The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Hey, thanks!
Started by: Calithena
Started on: 6/1/2012
Board: Site Discussion

On 6/1/2012 at 4:49pm, Calithena wrote:
Hey, thanks!

For the friends I made here, on-line and real life both.

For the inspiration I derived here for gaming and for fantasy.

For letting me contribute to what other people were doing here, in whatever capacity I did.

For keeping the DIY culture alive in what seemed like a dark time for it.

For helping me and others figure out what projects there were for us to do, and helping us do them.

I never did manage to use this site to help me write my own RPG, but I know that if I do that someday I'll still be able to track a lot of you down to help out.

Keep creating!

Message 33127#292212

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On 6/1/2012 at 4:52pm, Calithena wrote:
Re: Hey, thanks!

Oh yeah, and what am I thinking - thanks for all the totally awesome games I discovered and played because of you guys!

Message 33127#292214

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