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Topic: Roy's First Game -- The End
Started by: Roy
Started on: 9/4/2002
Board: Universalis

On 9/4/2002 at 3:54am, Roy wrote:
Roy's First Game -- The End

Well, we ended up finishing the game tonight instead of last night. We just got finished and it was a blast!

I'm just going to post the scenes we created tonight. I'll add game notes tomorrow after I've had a little more time to reflect upon them.

Remember, this is a continuation from this thread.


The location is the interior of the warehouse a few moments after Lee Edwards and Alinda found Richard, the shooter. Lee and Alinda are still facing Richard.

A woman wearing a gas mask sneaks up behind Lee and Alinda. She throws a canister of tear gas in front of Lee.

Lee spins around and tackles the woman wearing the gas mask, pinning her arms to the ground.

Richard pistol whips Alinda, knocking her out.

Tears stream down Richard's face, but the Reverend's conditioning program helps him resist the effects of the gas. Richard points the gun at Lee's back as he cocks the hammer. "I'd suggest you get off my wife."


The location is just outside the city a few hours later. Richard and his wife Alexandria are standing while they wait for the Reverend. Lee and Alinda are sitting on the ground with their hands tied behind their backs.

Lee looks up at Richard. "What the hell are you waiting for, boy?"

Richard turns and kicks Lee in the face, knocking Lee to his back. "You'll find out soon enough," says Richard, laughing.

Lee sits back up as three figures approach, the bright sun behind them hiding their faces.

A young man and woman step aside as a large man walks between them. He smiles down at Alinda.

Alinda gasps. "Chief Romano! You're alive!"

The large man smiles sweetly at her. "That's the Reverend to you, young lady. Of course I'm alive. Who else will lead my Chosen to claim the Promised Land tonight?"

Alinda spits at Chief Romano, the Reverend. "You bastard!"

The Reverend just laughs at her. "May God have mercy on your wretched souls, lest you spend eternity burning in the very depths of Hell when you're crucified in front of the Chosen Ones tonight!"

Lee looks the Reverend straight in the eye. "I'll be waiting for you."

The Reverend laughs then turns to Richard and Alexandria. "Get them up."

Richard grabs Lee and roughly stands him up as Alexandria reaches for Alinda.

Lee leans back then slams his shoulder into Richard, knocking him off balance. Richard raises his gun in front of him, but Lee kicks it out of his hand.

Alinda kicks out at Alexandria and knocks her to the ground. Alinda leaps to her feet and runs away.

The Reverend tackles Lee then knocks him out with a solid right to the jaw. "Get that bitch!"


The location is a small cluster of trees with a clearing just a little while later. Alinda is standing behind a tree, holding a large dead tree branch. Alexandria and Richard are approaching the trees slowly, their guns raised before them.

Richard hears a twig break somewhere off in the distance. He walks right past the tree Alinda is hiding behind.

Alinda swings the branch down, knocking the gun from his hand. Richard cries out in pain even as the branch crushes his temple, shattering his skull. Richard's limp body falls to the ground.

Alinda bends down, picks up Richard's gun, and takes a step toward Alexandria. Alinda raises the gun just as Alexandria turns to face her.

Suddenly, Richard jumps up and shoves Alinda to the ground. Alinda's shot goes wide and hits Alexandria in the shoulder, spinning her to the ground. Richard picks up the tree branch and lifts it over his head, preparing to split Alinda's skull open. Richard's dead body tumbles backward as Alinda fires three shots into his chest.

Alinda slowly gets up and walks over to Alexandria.

Alexandria looks up at Alinda, the haze of shock and pain in her eyes. "You shot me, you bitch!"

Alinda's foot connects squarely with Alexandria's jaw, knocking her out cold. Alinda puts Richard's gun into her waistband, then takes off her leather belt and ties Alexandria's hands behind her back. Alinda picks up Alexandria's gun and chambers a bullet. "I think it's time we pay the Reverend a little visit," says Alinda to the gun.


The location is an abandoned auditorium deep within the ruined city late at night. The Reverend is standing on the stage, whipping a horde of his Chosen into a frenzy. Lee Edwards is tied to a cross behind the Reverend. The captured members of Alinda's community are in wooden cages on both sides of Lee.

"I have delivered you unto the Promised Land," shouts the Reverend. The cheers of his Chosen erupt.

The Reverend lifts a torch over his head. "Let us purify the spirit of this Unbeliever with the Flames of Righeousness!" Again, the cheers of his Chosen erupt.

The Reverend turns to Lee. "May God have mercy on your soul."

Lee smiles at the Reverend. "I'll save you a nice warm spot in Hell."

A woman right in front of the stage pushes a hat back off her head. Alinda pulls a gun out from under her overcoat. "Oh, Reverend."

The Reverend's eyes widen as he hears Alinda's voice. Slowly, he turns to face her.

"Nobody calls me a bitch," says Alinda as she pulls the trigger.

Blood splatters Lee as the Reverend falls backwards, a bullet hole in his forehead.

Lee smiles down at Alinda. "What took you so long?"

Alinda shoots the ropes binding Lee's hands then quickly climbs up on the stage. "I thought you were supposed to be the hero."

Lee just smiles as he finishes untying his legs.

A young woman runs toward Alinda, screaming like a banshee. "You killed the Reverend! You killed him!"

Alinda calmly puts a bullet in her head.

"I'm your leader now," shouts Alinda to the gathered crowd. "Anybody have a problem with that?"


I think we got a bit carried away with the dialog this time, but we had a great time. And that's what really counts. Thanks, Ralph and Mike. We couldn't have done it without Universalis.


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On 9/4/2002 at 4:54am, J B Bell wrote:
RE: Roy's First Game -- The End


Pulpy, yet brutal. This should cure anyone still holding the notion that Universalis is suitable only for non-serious, whimsical content. I can tell that with a different group things could have gotten really nasty.


Message 3313#31311

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On 9/4/2002 at 4:28pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Roy's First Game -- The End

Very nice, Roy, very nice.


Message 3313#31380

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On 9/4/2002 at 10:33pm, Roy wrote:
RE: Roy's First Game -- The End

Pulpy, yet brutal. This should cure anyone still holding the notion that Universalis is suitable only for non-serious, whimsical content. I can tell that with a different group things could have gotten really nasty.

I love that you can create any sort of story with Universalis. It's amazingly powerful.

Very nice, Roy, very nice.

Thanks, Mike. I'm really happy with our first story. I can't wait to start another one!


Message 3313#31467

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