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Topic: Little Fears / Changeling the Dreaming
Started by: Ninchen
Started on: 9/12/2002
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 9/12/2002 at 7:57pm, Ninchen wrote:
Little Fears / Changeling the Dreaming

Please don't get me wrong!

I'm familiar with all the White Wolf issues 'bout 'Changeling the Dreaming' and I also read the 'Little Fears' more than once.

But - sorry for this - I still see the idea of 'Little Fears' as a completition for 'Changeling the Dreaming'. Ignore the nobles-commers-conflict and what's left? Just the fact that dreams (not became but) are true. And reality isn't something funny, but something horrible!

Anyway! It's also a fact that White Wolf don't give a f*** about all those weird people who got addicted with their game 'bout dreams. Is there a chance to see Key20 taking care about this crowd (of course - without violating the (c) - yeah, we all know about that)???

Message 3436#32540

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On 9/14/2002 at 6:39pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Little Fears / Changeling the Dreaming

Hello Ninchen.

To be honest, I'm not that familiar with Changeling: The Dreaming so I don't know if Little Fears will fill the niche for those who feel "abandoned" by White Wolf or not. I do know, however, that though C:TD books are no longer being made that's no reason for you to stop playing it.

Message 3436#32785

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On 9/15/2002 at 6:20pm, Ninchen wrote:
RE: Little Fears / Changeling the Dreaming

That's exactly the way I handle it, cause I enjoy both 'CtD' and 'Little Fears'! Hope to see more Changeling folk join 'Little Fears', don't ya. ;)

Message 3436#32858

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