The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Possible Source Material... (edited to include spolier)
Started by: urbwar
Started on: 9/10/2002
Board: Adept Press

On 9/10/2002 at 9:02pm, urbwar wrote:
Possible Source Material... (edited to include spolier)

Has anyone seen the movie Ring? It's an excellant Japanese horror film (A us version is coming out in October, but at PG-13, I wonder how faithful it will be to the original one). It's based on some novels, but the film goes a different route (from what I put together from a fan site with extensive info on the films, books and tv series).

Spoilers below.... (don't read if you haven't see it yet)
The basic premise is this: There is a videotape. If you watch the tape, you will die 7 days later. The tape is the physical mainifestation of a woman who once had "psychic" powers, and was thrown down a well because her guardian was scared of her (this is the movie version). There's no blood shed in the film, but it is very haunting, and kept me up for a few hours after watching (in fact, I ended up watching Ninja Scroll to come off the feeling the film left with me). One thing I liked about the film was the small nod to Lovecraft hinting that the woman whose spirit haunts the tape might have had a father who came from the sea (ie a Deep One). From what little I know of the game, it sounds like this film might be good inspiration for a demon bound into an item at the very least...


Message 3407#32228

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...from around 9/10/2002

On 9/10/2002 at 11:46pm, J B Bell wrote:
RE: Possible Source Material... (edited to include spolier)


A spoiler warning here would have been nice.


Message 3407#32252

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...started by J B Bell which J B Bell participated Adept Press
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...from around 9/10/2002

On 9/10/2002 at 11:58pm, urbwar wrote:
RE: Possible Source Material... (edited to include spolier)

J B Bell wrote: Ahem.

A spoiler warning here would have been nice.


Ooops. Sorry about that. I edited it with the spoiler warning now

Message 3407#32254

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by urbwar which urbwar participated Adept Press
...including keyword:

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...from around 9/10/2002