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Topic: World of Myria V2.0
Started by: Scotty
Started on: 9/11/2002
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 9/11/2002 at 2:07am, Scotty wrote:
World of Myria V2.0

Myria 2.0 is off of the ground now. Myria was a world origionally started for AD&D by myself and a good friend way back when we were in high school/early college years. About 10 years ago. Since then it went a short stage as a world for Earthdawn, a few years of nothing but notes in a book, and then got resurected as Myria V1.x with the introduction of D20 version if D&D. And my wife started learning HTML and Javascript and needed a project to hone her skills on.

My friend and I first started this world as just a bordom project. The past year with the Myria project resurected it evolved into a different world than what we started out with. The worlds available for D&D didn't have a feel that I really liked. I wanted something grittier with a more dark feel to it. I didn't want every town to have a Bob's Magic Item Emporium on every street corner. Essentially what I wanted was TRoS. But I hadn't heard of TRoS a year ago. I suspect if I had seen TRoS core rule book with Weyrth in it, Myria would have stayed in an old notebook on my shelf and never become what it is today. But reguardless of how great a world Weyrth is- and I suspect it is great- I've put too much into Myria to let her die now.

But when said friend heard of a new game call The Riddle of Steel back in May or June he was really excited. But we couldn't get any books on it. We kinda forgot about it until a friend of ours Matt Snyder (creator of indy RPG DustDevils) met Jake at Gencon. Matt came back and reintroduced us to TRoS. We all thought WOW this is great! This is what Myria was supposed to be. So we emailed Jake and asked if we could convert Myria to TRoS with his permission. The man gave it a go, so here we are! Myria went from V1.3 to V2.0.

Anyway Myria is probally more Fantasy based than Weyrth. There is a major Wizard Society in Myria, that you don't find in Weyrth. Magic in Myria is a finite natural resorce, like coal, that will eventually run out some day. So these Wizards don't want anyone but them using magic. There are very few of them, and they want to keep it that way. You're more likely to run into a Dwarf of Elf in Myria than Weyrth. But that still isn't likely.

We still have a lot of work to do. Esspecially in the Races and Nationalities area, and also rewriting the religions page. And there are still some geographic areas to be detailed. But the site is probally 3/4 done. Any and all thoughts, ideas, and critisms would be appriciated.


The World of Myria

Message 3412#32265

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On 9/11/2002 at 5:36am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: World of Myria V2.0

Congrats, guys. The site looks really good. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it.


Message 3412#32274

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On 9/11/2002 at 8:20am, Shadeling wrote:
RE: World of Myria V2.0

Very cool. I look forward to the finished product.

Message 3412#32282

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On 9/11/2002 at 2:03pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: World of Myria V2.0

You gotta be loving this Jake, since you never wanted Wyerth to be an "official" RoS setting anyway.

Message 3412#32301

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On 9/11/2002 at 2:09pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: World of Myria V2.0

Wow! I really, really like the art. It's very TROS.

Looks like the first mini-supplement to me, Jake.


Message 3412#32306

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On 9/11/2002 at 10:58pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: World of Myria V2.0

Valamir wrote: You gotta be loving this Jake, since you never wanted Wyerth to be an "official" RoS setting anyway.

It's true. Weyrth is "a" place for TROS, not "the" place.

Ronny-boy Edwards wrote: Wow! I really, really like the art. It's very TROS.

Looks like the first mini-supplement to me, Jake.


Good to see you in here again, Ron. I know you lurk, but your comments are always welcome.

Are you familiar with Ron's mini-supplement program for Sorcerer? Check it out at and see if it sounds like something you'd like to do for TROS.


Message 3412#32415

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On 9/12/2002 at 12:21am, Scotty wrote:
RE: World of Myria V2.0

Jake Norwood wrote:
Are you familiar with Ron's mini-supplement program for Sorcerer? Check it out at and see if it sounds like something you'd like to do for TROS.


I wasn't familiar with the mini-supplement program. Actually I had only heard of Sorcerer in passing but now I am thinking of buying the source book after visiting the website. The mini-supplement plan sounds interesting. It never occured to me that I could actually make money off of Myria. Maybe I can take an early retirement! Ehh, probally not. Would that require putting all of Myria into a PDF format and taking it off of the web? What are the specifics involved. You can email me at if you like.

Message 3412#32437

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On 9/12/2002 at 1:54am, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: World of Myria V2.0 wrote:
Wanna write one?
If you want to write a mini-supplement, just send your concept, draft, or final form to Ron Edwards, which is me, the author of Sorcerer. It must pass my editorial approval, at all stages of development.
Once it's done and passes my final approval, you can sell it! I receive none of your profit, only added support for Sorcerer and good press. That's right: you wrote it, so you get the money. Creator ownership, baby.

However, mini-supplements may only be sold from the Sorcerer website in PDF format. Once the supplement is finished and has my final approval, set up a buy button using Verza, PayPal, or some other credit card ordering system and send it to me to put on the product list.

Obviously details would have to be worked out between you and Jake. Possibly having a subscribed Website would suffice. Selling the Subscriptions through a button on RoS. I'd leave the d20 info up on your site, and maybe the small map of the world. Enough intro information to arrouse people intrest enough to help sell your product. The key is that everyone who wants your world visits JAKES site to subscribe to it.

If he does it along the same lines, thats his only "FEE" other than having to get his approval that it is a worthy supplement for the $ you are asking to be offically associated with TROS.

A very interesting Idea, I'll have to talk to Convince Wolfen and Jake to let me in as a partner with the Gladiators as a Mini-Supplement LOL BTW do slave gladiators fit into Myrios? What empire? We could include a chapter for your world on the Circuit and thus cross advertise :-)

Message 3412#32444

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On 9/12/2002 at 12:24pm, Scotty wrote:
RE: World of Myria V2.0

Thirsty Viking wrote:
Obviously details would have to be worked out between you and Jake. Possibly having a subscribed Website would suffice. Selling the Subscriptions through a button on RoS. I'd leave the d20 info up on your site, and maybe the small map of the world. Enough intro information to arrouse people intrest enough to help sell your product. The key is that everyone who wants your world visits JAKES site to subscribe to it.

If he does it along the same lines, thats his only "FEE" other than having to get his approval that it is a worthy supplement for the $ you are asking to be offically associated with TROS.

That is an interesting concept. Have a free introductory section, and a small d20 content section but then the main content area available for a fee. I could set it up just like a port site! Only without the porn I guess. And just a one time fee instead of a monthly fee. Interesting idea.

Thirsty Viking wrote: A very interesting Idea, I'll have to talk to Convince Wolfen and Jake to let me in as a partner with the Gladiators as a Mini-Supplement LOL BTW do slave gladiators fit into Myrios? What empire? We could include a chapter for your world on the Circuit and thus cross advertise :-)

Yes! The city of Urlik, capital of the Urlikan Empire, has a gladitorial arena. As does West Bend, also of the Urlikan Empire, only they have a smaller arena. The city of Urlik- and the Urlikan Empire- needs a major rewriting. It was the first area that got done on the Myria web project. And since then I think our ideas and writing skills have advanced. But Urlik doesn't come off as grand as it is supposed to be, as it is written now. It is supposed to be sort of a Romanesque capital. The Urlikan rewrite is underway right now by my origional assoicate in this project, Asaraludu.

Incorporating any of your Gladiators into Myria would be a great idea. Synergy!

Message 3412#32463

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On 9/12/2002 at 4:01pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: World of Myria V2.0

Scotty wrote: [Yes! The city of Urlik, capital of the Urlikan Empire, has a gladitorial arena. As does West Bend, also of the Urlikan Empire, only they have a smaller arena. The city of Urlik- and the Urlikan Empire- needs a major rewriting. It was the first area that got done on the Myria web project. And since then I think our ideas and writing skills have advanced. But Urlik doesn't come off as grand as it is supposed to be, as it is written now. It is supposed to be sort of a Romanesque capital. The Urlikan rewrite is underway right now by my origional assoicate in this project, Asaraludu.

Incorporating any of your Gladiators into Myria would be a great idea. Synergy!

Ooohh.. That does sound like an improvement over trying to wedge it into Wyerth. And you get the additional bonus of having elf and dwarf slaves, perhaps. Do the Urlik arenas have that sort of action? What can you tell us about slavery and gladiators in Urlik?


Message 3412#32497

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On 9/12/2002 at 5:02pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: World of Myria V2.0

Mike Holmes wrote:
Scotty wrote: [Yes! The city of Urlik, capital of the Urlikan Empire, has a gladitorial arena. As does West Bend, also of the Urlikan Empire, only they have a smaller arena. The city of Urlik- and the Urlikan Empire- needs a major rewriting. It was the first area that got done on the Myria web project. And since then I think our ideas and writing skills have advanced. But Urlik doesn't come off as grand as it is supposed to be, as it is written now. It is supposed to be sort of a Romanesque capital. The Urlikan rewrite is underway right now by my origional assoicate in this project, Asaraludu.

Incorporating any of your Gladiators into Myria would be a great idea. Synergy!

Ooohh.. That does sound like an improvement over trying to wedge it into Wyerth. And you get the additional bonus of having elf and dwarf slaves, perhaps. Do the Urlik arenas have that sort of action? What can you tell us about slavery and gladiators in Urlik?


Well i'm nobody in terms of wyreth... and haven't spent enough time going through the book, but seeing as how the time frame was set i didn't think it excluded slavery, or per say excluded one or a few of the cultures having gladiatorial venues.... But then i've spent most of my time in the rules, not the setting.

Message 3412#32510

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On 9/12/2002 at 5:31pm, Scotty wrote:
RE: World of Myria V2.0

Mike Holmes wrote: Ooohh.. That does sound like an improvement over trying to wedge it into Wyerth. And you get the additional bonus of having elf and dwarf slaves, perhaps. Do the Urlik arenas have that sort of action? What can you tell us about slavery and gladiators in Urlik?


I would assume that you could have elf and dwarf slaves. Elves and dwarves aren't all that common. Although dwarves are more common than elves. Your average Joe Farmer would go through his whole life and never meet an Elf or dwarf. He probally doesn't even believe that they really exist. Of course if you lived in one of the major cities of Myria the likely hood of meeting one goes up greatly. Elves rarely leave the Banshee Forsest or their home city of Tyr Mathonwy within the forest. There is one major dwarven nation under the mountain range of Balarmoz. Then there are the Sundered Dwarfs who were driven out of their mountain home by the Blue Elves (think drow). The Sundered dwarfs are a nomad like plains people now living in teepee like tents. Then there are other small barbarian dwarven villages in other mountains throughout the world, but they keep mostly to themselves.

Message 3412#32517

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On 9/13/2002 at 5:38am, Asaraludu wrote:
RE: World of Myria V2.0

First off, hats off to Mr. Norwood. I fell in love with what I was hearing on RPGnet when your book was reviewed. When Matt Snyder came back from GenCon with the TROS rulebook, I had to have a read. It was everything I and Scotty had always wanted Myria to be.

We wanted the players in our campaign world to taste the dust of the road in their mouths when they adventured through Myria. Part of it, I'm sure, is due to us maturing as gamers. We were looking to get away from the dungeon-crawl entirely, but couldn't find the right fit for a rules-set. I'm certain that our search is over.

I think I can speak for both Scotty and I when I say both of us are energized to continue exploring Myria and detailing all our favorite haunts. Kyrsis is probably the most heavily detailed city right now, and that's where my current gaming group is situated. For anyone interested, the Myria site now houses campaign notes and stories related to their exploits (we've only just begun - in fact, we just got done with a great session this evening).

As Scotty mentioned, I've taken it on myself to detail the grand city of Urlik, which is really where Myria began. It was the first dot on the map. I have a lot of research to do before I sit down to write it all out, as I want to capture the flavor of some of the great medieval cities of Eastern Europe and Byzantium.

There's a Q&A section of the Myria forum on the Protoreality message board located at if you have questions or would like to make comments. Or post them here and we'll try to answer them as quickly as possible.

Message 3412#32598

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On 9/13/2002 at 5:58am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: World of Myria V2.0

Scotty, Toni-

This is off-topic (sorry), but I just noticed that you're from Omaha NE and thereabouts. I lived in Omaha longer than anywhere I've ever lived (which was 8 years, not long, but it beats my 3-year record of anywhere else). Heh, that's pretty cool.

Ok, sorry, back to Myria and stuff.


Message 3412#32602

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On 9/13/2002 at 12:45pm, Scotty wrote:
RE: World of Myria V2.0

Jake Norwood wrote: This is off-topic (sorry), but I just noticed that you're from Omaha NE and thereabouts. I lived in Omaha longer than anywhere I've ever lived (which was 8 years, not long, but it beats my 3-year record of anywhere else). Heh, that's pretty cool.

I like Omaha. I have a good job here, but all my gaming buddies are 2 1/2 away in Iowa. So I don't get to game as much as I would like. I think I spend time that I would normally be gaming working on Myria. I work on Myria cause I ain't got nothin better to do.

Message 3412#32621

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On 9/13/2002 at 2:36pm, Asaraludu wrote:
RE: World of Myria V2.0

Scotty and I spent our formative years (read as: drinking our time away) in a tiny town in southern Iowa when we weren't gaming, which was just about every day, it seemed.

Our original gaming group has spread to the four winds (the Bronx, Dallas, Denver...). We're the only two close enough to get together to rehash on the glory days, and that not often.

Message 3412#32643

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On 7/25/2003 at 7:58pm, Asaraludu wrote:
Myria PDF

This is VERY preliminary, but we will soon begin writing a PDF detailing the known world of Myria. We've got a small team of writers, a very talented artist who will be doing the majority of the interior artwork, and a professional doing the layout.

I expect the writing will go rather quickly, since we have plenty of material. I don't have anything to show at the moment besides our site - But I suspect even the site will undergo some changes to reflect new information brought to light in the PDF.

We've come to a decision to bring this to Norwood when we have the final edit. I'm mentioning this now in part because I'd like to see what kind of interest there is for something like this, and also in mentioning it, we HAVEto finish it. :)

Message 3412#76492

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On 7/26/2003 at 5:37pm, The GM wrote:
It's ON!

I've received the official outline and word count assignment for the Myria supplement, and it is groovy. People should expect a smartly written, well organized piece that hopefully enhances their game fun. W/ any luck, and a whole lot of planning, we'll do well by Norwood's creation. Tony and Scott have picked a great, professional crew to get this project moving. I'm excited to get to work!

-The GM
Myria freelance junkie

Message 3412#76528

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