyes participated Last Chance Game Chef
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On 4/8/2012 at 12:12am, OrionCanning wrote:
Re: [rant] Snake_Eyes Game Chef 2012

I really like the idea of Sci-Fi influenced by Native American myth, It's a juxtaposition I haven't really seen before but definitely works. I'm just a little wary of one of the characters being a pre-defined sexual predator, though that's not to say it doesn't seem like an interesting character. Just that it might end up with situations where no one wants to play the creepy guy. Maybe it would be good to have a fifth option, or a short list of character traits that the players can pick from for each character to help inform them but give a little customization. Otherwise I think the characters are awesome and an interesting take off of the associated spirit animals and Native American Mythology.

The Domino system feels simple and quick and dominoes also have a nice tactile feel as playing pieces. I'm at a loss as to which tiles the numbers correspond to so I can't comment on how balanced the different sets are. Looking at the special powers though it does seem to me that Raven and Coyote's are competitively the best, since they would allow you to give someone else an exhausted tile of yours in exchange for an un-exhausted tile of theirs, making them lose power while you gain power. I'm also wondering how tile refresh. At the start of each scene maybe?

Message 32901#291165

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On 4/8/2012 at 12:49am, jackson_tegu wrote:
RE: Re: [rant] Snake_Eyes Game Chef 2012

Wait, so, depending on which role i start with, i get a different set of dominoes, right?
And then those dominoes are tied to two or one (in the case of like 2:2 or 3:3 dominoes) powers; so each role gets different powers in different distributions? That's really cool. Or maybe i don't get it, that's also possible.

You're doing great so far, Snake_Eyes! I read on story-games that this is your first year, welcome! I'm excited to see where you go with this!

Message 32901#291178

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On 4/8/2012 at 5:03am, Snake_Eyes wrote:
RE: Re: [rant] Snake_Eyes Game Chef 2012

Thank you OrionCanning,

Cheers for props regarding Native America myths, to be honest I posted it before going to bed because I thought I was going to get blasted for misusing another culture, and poorly.

It is also not unique there is a finished game with exactly the same elements,

I remember being asked to play V:tM at a reservation in NSW, and a few of the players were indigenous, and really loved any kind of chance to play aspects of their culture. But the elders were quite upset (rightfully so), about anything written by a non-black person. I did not write the game, but was able to have a few conversations with the same elders over the next ten or so years. It was agreed that it probably should be either a snakes and ladders game (yes, they knew exactly what RPG were,) or that it would be better written by a specific person about a very specific cultural idea. There is a published game about black-slavery, that is playable in the classroom, that is the kind of thing they wanted.

**If anyone is concerned regarding the (possible?) misuse of another culture (I am a Euro-Australian), please, please contact me before submission and I will happily edit, remove, or withdraw the submission following our conversation**

Yeah I think each scene will end when any player has performed three actions, or a preset time or when a condition is met.

Though through the gamble mechanism, the tiles swap, and the end-game it determines a set of four outcomes.

I did not want to post the acts last night, but I will over the next day or two.

Thank you very much for giving the game a quick look over, it was very hastily written. I will make a few changes today based on your suggestions and input.

\o/ Snake_Eyes

Thank you jackson_tengu

Yeah, each of the four players (I thought it was easier to have four players than seven) gets pre set abilities.

You deciphered my poorly written notes!

Thanks very much for the warm welcome I just joined theRPGsite, and being a lifelong D&D player was called "Swine" and wanting WotC to make 5E fail, the were not happy campers to say the least.

I just woke up, so Ill re-post made on some changes, and the the acts and outcomes involved. Though it might take another few days to be 100% finished. Just wanted to stake my claim (another person has published a finished version already, and I did not want to directly copy another persons)

\o/ Snake_Eyes

Message 32901#291218

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On 4/8/2012 at 5:43am, jackson_tegu wrote:
RE: Re: [rant] Snake_Eyes Game Chef 2012

Though I don't have any personal thoughts on this, i think that it's really lovely of you to be open to input from people from the cultural backgrounds that you're drawing from. That kind of respect has been rare on the internets, but now you're making it an acceptable thing to do! Thank you!

In addition, thanks for telling a bit about your experiences playing V:tM with that specific group - i've felt a bit weird with some of White Wolf's use of terms in the past for those same sorts of reasons; and i've certainly never played in a group similar to the one you did in NSW. I think that the sharing of your experiences will make it easier for people who might otherwise have been critical to listen more openly and see what you're trying to do - make a game out of elements that draw you in, and not hurt anybody.


Message 32901#291223

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On 4/8/2012 at 8:37am, Snake_Eyes wrote:
RE: Re: [rant] Snake_Eyes Game Chef 2012


Thank you very much for the comments, any and all really help a lot towards my completion of the game. I am quite baffled by a few of the things, so I hope that by concentrating on making a game that is at least easy to review and complete in a sense of having all the right parts to the game, such as a beginning some actual motivations and an end which has some input into what gets achieved.

I wonder about how much I should write about the elements I am using, but the contraband is 100 frozen people in stasis and the four people have separate agendas, apart from personal safety (one of the players does not win by saving themselves). So that there is a number of reveals, each one culminating to a final objective.

There might be a bit of writing, but I will make a checklist, so that it is easier for the people that like talking and rolling bones. So that the epilogue is a timeline of unique events.

There is a game about 3 people hunting a hell-horse, and it has the DM a specific role. Was thinking that might be harder than having a 5th player as DM that reads the adventure? Idk.

Regarding NSW and later discussions,

Well I did not play or roll dice, I sat down for a while with one of the young black guys (there were a few) and the girl with all the books, and I helped the guy that was used to playing, make an adventure he and the girl wrote it basically.

They had a few elements already, but drew on V:tM Australia (Idk the book name) and it was very bad lots of dice and such things. Traditional WW categorization.

The guy was very good at story telling a natural dramatic actor and engaging personality. We  basically described the culture into V:tM terms certain legends overwrote the traditional names, werewolves could change into birds, dingos, snakes, rocks that kind of thing, and the spirits were wraiths and changelings. I cant remember very well but it started of with establishing mechanisms and a lexicon. They did some flashback scenes, and the vampires represented colonial conquestadors. Mages were initiated by vampires, werewolves and such and made up a lot of the normal people. Hunters were usually sided on the indigenous side.

The elders as I said were not happy with a lot of what I discussed, and I know that they had talks with the guys who were all say 16-23, and the DM was a bit upset for a while.

The main problem is that when you make money from Indigenous Australian customs #1 It has to be motivated by love and respect. And be based on the tenet of justice through healing. #2 Financial agreements must be equal, and followed through.

So the most agreed on definition would be that there would be no problem with a white teacher helping primary school 6+yo write a game about the "Australian Aboriginal Creation Myth of the Rainbow Serpent" is it was to promote learning of culture and adhered to traditional story and myth 100%

Myth does not have a western meaning btw it just means "story that sticks 100% to the agreed terminology as judged by the single most senior member of the nation/ spiritual area" This is tricky because Ill use a friend in this example Kevin Buzzacot, it the spiritual embodiment of Lake Eyre SA (hes a rad dude btw check him out, hes always on TV, check out SBS Message Stick if you are interested), but he cant speak regarding women's business being a man, and has to defer to people like his sister or cousins, and is "outranked" in a few areas. Though he can say what is or is not women's business if you understand.

So a game that had the Rainbow Serpent myth could be a Snakes and Ladders game; a Candy Land Game; that kind of thing. With or without game pieces that have additional words. This because it is not-for-profit, not copy-write and also made by black kids, with no interpretation by the white teacher, only instructions on what game pieces might be used etc.. would be fine.

White Wolf World Book with Indigenous legends and myths (equating to modern and dream-time respectively) poorly represented with no financial agreement by strict traditional code is in a lot of trouble, because they have profited from lies regarding black culture. Remember all the spiritual leader in my country had suffered the most horrific ritual abuse from the Catholic church, stolen children, beatings, financial abuse, rape (I would put at least 90% repeatedly sexually abused though I will not quote any figures but I can say honestly this is a very low estimation), there are a lot of suicides and repercussions such as this.

This (the book) is regarded as Satanism, and I agree 100% in this regard. Not saying anyone playing this has bad intentions, or the writers thought they would offend anyone. Tbh I had to show a lot of people where there were clear violations of both  traditional lore and law.

So I know that by using the American myths as outlined above is a clear violation of custom (met some Native America spiritual leaders as well) for both my own country and American. But I will change the final product, this is just me sort of staking my (non-exclusive) claim for my game. Just trying to get my intentions out there as I am running late for the contest. Though I am 99% sure I will have an entry.

Okay, so how do I appease traditional lore?

First the link above, another entry with similar motif, is written by an authority and teacher of American tradition, he is not going to step on any toes, and can personally show his friends who I am sure would think it is really cool.

This does not help me, I am Euro-Australian, and not in the same position as an employed teacher.

By citing references I can clear up any misconceptions easily, because the reader can take an official persons word on the wording and subject matter.

By clearly stating it is a word of fiction, and again pointing readers to a traditional bibliography.

Second, not trying to use it in a bad way, and being open to criticisms from any representation of another culture.

Third, money made without entering a financial agreement can be very tricky, best advice if you dont know and have to guess, dont try and cheat someone from money, and dont be greedy.

Forth, not be subversive. And not to make personal assertions, in this case on American culture. And not state that it is something other than it is.

Means that like the above poster wrote concern about I should omit "sexual predator" and change it to something less offensive (I feel dumb about that slipping though my moral radar, but it was stream of consciousness, and late at night. I was drawn to the NA story of the Cactus Lover. Though I should just base it on another shape-changer.

Also means that I probably need to finish the game by the 13th to review it of elements that I overlooked.

Jackon, I will be happy to go into some greater detail with specific events, though I might have mis-communicated, I did not sit down with the entire troupe, I help facilitate an opportunity for one of the players to write a game on shared narrative. They had experience playing (they played every night at the reservation), it was a part of a long standing series of conversations with Kevin Buzzacot and some other elders about making games regarding themes such as the Dream-Time Uranium Myths, and publishing books for WW and similar. The end result I will sort of say is this, make the game with respect, and probably stay away from anything that works for a company. Like the Europeans (is it Norway?) that can get a cultural grant to write RPGs is the best way to do it. Or keeping it to a simple board game is fine (though under financial agreement has different rules).

It also matters weather you are white or black, and what job and position in society you have.

But simply get the government to pay, and spread a good word celebrating culture, especially the cultures that have living traditions. Something like a dead folk hero is fine, but just dont bullshit and try to make money off it, or advertise something which could be criminal or Satanic.

Australia has a very strict tenet (as above): Justice through Healing. Or "Reconciliation" if you want the anglo terminology.

If you have someones blessing hypothetical example: If Kevin Buzzacot let me use Uranium Dreaming Myths in an RPG about modern uranium mining, and we shook hands on a specific percentage of profits (he can authorize certain financial meetings due to his position), and I kept the money for myself you would find it hard to get respect from them. (I know of a lot of people entering verbal agreements to use lands and the myths associated with it for a product, and then keeping millions personally when all they had to do was give 1% of there profits to keep anyone happy)

Hope that has made a few things a bit clearer, and feel free to ask anything regarding this,
:) Sanke_Eyes

Message 32901#291236

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On 4/8/2012 at 11:18pm, Snake_Eyes wrote:
RE: Re: [rant] Snake_Eyes Game Chef 2012

My game comes with free dominoes!


:) Snake_Eyes

Message 32901#291286

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On 4/9/2012 at 7:26pm, Snake_Eyes wrote:
RE: Re: [rant] Snake_Eyes Game Chef 2012

Alright thinking about the scene structure and and character motivations.

Might change Raven to Crow, that seems to be the more common name.

Coyote wants to save herself, will kill everyone to get what she wants.

Snake wants to save the 100 children in stasis.

Spider wants the ship to have a chance at reaching a space port, and to take an artefact/ person of the Earth.

Crow wants to kill the other spacecraft responsible for the slavery.


The Rainbow Warrior is a contraband space ship, there is military patrol over it, with super obvious cover-up going down.

People want on board, and it is up to the players to choose a few. Apparently there is enough room.

Maybe family and friends?


The terrorists attack and take over Rainbow Warrior.

Plenty of stuff to make some weapons from fire extinguishers and jury rigged cattle prods. Any kind of explosive or propellent can be used, same as flame thrower or air mortar.

Reason or Force?


WTF? 100 babies in stasis?!

Also some random adults.

The whole ship is being sold for organ transplants.

Tensions rise.


In control of the ship:

#Moon Base

#Space Port

#Sell the people as planned

#Back to Earth for more people

#Engage the military

#A Farm-Craft has an emergency beacon

Which to the players choose?


Should be easy to get some life support if they want to wake everyone up.

Plenty of the adults can pilot the ship, but are effectively leaderless.

#The fight damages the electrical system

#An android goes crazy, controlling the computer jettisons people into space messing with doors, armed with an electric welder/ light saber.

#Nanobots start poisoning people, and turning them into zombie vampires

#A homicidal killer destroys half the farm, and takes hostages, drugs everyone with the entire medical supply in the evening meal.

#Flood and Fire, more damaged systems

#People are divided where they should go, and want to return to earth


Rendezvous with an orbital war-craft and slave ship.

They have a ship with a tractor-beam, and a dozen shock troops.

The slave ship houses an alien giant, that with a psychic thrall magician technomancer.

Prolly ends badly.


Okay that is what I have for the module, what do you think?

:/ Snake_Eyes

Message 32901#291338

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On 4/10/2012 at 9:41pm, jackson_tegu wrote:
RE: Re: [rant] Snake_Eyes Game Chef 2012

Hey, Snake_Eyes!

This is looking really good. I liked what you were saying about the background of the peoples of Australia, and the complicated relationships between cultures, their mythologies, and companies for profit. Lots of good thoughts there.

Quick note: if you change "Raven" to "Crow", you'll have two S names and two C names, which will be more confusing. I think you should keep it as Raven. Since "Snake" and "Spider" sound so different, i don't think it's a problem to have them both start with S. And you might think it's silly, but sometimes people can get confused by little things like that.

Next note: You mentioned being baffled by a few of the things.
I wanted to give you some great links to game-design-thinking gold.
Number one, the more important one: The Big Three (questions that you ask yourself)
Number two, great for more thinking: The Power Nineteen (more questions)

I think your idea of a scenario is a cool one.
However, it doesn't sound like the players have a lot of choice at this point - their motivations are handed to them, and the situations are handed to them too. Now, that can be totally fine - but i think a game will have a more positive impact on its players if they have one (maybe two or three) fields of creative input into the story as it proceeds.

It's possible that i just don't get it yet, which is also ok, and as you say, this is one of your early designs - you're on the newer side of game design, right? So this is a part of your sketch book, and while it's really important right now, maybe it won't be all that important (to you) in a few years.

With that in mind, this game doesn't have to be everything - i don't want to stress you out, by giving you those links. But i'm just saying that this idea has room to grow, still, even over this week.

Message 32901#291420

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On 4/11/2012 at 12:00pm, Snake_Eyes wrote:
RE: Re: [rant] Snake_Eyes Game Chef 2012

jackson_tegu wrote:
Hey, Snake_Eyes!

This is looking really good. I liked what you were saying about the background of the peoples of Australia, and the complicated relationships between cultures, their mythologies, and companies for profit. Lots of good thoughts there.

Quick note: if you change "Raven" to "Crow", you'll have two S names and two C names, which will be more confusing. I think you should keep it as Raven. Since "Snake" and "Spider" sound so different, i don't think it's a problem to have them both start with S. And you might think it's silly, but sometimes people can get confused by little things like that.

Next note: You mentioned being baffled by a few of the things.
I wanted to give you some great links to game-design-thinking gold.
Number one, the more important one: The Big Three (questions that you ask yourself)
Number two, great for more thinking: The Power Nineteen (more questions)

I think your idea of a scenario is a cool one.
However, it doesn't sound like the players have a lot of choice at this point - their motivations are handed to them, and the situations are handed to them too. Now, that can be totally fine - but i think a game will have a more positive impact on its players if they have one (maybe two or three) fields of creative input into the story as it proceeds.

It's possible that i just don't get it yet, which is also ok, and as you say, this is one of your early designs - you're on the newer side of game design, right? So this is a part of your sketch book, and while it's really important right now, maybe it won't be all that important (to you) in a few years.

With that in mind, this game doesn't have to be everything - i don't want to stress you out, by giving you those links. But i'm just saying that this idea has room to grow, still, even over this week.

Yeah Coyote and Crow, Snake and Spider; It had noticed it with shorthand notes, thanks for mentioning that.

The Big 19, thanks Ill answer that and then give some brief descriptors of the game


I prolly wont be finishing this game, I lost acess my computer, so unless I get back online in the next two days, Ill just be leaving a brief sketch and not formally submitting the game.

1.) What is your game about?**

A spaceship leaving a dying Earth, it is a military supply ship USS Rainbow Warrior. The PCs find people in stasis in the cargo, and the ship is used for organ donation. The players must choose what to do with the people in stasis whom are mostly small children. The contraband is not descovered until after the ship has lef Earth, and a group of passangers try to seize control of the Rainbow Warrior.

2.) What do the characters do?**

Scene 1: The players have room for several of the people trying to escape Earth to be passangers onboard the Rainbow Warrior. A 100 foot tall Battle-tech Mecha and a single person orbital stealth fighter patrol the craft during its loading and take off.

Scene 2: Passanges take hostages.

Scene 3: Players find children in stasis used for organ harvesting.

Scene 4: Pre-written events such as destruction of services, and mutiny require player choice, and there are only about six pre defined objective. Sell the people as intended, Return to Earth; Escape or Confrontation; Go to the Moon, or Space Port. There are some random elements such as a Farm Ship is in distress and releases an emergency beacon.

Scene 5: The players either reach a space port, or are confronted by the salvers, a small craft with a tractor beam and a half dozen shock troops in environmental suits. The slaver is an extradmenisional alien with a technomacer magicain vassal.

Most likely it ends badly, and the game changes after the reveal of children in stasis.

3.) What do the players (including the GM if there is one) do?**

Each of the four characters has a seperate agenda, they are given an opportunity to be the secondary flight crew after an accident involving the regular contingency. Due to logistical problems they are required to be on board. And should see this as an opportunity to get a few family or friends aboard the suplly ship USS Rainbow Warrior.

Senior Flight Commander (Coyote): Wants to retire, and has paid for the family to be onboard another craft, a farm ship. Primary concerned with family over morality.

Medical Officer (Doctor) Snake: Wants to save as many people as possible, straining sevices until the craft can reach a large space station. Would go back to Earth to reload people.

Navigation Officer Spider (Lantern): A cybernetic human that after a vehicle accident had both hands and the back part of the skull replaced with robotics. They have an Earth artefact, and several people that they need to get off-world safely.

Recreation Non-Commission Officer (Crow): Wants to bring the slavers to justice over the liberty of everyone.

4.) How does your setting (or lack thereof) reinforce what your game is about?

The game is about slavery and organ harvesting, does not really refernce much of the current events such as China using political prisoners as organ "donors". Mostly it is a space adventure with blatent images and motifs. Prolly very lacking with several of the encounters and scenarios, I shoudl do a little more here if I have the time.

5.) How does the Character Creation of your game reinforce what your game is about?

Each of the four characters has a seperate agenda. There is no character generation other than picking one of four pre-generated characters.

A fifth player should play the role of DM/ Storyteller, as could a sixth player. At seven players they should be playing Traveller or similar game, though could simply play a person on board the space craft.

6.) What types of behaviors/styles of play does your game reward (and punish if necessary)?

Players dont really die, there are no mechanisms for death, there are several instances of violence which should have a simple choice to affect the outcome. Dominoes the mechanism for inter-player resolution has strict values at the start, that are changed though individual unique ability.

I cant say reward, but writing down scenes and dialogue is meant to be part of the game.

Each player is very much weighted to beat other characters in some way, and not be able to "win" trying certain course of action against others.

7.) How are behaviors and styles of play rewarded or punished in your game?

Each four characters has a speciality.

8.) How are the responsibilities of narration and credibility divided in your game?

The Players (Coyote is the default player for introducing the reveal and encounters), Ideally a fifth as a DM/ Storyteller, and a 6th player could be the second DM.

9.) What does your game do to command the players' attention, engagement, and participation? (i.e. What does the game do to make them care?)


10.) What are the resolution mechanics of your game like?

Dominoes, and a simple Karma resolution. There is a bit of gambling, and players can use a bit of metagaming.

There is a page of dominoes to cut out, so you dont need to own any.

11.) How do the resolution mechanics reinforce what your game is about?

Bluff and secrets. Though each player may only engage in a certain amount of actions (Three Maximum) per scene, being involved in narration drains resources, so that a player with more resources is more likely to carry weight in narrating change of drama within the game.

12.) Do characters in your game advance? If so, how?

Through the unique gamble mechanic. Though it can be decline or advancement to the final goal. It is not meant to be a campaign, just a single game session, the reveal sort of makes a second playing of the game a different experience.

13.) How does the character advancement (or lack thereof) reinforce what your game is about?

Through action, and then using unique ability to gamble players can change the outcome of the narrative, and therefor potentially reach the personal objective, and "win" the game.

14.) What sort of product or effect do you want your game to produce in or for the players?

Talk about slavery, and organ donations, it has a strong Native American motif with scenes being bridged by quotes from Native American myths.

15.) What areas of your game receive extra attention and color? Why?

I have not completed the game yet, but it is mostly a small series of scenes regarding the space-craft.

I wanted to include some typical space opera elements to make it appear more like a traditional game.

16.) Which part of your game are you most excited about or interested in? Why?

Hopefully using the Native American quotes about stars and space, sort of suits the set in the future and end of the world feel. As the players each have a sperate agenda to what they consider important to the welfare of humanity, when the premise has defined the problem as unsolvable from the onset of the game.

17.) Where does your game take the players that other games can’t, don’t, or won’t?


18.) What are your publishing goals for your game?

Would like to finish it for Game Chef 2012.

19.) Who is your target audience?

Three random people from Game Chef that review the game. so maybe only a traget audience of a single game or two. (Nothing overly grand)

Thanks for the link to the questions, Ill try to outline a bit more of the characters and plot elements.

:) Snake_Eyes

Message 32901#291449

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Snake_Eyes which Snake_Eyes participated Last Chance Game Chef
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...from around 4/11/2012

On 4/15/2012 at 12:51am, Snake_Eyes wrote:
RE: Re: [rant] Snake_Eyes Game Chef 2012

Some of the NPCs (Ill try to add some more regarding the scenes if I get the chance today)


USS Rainbow Warrior is a 1,500 meter supply vessel with a 20 trillion tonne displacement, shaped like a lobster, holding a large cargo. It has a single use gravity drive to reach escape velocity.

Cargo Bay #A has two million cubic meters of aluminium sheeting in boxes and some other construction equipment.

Cargo Bays #B-C-D is a 400 meter diameter sphere clearly colour coded and labled “Fusion Reactor”.

Room #14 Primary Flight Commander
Safe has the key-code for Cargo Bay #B-C-D, use at the cargo bay to gain manual access, takes about 15 minutes.

Has a hard time manoeuvring, due to lack of power being able to be used on the engine.

Artificial Intelligence IBM Odyssey 2001 Space-craft On-board Computer, has gone off-line, and needs manual piloting and navigation.

Normally automated, needs at least a pilot and navigator, as well as an external auxiliary navigation computer.

AI parts 1 through 36, and parts #0 and #00 are not working, it is about the size of a refrigerator at the aft of the craft. The entire AI is sealed with maintenance tape.

Part #0 controls the astral-navigation, and requires a manual auxiliary navigation computer, about the size of a small refrigerator.

Parts 1 through 36 govern the Faster Than Light Engine; and Force-Shield; as well as the Tractor Beam; and Energy Weapons.

Part Double-O #00 controls the AI communication. The Ansible-Communicator; Teleporting Field are off-line, as both require a talking space-craft.

Communicating with the secondary antenna is also impossible, and the only long distance communication is with Laser Morse-code, until the AI can be fixed.

The Rainbow Warrior because of the lack of AI requires three flight crews, the primary flight crew has been quarantined due to space-virus. The secondary flight crew is now in primary command. The tertiary flight crew has taken over the secondary position, and the tertiary position is being filled by the Player Characters.


M16-A1 Mecha Warrior (General Infantry Fighting Robot)

A M16-A1 Mecha has over the black absorption paint, red and white stripes and the chest and head has a blue background and white stars. Looks like a giant American flag, it is 12 meters tall, with bunny ears and antenna, holding a Mecha hand-held Laser Cannon, and shoulder mounted short range tactical nuclear rockets, and two wing mounted rail guns.

It is piloted by a pale pudgy Mech-Warrior wearing thick glasses and the standard Orange and Reflective flight suit.

SR71 Blackbird Orbital Stealth Fighter

A Single man orbital Stealth Fighter. Emblazoned with the D66 Space Ranger Insignia of a pair of bones showing boxcars, with the motto inscribed underneath, “Roll Dice”.

It is manned by a Fighter pilot wearing Orange and Reflective Flight suit, with aviator sunglasses and an Orange helmet with the personal motto “No Dice.. No Mercy”.

ALFIE [Pink]
“Alfie”; Alien Life Form, wearing pink. Can bend light; manipulate 70 pounds with psychokinesis; levitate; read minds; perform card tricks; make mirrors appear as photographs for a short time. Generally psyche-out people with ease. Has an extraterrestrial passport.

THX-1138 [Purple]
THX-1138; Service Droid, wearing purple. 8 foot tall robot with four arms and six eyes. Capable of repairing outside of the ship, though mostly cleans soup dispenser ZYXYZZ. Can lift over a tonne above head in normal gravity.

JOHN DOE [White]
John Doe; Coma Patient wearing white. Due to some error patient has lost all identification. Medical tests reveal rare (AB-neg) blood type, and had anaphilactic shock from shellfish and went into a coma.

JANE DOE [Black]
Jane Doe; Black-shirt. Government space-agent, is using an alias, wears official black jump suit, speaks to no-one and does not reveal why she is aboard. Confidential information, and anyone with a senior rank that asks her she will answer “classified”. The reason is she has a government database with military projects, and other boring but sensitive material.

SARAH [Blue and Green]
Sarah; Wearing a blue dress and green jacket. Sarah's gender is listed as TG, Tran-gender

Sam [XXY]; Has XXY cromozone.

Sam; Athlete and media celebrity. Has too many criminal charges pending to be allowed on board.

Red-shirt. Space-port security officer, wearing a red jump suit, legionnaires cap, and carries a machine gun. Due to psychological profile will not be allowed on board.

Shepard; An error with the ID raises an alarm saying he is banned from travel due to drug charges and being dishonably discharged from the police force. It is clearly an error, though nothing will allow him on-board

Company Executive; wearing brass and white checker suit.

PENNY [Metallic]
Penny; Cyborg Girl wearing metallic clothes. 65% of Penny's body has been replaced with cybernetic parts, and she ways about 65 pounds.

Brown-Shirt; Ship's Security Officer wearing a brown jump suit. Responsible for all security on and off board the ship. Carries around an tablet computer, and main responsibility is supervising Red-Shirt hand out radiation detection badges every 90 minutes.

Primary Flight Crew Commander

Primary Flight Crew Second In Charge (2IC)

Primary Flight Crew Navigator

Primary Flight Crew Engineer

Secondary Flight Crew Commander

Secondary Flight Crew Second In Charge (2IC)

Secondary Flight Crew Navigator

Secondary Flight Crew Engineer

ANDROID [Rainbow]
“Beau” Android Medical Officer; Wearing Rainbow flight suit

Medical ASSISTANT; wearing white and red medical uniform.

JOHN [Green]
John; Wearing green jump suit. Distressed young man.

Alex; Has two children aboard ISS Atlantis.

KATE [Blue]
Kate; Wearing blue. Half of her body is covered in burn scars.

Sal; History of involvement with criminal underworld.

CATH [Blue]
Cath; Wearing blue. Law student and exotic dancer.

Kyle Anderson; Wearing green. Under alias, real name is Kylie Anderson, false paperwork. Blue eyes, blond hair. Dishonourably discharged from the police force after developing a drug addiction working undercover as a narcotics officer.

Jesse; Dom's [Blind] twin. Jesse wont take Dom's place on board the ship.

Billy; Native American, married to Dom [Blind] and also has medical needs.

DOM [White]
Dom [Blind]; Wearing white medical gown. Jesse's blind twin, married to Billy. Blue eyes, blond. Needs surgical attention. Lawyer.

DOM [Euro]
Dom [Euro]; wearing blue, yellow and white. Short, slight build, shaved hair and wearing hat. Has European passport.

BEC [White]
Bec; Wearing white jump suit. First trimester of pregnancy.

Psyche Patient; wearing white medical gown. Is considered delusional and possibly dangerous. Not allowed on board. Denies the Armageddon is happening “The world is *not* going to end!”

:) Snake_Eyes

Message 32901#291615

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Snake_Eyes which Snake_Eyes participated Last Chance Game Chef
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...from around 4/15/2012

On 4/15/2012 at 4:56am, Snake_Eyes wrote:
RE: Re: [rant] Snake_Eyes Game Chef 2012

More babble...


The four former primary flight crew [White], sick, under medical attention of several medical staff [White and Red].

Also two mantaince crew [Purple], that has been afixing maintenance tape over the broken AI computer. A previous maintenance crew did the diagnostics earlier in the week.


Both hands, right arm, right foot and half of skull has been replaced with cybernetics after a vehicle accident when Spider was a teenager. The cybernetics allow natural navigation without a dedicated computer. You are the Navigator of the tertiary flight crew. You wear a Navy flight suit.

Smuggling several eggs in an incubator. The device is labled “Bio-medical cybernetic prosthetics” it can withstand over 20G of force without any energy transferred to the contents, it is fully contained and self sustained for three weeks.


You are the Engineer of the tertiary flight crew. You wear a Grey flight suit.

You are going to kill the owner of PSS Pegasus.


You are the 2IC of the tertiary flight crew, also a trained medical officer. You wear a Gold, White, and Red flight suit.

You are an altruistic person, believing that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.


You are the Commander of the tertiary flight crew. You wear a Gold flight suit.

You were responsible for the signing the cargo manifest of USS Rainbow Warrior and Cargo #B-C-D, and know of the sensitive and illegal nature of the consignment.

You were aboard ISS Atlantis a civilian passanger craft, when due to the Rainbow Warrior's primary flight crew becoming ill, you were designated as tertiary flight commander, and lead the tertiary flight crew.

You will do anything to return to your family, and preserve your own welfare.


1,200 trillion ton displacement.

This farm-craft supplies 20% of the solar systems primary resources, and has released a distress beacon, after the black-hole generator has malfunctioned, causing it to remain stationary, and requiring the three human passangers to seek rescue.

Since USS Rainbow Warrior is on a near perfect trajectory with USS Atlanta, the primary commander has been ordered to rescue the three farmers.


150 trillion ton displacement.

Headed for Jupiter space-port with civilian passangers.


A XX chromozone correctional facility, staffed by women. Is behind current trajectory, would require manoeuvring, and 5 days of travel.


Is behind current trajectory, would require manoeuvring, and 8 days of travel.


Mars's space-port.

Original destination, taking 9 days travel.


15 trillion ton displacement.

Has the replacement AI parts, and is rendevouz with USS Rainbow Warrior, due to make contact in 5 days.


The Stowaway is found to have been hiding in the walls shortly after take off. Due to the inability to land on Earth and take off, or to manoeuvre in space, the Stowaway is put under arrest.


The Earth Liberation Front takes hostages. It is the Stowaway and the Captor, they are armoured and well armed, having barricaded themselves in the Bridge, with several defensive measures taken.


Roll 1d30 to randomly determine who is the Stowaway's partner in crime. They are now considered to be the Captor and to have planned to help Stowaway's seizure of USS Rainbow Warrior.

Captor is wearing a full visor and helmet because is using the blinding laser repeatedly against the hostages.

Both Stowaway and Captor are wearing the two sets of full-armor environmental exoskeleton suits

The Primary Flight Crew and several hostages are taken (roll 4d30 to determine whom).

The Captor has rewired the THX-1138 Service Droid, and control it via a tablet computer.

They have a portable electric stun device, about the size of a travel bag, with several capacitors and a large solenoid coil. It is capable of discharging a near lethal electrical force to anyone walking within a meter of it, they have positioned it in one of the doorways.

An Air-Mortar made from a cylinder and tubing, it fires a flachete sabot of 30 spikes 10cm long and 1mm wide.

A simple hand-held flame-thrower

A four-barrelled derringer Gun manufactured from some simple parts found on board the ship. It is loaded with explosive micro-jet rockets smuggled aboard, and made by Captor. It has a camera and screen attached, and can be used to fire around corners.

A Blinding Laser, looks like a glowing green box with a handle.

Sniper Rifle, a single shot long-arm that uses a single micro-jet shot, it has a scope and long barrel.

A Concussive Grenade. Made from parts scavenged from the engineering department.

A welding peck, that works like thermite, will destroy most of the room and can easily tear through internal walls.

A cargo-release charge with detonator capable of putting a small hole in anything including the hull.


Roll 1d30 to determine the Saboteur.

Using the medical supply and matter convertor (synthesiser) to create a ergotamine like compound and sedative from a gene-bed mattress made from organic material. Drugged the meal in mess hall, most everyone is paralysed.

Then sabotages the primary food supplies and is either trying to kill everyone or force the ship to head back to Earth.

Has taken Dom [Euro] and Dom [Blind] hostage, tied-up and drugged with stimulants and alcohol.

Armed with a metal pole and utility knife, having taken 7,000mg of amphetamines, and almost the entire medical supply of anabolic steriods and human growth hormone. Probably should have died from a heart attack caused by an overdose already.

Spends a lot of time crying and apologizing, there is a chance that if contacted via com-link that the Saboteur will be either randomly calm or crying.

Will take any women and children hostage, drugging and trying them.

If sees a weapon will try to either knock unconscious or kill whomever appears threatening.

If captured will die of an overdose and gives no consistant demand, just asking for help and crying.


One of the passangers (roll 1d30) has been infected by Nanos and has become a vampire-zombie. They have cut out another passangers teeth and is trying to replace their own teeth with them.

The victim is also considered to be infected, both are considered to be highly toxic and infectious. The victim is currently catatonic.

After being infected they will stalk the corridors, trying to bite other passangers. After regaining conciousness the victim will have seizures standing up, like WW1 Shell-shock.


Beau opens several doors jettisoning a random passanger, and another is crushed in an automatic door requiring medical attention.

Beau has a welder/ light-saber and is trying to cut holes in things. This has caused major flooding, spot fires, loss of power, loss of gravity in some areas, and life-support systems to fail. This results in several (5d30) injuries.

If examined a drill hole can be found at the base of the skull, and has been infected by Nanos.

:) Snake_Eyes

Message 32901#291625

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...started by Snake_Eyes which Snake_Eyes participated Last Chance Game Chef
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...from around 4/15/2012

On 4/15/2012 at 8:44pm, Snake_Eyes wrote:
RE: Re: [rant] Snake_Eyes Game Chef 2012




“”Earth is floating on the waters like a big island, hanging from four rawhide ropes fastened at the top of the sacred four directions. The ropes are tied to the ceiling of the sky, which is made of hard rock crystal. When the ropes break, this world will come tumbling down, and all living things will fall with it and die. Then everything will be as if the earth had never existed, for water will cover it. Maybe the white man will bring this about. Well, in the beginning also, water covered everything. Though living creatures existed, their home was up there, above the rainbow, and it was crowded.””

“”They would tell them of how the world today has turned away from the Great Spirit and that is why our Earth is "Sick". The "Warriors of the Rainbow" would show the peoples that this "Ancient Being" (the Great Spirit), is full of love and understanding, and teach them how to make the Earth (Elohi) beautiful again. These Warriors would give the people principles or rules to follow to make their path right with the world. These principles would be those of the Ancient Tribes. The Warriors of the Rainbow would teach the people of the ancient practices of Unity, Love and Understanding.””

“”They saw Sun die, sinking into the water. They passed over the water and entered Sun's house with him. Sun's house was the great dome of the sky. All around the brothers were stars and Moon. Moon was a woman, Sun's wife. Moon said to the brothers, "How have you come here, so far from home?" "We have followed Sun on his daily journey since we were boys." Then Sun said, "Why have you followed me? It is not time for you to come here." "We wanted to see where you went when you died," the brothers answered.””

“”One day in the long ago, two young girls were lying on the grass outside their tipi on a warm summer evening. They were looking up into the sky, describing star-pictures formed by their imaginations. "That is a pretty star. I like that one," said First Girl. "I like that one best of all--over there," Second Girl pointed.””

“”There are different opinions about the stars. Some say they are balls of light, others say they are human, but most people say they are living creatures covered with luminous fur or feathers.””

“”The animals then decided that it was too dark, so they made the sun and put it on the path in which it still runs today. The animals could then admire the newly created Earth around them.””

“”At first there was darkness and cold, vast and endless, stretching out in all directions. Beneath the great stone arch of the sky there was a dizzying drop. One by one tiny creatures began to awake and one by one they realized that they were cold, thirsty and very crowded.””


You are going to need a 6-point 28 bag of dominoes.


01S 11M 21M 31L 41D 51S 61S
02M 22M 32 42M 52L 62M
03L 33L 43D 53M 63D
04D 44D 54S 64D
05L 55S 65S
06L 66L


01 15 16 23 45 55 56

Swap any exhausted tiled of yours for an unexausted tile at random.

You are the Commander of the tertiary flight crew. You wear a Gold flight suit.

You were responsible for the signing the cargo manifest of USS Rainbow Warrior and Cargo #B-C-D, and know of the sensitive and illegal nature of the consignment.

You were aboard ISS Atlantis a civilian passanger craft, when due to the Rainbow Warrior's primary flight crew becoming ill, you were designated as tertiary flight commander, and lead the tertiary flight crew.

You will do anything to return to your family, and preserve your own welfare.
“”While everyone including Our Mother was gathered to gaze at the luminous Morning Star, Coyote tiptoed over to the jar of stars to see for himself what the man was doing. As he lifted the jar's lid just a little, the stars rose to the occasion, pushed the lid away and raced for the sky. This is the reason so many twinkle without order or pattern, and why so many are not named.  Our Mother was angry with Coyote, and said that because of his mischief with the stars Coyote would forever be a wanderer and bring trouble with him wherever he may go. That some days he could be happy and abundant, but other days he would see unhappiness and hunger.””


00 04 14 44 46 34 36

Swap two exhausted tiles, one which must be your own, at random.

You are the 2IC of the tertiary flight crew, also a trained medical officer. You wear a Gold, White, and Red flight suit.

You are an altruistic person, believing that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.


03 05 06 13 33 25 66

You may swap any two un-exhausted tiles, one which must be your own, at random.

Both hands, right arm, right foot and half of skull has been replaced with cybernetics after a vehicle accident when Spider was a teenager. The cybernetics allow natural navigation without a dedicated computer. You are the Navigator of the tertiary flight crew. You wear a Navy flight suit.

Smuggling several eggs in an incubator. The device is labled “Bio-medical cybernetic prosthetics” it can withstand over 20G of force without any energy transferred to the contents, it is fully contained and self sustained for three weeks.

“”He smiled his special spider smile and moved away, spinning as he went. Soon the moon glistened on a magical silvery web moving gently in the window. "See how I spin?" he said. "See and learn, for each web will snare bad dreams. Only good dreams will go through the small hole. This is my gift to you. Use it so that only good dreams will be remembered. The bad dreams will become hopelessly entangled in the web."Sleep well sweet child Don't worry your head Your Dream Catcher is humming Above your bed Listen so softly I know you can hear The tone of beyond Close to your ear Love is alive And living in you Beyond all your troubles Where good dreams are true””

“”Then Grandmother Spider said, "Let me try." First, she made a very thick clay pot, big enough to put the Sun in. Then, she spun a web which reached all the way to the other side of the world. She was so small and quiet that these people did not notice her at all. When she was ready, she quickly snatched up the Sun in her big clay pot, and hurried back home along her web. Now her side of the world had light, and warmth. Everyone rejoiced at Grandmother Spider's gift.””


02 11 12 22 24 26 35

You may swap any exhausted tile for any other un-exhausted tile at random.

You are the Engineer of the tertiary flight crew. You wear a Grey flight suit.

You are going to kill the owner of PSS Pegasus.


6 ICY TOUCH (Command someone)
5 COLD BLOODED (Hurt someone)
4 COOL HEADED (Avoid stress)
3 WARM HEART (Influence someone)
2 HOT BODY (Manipulate someone)
1 BOILING POINT (you are Angry)
0 FIERY SPIRIT (you are Passionate)


Each time you perform an action you may use any expend the use of exactly two of your remaining dominos for the scene.

Take your dominos from your hand.

You do this by putting them face down.

Describe your action, and opponent describes their response. Citing the skill you wish to use, and the skill your opponents wish to use.

Flip the tiles.

Compare the skills to the numbers shown on the tiles.

Count the number of successes in your chosen action skill.

and of the chosen defense skill.

Compare them to the opposing players.

Whoever has the most successes wins the resolution.

If it is tied the scene is decided by the highest tile.

Put them into the exausted pile face down.


Change scene whenever any player has performed three actions or contests.


Once each scene you may use your special ability.


You pick a random appropriate tile, and then the player you picked from picks any other random tile of yours. (Do this with the tiles face down)


Message 32901#291633

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Snake_Eyes which Snake_Eyes participated Last Chance Game Chef
...including keyword:

 (leave blank for none)
...from around 4/15/2012

On 4/15/2012 at 8:47pm, Snake_Eyes wrote:
RE: Re: [rant] Snake_Eyes Game Chef 2012



USS Rainbow Warrior is a 1,500 meter supply vessel with a 20 trillion tonne displacement, shaped like a lobster, holding a large cargo. It has a single use gravity drive to reach escape velocity.

Cargo Bay #A has two million cubic meters of aluminium sheeting in boxes and some other construction equipment.

Cargo Bays #B-C-D is a 400 meter diameter sphere clearly colour coded and labled “Fusion Reactor”.

Room #14 Primary Flight Commander
Safe has the key-code for Cargo Bay #B-C-D, use at the cargo bay to gain manual access, takes about 15 minutes.

Has a hard time manoeuvring, due to lack of power being able to be used on the engine.

Artificial Intelligence IBM Odyssey 2001 Space-craft On-board Computer, has gone off-line, and needs manual piloting and navigation.

Normally automated, needs at least a pilot and navigator, as well as an external auxiliary navigation computer.

AI parts 1 through 36, and parts #0 and #00 are not working, it is about the size of a refrigerator at the aft of the craft. The entire AI is sealed with maintenance tape.

Part #0 controls the astral-navigation, and requires a manual auxiliary navigation computer, about the size of a small refrigerator.

Parts 1 through 36 govern the Faster Than Light Engine; and Force-Shield; as well as the Tractor Beam; and Energy Weapons.

Part Double-O #00 controls the AI communication. The Ansible-Communicator; Teleporting Field are off-line, as both require a talking space-craft.

Communicating with the secondary antenna is also impossible, and the only long distance communication is with Laser Morse-code, until the AI can be fixed.

The Rainbow Warrior because of the lack of AI requires three flight crews, the primary flight crew has been quarantined due to space-virus. The secondary flight crew is now in primary command. The tertiary flight crew has taken over the secondary position, and the tertiary position is being filled by the Player Characters.

M16-A1 Mecha Warrior (General Infantry Fighting Robot)

A M16-A1 Mecha has over the black absorption paint, red and white stripes and the chest and head has a blue background and white stars. Looks like a giant American flag, it is 12 meters tall, with bunny ears and antenna, holding a Mecha hand-held Laser Cannon, and shoulder mounted short range tactical nuclear rockets, and two wing mounted rail guns.

It is piloted by a pale pudgy Mech-Warrior wearing thick glasses and the standard Orange and Reflective flight suit.

SR71 Blackbird Orbital Stealth Fighter

A Single man orbital Stealth Fighter. Emblazoned with the D66 Space Ranger Insignia of a pair of bones showing boxcars, with the motto inscribed underneath, “Roll Dice”.

It is manned by a Fighter pilot wearing Orange and Reflective Flight suit, with aviator sunglasses and an Orange helmet with the personal motto “No Dice.. No Mercy”.

ALFIE [Pink]
“Alfie”; Alien Life Form, wearing pink. Can bend light; manipulate 70 pounds with psychokinesis; levitate; read minds; perform card tricks; make mirrors appear as photographs for a short time. Generally psyche-out people with ease. Has an extraterrestrial passport.

THX-1138 [Purple]
THX-1138; Service Droid, wearing purple. 8 foot tall robot with four arms and six eyes. Capable of repairing outside of the ship, though mostly cleans soup dispenser ZYXYZZ. Can lift over a tonne above head in normal gravity.

JOHN DOE [White]
John Doe; Coma Patient wearing white. Due to some error patient has lost all identification. Medical tests reveal rare (AB-neg) blood type, and had anaphilactic shock from shellfish and went into a coma.

JANE DOE [Black]
Jane Doe; Black-shirt. Government space-agent, is using an alias, wears official black jump suit, speaks to no-one and does not reveal why she is aboard. Confidential information, and anyone with a senior rank that asks her she will answer “classified”. The reason is she has a government database with military projects, and other boring but sensitive material.

SARAH [Blue and Green]
Sarah; Wearing a blue dress and green jacket. Sarah's gender is listed as TG, Tran-gender

Sam [XXY]; Has XXY cromozone.

Sam; Athlete and media celebrity. Has too many criminal charges pending to be allowed on board.

Red-shirt. Space-port security officer, wearing a red jump suit, legionnaires cap, and carries a machine gun. Due to psychological profile will not be allowed on board.

Shepard; An error with the ID raises an alarm saying he is banned from travel due to drug charges and being dishonably discharged from the police force. It is clearly an error, though nothing will allow him on-board

Company Executive; wearing brass and white checker suit.

PENNY [Metallic]
Penny; Cyborg Girl wearing metallic clothes. 65% of Penny's body has been replaced with cybernetic parts, and she ways about 65 pounds.

Brown-Shirt; Ship's Security Officer wearing a brown jump suit. Responsible for all security on and off board the ship. Carries around an tablet computer, and main responsibility is supervising Red-Shirt hand out radiation detection badges every 90 minutes.

Primary Flight Crew Commander

Primary Flight Crew Second In Charge (2IC)

Primary Flight Crew Navigator

Primary Flight Crew Engineer

Secondary Flight Crew Commander

Secondary Flight Crew Second In Charge (2IC)

Secondary Flight Crew Navigator

Secondary Flight Crew Engineer

ANDROID [Rainbow]
“Beau” Android Medical Officer; Wearing Rainbow flight suit

Medical ASSISTANT; wearing white and red medical uniform.

JOHN [Green]
John; Wearing green jump suit. Distressed young man.

Alex; Has two children aboard ISS Atlantis.

KATE [Blue]
Kate; Wearing blue. Half of her body is covered in burn scars.

Sal; History of involvement with criminal underworld.

CATH [Blue]
Cath; Wearing blue. Law student and exotic dancer.

Kyle Anderson; Wearing green. Under alias, real name is Kylie Anderson, false paperwork. Blue eyes, blond hair. Dishonourably discharged from the police force after developing a drug addiction working undercover as a narcotics officer.

Jesse; Dom's [Blind] twin. Jesse will not take Dom's place on board the ship.

Billy; Native American, married to Dom [Blind] and also has medical needs.

DOM [White]
Dom [Blind]; Wearing white medical gown. Jesse's blind twin, married to Billy. Blue eyes, blond. Needs surgical attention. Lawyer.

DOM [Euro]
Dom [Euro]; wearing blue, yellow and white. Short, slight build, shaved hair and wearing hat. Has European passport.

BEC [White]
Bec; Wearing white jump suit. First trimester of pregnancy.

Psyche Patient; wearing white medical gown. Is considered delusional and possibly dangerous. Not allowed on board. Denies the Armageddon is happening “The world is *not* going to end!”


The four former primary flight crew, sick, under medical attention of several medical staff [White and Red].

Also two mantaince crew [Purple], that has been afixing maintenance tape over the broken AI computer. A previous maintenance crew did the diagnostics earlier in the week.


1,200 trillion ton displacement.

This farm-craft supplies 20% of the solar systems primary resources, and has released a distress beacon, after the black-hole generator has malfunctioned, causing it to remain stationary, and requiring the three human passangers to seek rescue.

Since USS Rainbow Warrior is on a near perfect trajectory with USS Atlanta, the primary commander has been ordered to rescue the three farmers.


150 trillion ton displacement.

Headed for Jupiter space-port with civilian passangers.


A XX chromozone correctional facility, staffed by women. Is behind current trajectory, would require manoeuvring, and 5 days of travel.


Is behind current trajectory, would require manoeuvring, and 8 days of travel.


Mars's space-port.

Original destination, taking 9 days travel.


15 trillion ton displacement.

Has the replacement AI parts, and is rendevouz with USS Rainbow Warrior, due to make contact in 5 days.


The Stowaway is found to have been hiding in the walls shortly after take off. Due to the inability to land on Earth and take off, or to manoeuvre in space, the Stowaway is put under arrest.


The Earth Liberation Front takes hostages. It is the Stowaway and the Captor, they are armoured and well armed, having barricaded themselves in the Bridge, with several defensive measures taken.


Roll 1d30 to randomly determine who is the Stowaway's partner in crime. They are now considered to be the Captor and to have planned to help Stowaway's seizure of USS Rainbow Warrior.

Captor is wearing a full visor and helmet because is using the blinding laser repeatedly against the hostages.

Both Stowaway and Captor are wearing the two sets of full-armor environmental exoskeleton suits

The Primary Flight Crew and several hostages are taken (roll 4d30 to determine whom).

The Captor has rewired the THX-1138 Service Droid, and control it via a tablet computer.

They have a portable electric stun device, about the size of a travel bag, with several capacitors and a large solenoid coil. It is capable of discharging a near lethal electrical force to anyone walking within a meter of it, they have positioned it in one of the doorways.

An Air-Mortar made from a cylinder and tubing, it fires a flachete sabot of 30 spikes 10cm long and 1mm wide.

A simple hand-held flame-thrower

A four-barrelled derringer Gun manufactured from some simple parts found on board the ship. It is loaded with explosive micro-jet rockets smuggled aboard, and made by Captor. It has a camera and screen attached, and can be used to fire around corners.

A Blinding Laser, looks like a glowing green box with a handle.

Sniper Rifle, a single shot long-arm that uses a single micro-jet shot, it has a scope and long barrel.

A Concussive Grenade. Made from parts scavenged from the engineering department.

A welding peck, that works like thermite, will destroy most of the room and can easily tear through internal walls.

A cargo-release charge with detonator capable of putting a small hole in anything including the hull.


Roll 1d30 to determine the Saboteur.

Using the medical supply and matter convertor (synthesiser) to create a ergotamine like compound and sedative from a gene-bed mattress made from organic material. Drugged the meal in mess hall, most everyone is paralysed.

Then sabotages the primary food supplies and is either trying to kill everyone or force the ship to head back to Earth.

Has taken Dom [Euro] and Dom [Blind] hostage, tied-up and drugged with stimulants and alcohol.

Armed with a metal pole and utility knife, having taken 7,000mg of amphetamines, and almost the entire medical supply of anabolic steriods and human growth hormone. Probably should have died from a heart attack caused by an overdose already.

Spends a lot of time crying and apologizing, there is a chance that if contacted via com-link that the Saboteur will be either randomly calm or crying.

Will take any women and children hostage, drugging and trying them.

If sees a weapon will try to either knock unconscious or kill whomever appears threatening.

If captured will die of an overdose and gives no consistant demand, just asking for help and crying.


One of the passangers (roll 1d30) has been infected by Nanos and has become a vampire-zombie. They have cut out another passangers teeth and has been trying to replace their own teeth with them.

The secondary victim is also considered to be infected, both are considered to be highly toxic and infectious. The victim is currently catatonic.

After being infected they will stalk the corridors, trying to bite other passangers. After regaining conciousness the victim will have seizures standing up, like WW1 Shell-shock, and be unable to communicate.


Beau opens several doors jettisoning a random passanger, and another is crushed in an automatic door requiring medical attention.

Beau has a welder/ light-saber and is trying to cut holes in things. This has caused major flooding, spot fires, loss of power, loss of gravity in some areas, and life-support systems to fail. This results in several (7d30) injuries.

If examined a drill hole can be found at the base of the android's skull, and has been infected by Nanos.


Message 32901#291634

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