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Topic: "Sorcerer" - not in English
Started by: Ron Edwards
Started on: 9/4/2002
Board: Adept Press

On 9/4/2002 at 9:13pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
"Sorcerer" - not in English


I learned neat things at GenCon, like how to say "Sorcerer" in different languages.

Zauberer (German) (thanks to Juergen)
Czarodziej (Polish) (thanks to Jake)

I figure "Brujo" (male witch; warlock) is closest in Spanish.

Anyone else able to add languages? I want lots! Don't give me words for "wizard" or such - I'm looking for the word that a native speaker would really use for the topic of the game.


Message 3324#31447

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On 9/4/2002 at 9:31pm, Blake Hutchins wrote:
RE: "Sorcerer" - not in English

"Trollkarl" in Swedish. My reading is that almost all Scandian folk magic carries a dark edge to it. I've never seen another word for this kind of thing. Trollkarl has more of a warlock feel than anything else. It springs from the idea that the other world is close, and trolls/spirits/what have you are likewise near the mundane. Trollkarl literally translates as Troll + Carl, and implies some authority over and familiarity with trolldom (the unseen world).



[Edited to add info.]

Message 3324#31452

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On 9/4/2002 at 9:31pm, GB Steve wrote:
RE: "Sorcerer" - not in English

It's just Sorcier in French, which is not very exciting.

Babelfish claims the following:
Hechicero in Spanish
巫师 in Chinese
魔術師 in Japanese


Message 3324#31453

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On 9/5/2002 at 4:29am, Ace wrote:
RE: "Sorcerer" - not in English

Well in Old Norse it would be Vitki
or maybe Finngerd (source

who used these so-so sources

Norse Magic, D.J. Conway, 1997
Finnish Magic, Robert Nelson, 1999
Gods and Myths of Northern Europe, H.R. Ellis Davidson, 1964
The Book of Runes, Ralph Blum, 1982

Message 3324#31490

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