The Forge Reference Project


Topic: The most important thing I've learned
Started by: lumpley
Started on: 6/1/2012
Board: Site Discussion

On 6/1/2012 at 1:35pm, lumpley wrote:
The most important thing I've learned

If you want something to exist, create it!

Thanks, Ron. Thanks, Clinton.


Message 33125#292195

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On 6/1/2012 at 2:58pm, epweissengruber wrote:
Re: The most important thing I've learned

Learn what it is you actually want, concentrate effort on getting it, accept no substitutes.  Then invite others to join in.

Thanks Ron, Vincent, Clinton.

Message 33125#292199

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On 6/1/2012 at 3:47pm, VAgentZero wrote:
RE: Re: The most important thing I've learned

Erik wrote:
Learn what it is you actually want, concentrate effort on getting it, accept no substitutes.  Then invite others to join in.

That's possibly the most profound thing I've heard in a long time.

Message 33125#292206

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On 6/1/2012 at 3:54pm, Chris_Chinn wrote:
RE: Re: The most important thing I've learned

What we do at the table creates everything we imagine.

Message 33125#292207

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On 6/1/2012 at 3:55pm, jessecoombs wrote:
RE: Re: The most important thing I've learned

Thanks guys for an amazing, eye-opening thing that was made here. I'm going to attempt the same thing in my own way.

Message 33125#292208

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On 6/1/2012 at 4:29pm, Marhault wrote:
RE: Re: The most important thing I've learned

I'll log in one more time to say thanks as well.  The Forge was a great and wonderful thing and changed the way I think about and look at games (and other things!).  Thank you to everyone who built, maintained, contributed to or otherwise was a part of the Forge.

Message 33125#292210

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On 6/1/2012 at 4:35pm, Pelgrane wrote:
RE: Re: The most important thing I've learned

I am grateful for the games I've enjoyed which exist as a result of this forum. In the end it's about people playing games.

Message 33125#292211

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On 6/1/2012 at 4:50pm, hansel wrote:
RE: Re: The most important thing I've learned

I never posted here much, but this is the place where I first learned that something like game design could even be talked about and thought about intelligently. And that I could do it, too, if I wanted to.

Thanks, everyone.

Message 33125#292213

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On 6/1/2012 at 6:31pm, Bret Gillan wrote:
RE: Re: The most important thing I've learned

Even though I was not a substantial participant, my games were still born here.

Message 33125#292217

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On 6/1/2012 at 6:55pm, Graham Walmsley wrote:
RE: Re: The most important thing I've learned

Publishing books is remarkably easy.

Message 33125#292218

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On 6/1/2012 at 8:02pm, Warrior Monk wrote:
RE: Re: The most important thing I've learned

Design matters!

Message 33125#292220

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On 6/1/2012 at 8:10pm, hix wrote:
RE: Re: The most important thing I've learned

A game's reward system isn't just about mechanics; it's also how the game satisfies the people playing it. A reward system is the ‘Why’ of “Why we play this game”.

(I learned this here.)

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 31097

Message 33125#292221

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On 6/1/2012 at 8:25pm, Simon C wrote:
RE: Re: The most important thing I've learned

You don't need anyone's permission to make the game you love. But you do need to love it, and you do need to connect with other people who love it as well.

Thanks everyone!

Message 33125#292222

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On 6/1/2012 at 8:34pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: Re: The most important thing I've learned

Two things, really.

1. I am not alone (we are not alone!).

2. The amazing things I always suspected RPGs could be (without any concrete proof!)... it's true, they can actually be like that.

Thanks to everyone who helped make this place what it was, is, and will continue to be. My life is immeasurably better because The Forge was a part of it and the relationships made here will go on and on.

Message 33125#292223

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On 6/1/2012 at 9:08pm, Gregor Hutton wrote:
RE: Re: The most important thing I've learned

I learned to be critical in how I thought about gaming.

Thanks, especially, to Ron, Clinton, Vincent, Emily, Ben, Paul, Mike, Ralph and Eero. To Joe Prince, who through the Ronnies became such a very close friend offline. And to everyone I was on a Forge Booth with, particularly Nathan and Kevin.

And the quote that chimes with me most about the stuff I read on the Forge?

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
—Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788–1860)

Message 33125#292226

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On 6/1/2012 at 9:16pm, Rafu wrote:
RE: Re: The most important thing I've learned

"This thing I'm doing" which is such a big part of my life can be serious stuff for grownups, fully worth the effort I'm putting into it, and not merely a self-serving escape into my childhood memories.

Message 33125#292227

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On 6/1/2012 at 9:42pm, jburneko wrote:
RE: Re: The most important thing I've learned

Meaning in a story is an audience's interpretation of action and consequence, not a calculated message delivered from on-high.


Message 33125#292228

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On 6/1/2012 at 11:39pm, Graham Walmsley wrote:
RE: Re: The most important thing I've learned

On reflection, the most important thing I've learned is how to spot Narrativist games. I can now tell a Narrativist game simply through flicking through it.

My own group are Narrativists, except for one person who is a Gamist, so we like Narrativist games the best. I am really glad the Forge produced so many Narrativist games and did so much to promote Narrativism as opposed to Gamist games like Dungeons and Dragons.

Message 33125#292233

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On 6/1/2012 at 11:45pm, Nathan P. wrote:
RE: Re: The most important thing I've learned

I can do it, to!

(much love)

Message 33125#292234

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On 6/2/2012 at 12:48am, Miskatonic wrote:
RE: Re: The most important thing I've learned

The results you are likely to attain are shaped by the system you used to produce them. If you are consistently dissatisfied with the results that seem to keep happening, re-evaluate the system you are using to produce them. None of this will take away from spontaneity or joyful unpredictability. It's true in every other social endeavor human beings participate in, and it's true in gaming.

Message 33125#292239

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