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Topic: What happened to "First thoughts"?
Started by: walruz
Started on: 5/5/2012
Board: Site Discussion

On 5/5/2012 at 8:25am, walruz wrote:
What happened to "First thoughts"?

Ok, I know what happened to the First Thoughts sub-forum, so I guess what I'm really asking is: Why is it archived instead of open? Since you need "something concrete" as an off-site link to post in the game development forum, where are you supposed to talk about a concept for a game? General game mechanics discussions?

Message 33052#291934

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On 5/5/2012 at 11:47pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
Re: What happened to "First thoughts"?

The general idea would be to write up your first draft and put it up somewhere else altogether, like your blog or a public file server or whatever happens to float your boat. It's a method of filtering speculative chatter and encouraging people to write their thoughts into a cogent form; after all, most of those first thoughts discussions tended towards idle speculation.

You should also make note of the Forge closure date at this point; I understand the place is going to be shut down in a month or so, so don't start up anything long-term and ambitious here. Still plenty of time for a first draft and some feedback, of course, if you have a good idea for a game.

Message 33052#291939

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On 5/7/2012 at 12:41am, walruz wrote:
RE: Re: What happened to "First thoughts"?

Eero wrote: I understand the place is going to be shut down in a month or so
What? Why?

Message 33052#291948

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On 5/7/2012 at 12:54am, Eliarhiman6 wrote:
RE: Re: What happened to "First thoughts"?

walruz wrote:
Eero wrote: I understand the place is going to be shut down in a month or so
What? Why?

You can find all the info here:  The forge will close down (info & background)

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Message 33052#291949

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