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Topic: Colorful Donjon Characters
Started by: Bailywolf
Started on: 9/16/2002
Board: CRN Games

On 9/16/2002 at 6:18pm, Bailywolf wrote:
Colorful Donjon Characters

Hey all, care to share your DONJON characters? UNtil the online database is setup, a thread with ready-to-crib NPC/PC's might be fun.

I'll Start.

Name: Brother Chang
Class : Enlightened Monk of the Order of the Celestial Tiger
Level: 1
Attributes (assigned using the 21 point distribution method)
Vir- 3
Cer- 4
Dis- 3
Adr- 5
Whe- 4
Soc- 2
Wire-Fu (main) 5
Iron Fist Technique 3
Chi Moves 3 (as per Cast Spells. Words: "Stance", "Strike")
Blade Turning Technique 2
Keen Hearing 1
Saving Throws
Save vs PP&T- 1
Save vs I&C- 2
Flesh Wounds- 3
Wealth- 3
Possessions - 5

I loved monks as a lad. Quivering palm. Oh yeah. "Wire-Fu" is unarmed fighting stuff. "Iron Fist Technique" is a damage adder for unarmed fighting. "Blade Turning Technique" is a damage resisting adder against pointy cutty things. "Chi Moves" is like spell casting, but lets Brother Chang charge up with kung-fu moves and Chi-building cries for some especialy powerful whupass. "Keen Hearing" is a pathetic attempt at gaining some narritive control. Brother Chang is pretty much a combat monster- but a colorful one.

Message 3479#32969

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On 9/16/2002 at 8:31pm, deadpanbob wrote:
Re: Colorful Donjon Characters

Name: Manny the Manipulator
Class : Charlatan
Level: 1
Attributes (assigned using the 21 point distribution method)
Vir- 2
Cer- 5
Dis- 3
Adr- 3
Whe- 3
Soc- 5
Manipulative Magic (main) 5
(Cast Spells - Words: "Desire", "Obfuscate", "Fear", "Belief")
Reverse Left-Hand Technique (scimitar) 2
You Owe Me 2 (contacts - he has lots of 'friends' who beleive that they owe him a minor favor)
Persuasion 2
Eavesdropping 1
Saving Throws
Save vs PP&T- 2
Save vs I&C- 4
Flesh Wounds- 2
Wealth- 3
Possessions - 5

Manuel "Manny" the Manipulator grew up on the streets, learning how to lie, cheat and steal his way to survival. Over the years, his preternatural ability to manipulate the emotions and desires of others developed near to mystical ability.

He's built up a network of contacts that all feel like they got a favor out of Manny, and who would be happy to help him out - as long as it doesn't threaten them or their positions in any way (a bit of information, passing messages, a small discount on goods and services, etc.)

He never learned the 'proper' way to fight with a sword, but his smooth ways have gotten him into enough scrapes that he's gotten pretty good using his trusty scimitar the 'wrong' way.

[Edited to make the character actually fit within the rules of the game DOH!]

Message 3479#32996

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On 9/17/2002 at 1:09am, Grex wrote:
RE: Colorful Donjon Characters

A friend of mine came up with this guy for an upcoming playtest of Donjon.

Name: Vernon Widowmaker
Class : Serial killer
Level: 1
Attributes (assigned using the 21 point distribution method)
Vir- 5
Cer- 4
Dis- 2
Adr- 3
Whe- 6
Soc- 1
Stalking - 4 (stalking victims, getting positioned for an ambush)
Ambush with Sadistic Glee - 2 (adds to damage when victim unaware)
Chop-Chop with Axey-waxey - 2 (skilled with axe)
Destroy Forensic Evidence - 2 (cover the tracks)
Detect Ambush - 2 (it takes one to know one)
Saving Throws
Save vs PP&T- 2
Save vs I&C- 2
Flesh Wounds- 4
Wealth- 5
Possessions - 3

"Vernon was abandoned by his parents at an early age and forced into sexual bondage by a street gang. He grew into a sadistic monster, always willing to kill and torture for fun and profit. However, he was eventually identified and only barely escaped. Since then he has wandered the world looking for easy kills.

For the time being he soothes his murderous desires by killing monsters, but eventually the voices in his head will order him to kill another sentient being. He can hardly wait."

Vernon is basically a backstabbing thug, intended to be a parody of the characters we used to play in the golden days of 1. ed. AD&D.


Message 3479#33036

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On 9/17/2002 at 12:31pm, Dave Turner wrote:
RE: Colorful Donjon Characters

I just finished a playtest session with Jared last night. My character was:

Name: Silvanus (Yes, yes, I know that's weak, but I'm simply horrible at coming up with PC/NPC names)
Class: Nature's Defender
Level: 1

Virility: 5
Cerebrality: 5 (This is SUCH a tongue-twister in-game)
Discernability: 4
Adroitness: 3
Wherewithal: 5
Sociality: 2

(Stats were rolled with "Take the median, arrange as desired")

Nature Magic: 4 (Words: Weather, Plants, Animals, Vigorous. In hindsight, these words were too broad. I would now choose Storm, Tree, Bear, and something else.)
Use Spear: 3
Speak with Animals: 2
Track by Scent: 2
Find Medicinal Plants: 2

Poison Save: 2
Illusion Save: 2
Wealth: 3
Provisions: 5
Flesh Wounds: 3

He's just a regular druid guy, basically. I found the Magic system to be extremely flexible and useful. I used magic to overcome almost all obstacles in the game. I think Jared is going to post a synopsis of our session in Actual Play, so I'll save my other comments for that (potential) thread.

Message 3479#33067

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On 9/17/2002 at 2:01pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Colorful Donjon Characters

I really like all these characters. (The 'serial killer' creeps me out a bit, I admit.)

Dave Turner wrote:
He's just a regular druid guy, basically. I found the Magic system to be extremely flexible and useful. I used magic to overcome almost all obstacles in the game. I think Jared is going to post a synopsis of our session in Actual Play, so I'll save my other comments for that (potential) thread.

I'll comment more when Jared posts, but in play this weekend, I noticed for the first time that magic got a little more powerful than expected. I'm fine with that, but there's easy ways to tweak this for your campaign if you find it to be too much.

Message 3479#33079

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On 9/17/2002 at 9:27pm, GB Steve wrote:
RE: Re: Colorful Donjon Characters

i thought I'd give it a go. It looks like I've made another gleefully evil character.

Name: Sligo the Worm
Class : Evil Poisoner
Level: 1
Attributes (assigned using the 21 point distribution method)
Vir- 3
Cer- 4
Dis- 3
Adr- 5
Whe- 2
Soc- 4
Brewing poisons from dead things 4 (main, effect depends on poison type)
Stilleto in the ribs 3
Creeping about 2
Cowering pitifully 2 (to persuade people not to kill him)
Cooking nice things 1
Saving Throws
Save vs PP&T- 4
Save vs I&C- 2
Flesh Wounds- 2
Wealth- 5
Possessions - 3

Sligo was brought up on the kitchen floor of the castle. A bastard of a serving wench and some noble, he slunk around listening at doors and looking through people's stuff. Forced, eventually, to lend a hand with food preparation, he took delight in concocting sweet tasting dishes that gave terrible colic.

He has perfected his craft since then and has found employ with the more ruthless nobles, slipping his dagger between the ribs of many an unsuspecting foe.

Message 3479#33179

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On 9/18/2002 at 12:27am, Zak Arntson wrote:
RE: Colorful Donjon Characters

Alright, I'll bite. For Clinton's latest game I wrote up a character with Karl Edward Wagner's Kane as an influence:

Gollga, 2nd-level Brooding Warrior

Virility: 3
Cerebrality: 3
Discernment: 3
Adroitness: 2
Wherewithal: 4
Sociality: 2

Cleave Enemies (primary): 5
Occult Lore: 4
Mighty Proclamation: 3
Sense Magic: 1
Forbidden Magic (spellcasting): 5

Save vs. Poison, Paralyzation & Transmogrification: 3
Save vs. Illusion & Confusion: 2
Wealth: 3
Provisions: 5
Flesh Wounds: 3

Permanent Gear
Massive greatsword (3), Thin chainmail shirt (1)

Magic Words (Forbidden Magic)

Spells Cast
Indescribably Awful Helper
Befriend Batrachian
Corpulent Batrachian Guide

Message 3479#33200

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On 9/18/2002 at 1:37am, Bailywolf wrote:
RE: Colorful Donjon Characters


Quite a grim and creepy bunch.

I can see these guys illustrated by Edward Gorey.

Message 3479#33207

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On 9/18/2002 at 8:42am, Grex wrote:
RE: Colorful Donjon Characters

Another character for our upcoming playtest, this one a little more light-hearted:

Name: Ahnuld da Monstah Huntah
Class : Monster slayer
Level: 1
Attributes (assigned using the 21 point distribution method)
Vir- 6
Cer- 1
Dis- 3
Whe- 5
Soc- 2
Killin' Stuff - 4 (adds to combat damage)
Monstah Tuffness - 3 (absorbs damage from natural weapons)
Kalm Monstah wit Pointy Stik - 3 (skilled with hunting spear)
Swap Monstah Stuff - 2 (haggling for new equipment)
Find Monstahs - 2 (find monsters)
Saving Throws
Save vs PP&T- 2
Save vs I&C- 1
Flesh Wounds- 3
Wealth- 3
Possessions - 5

"Ahnuld is none too bright, but he is strong and brave, and the living embodiment of the old adage "what does not kill you, makes you stronger". He was orphaned at a young age by roving monsters, and has since dedicated his life to the extermination of all monstrous lifeforms.

Ahnuld is basically a good guy, but over the years he has aquired the odd belief that when he kills a monster, its essence passes on to him, making him stronger and more skilled. This belief tends to color what little judgment he has; usually in favor of violent action. That said, he tends to be the friendly sort of guy who seldom passes up an opportunity to aid the weak and unfortunate."

Another classic old-school AD&D character concept. There's really not a whole lot to add to that.


Message 3479#33237

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On 9/19/2002 at 5:01pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Colorful Donjon Characters

Name: Skip Swingler
Class : Travelling Merchant
Level: 1
Attributes (assigned using the 21 point distribution method)
Vir- 2
Cer- 4
Dis- 5
Adr- 3
Whe- 2
Soc- 5
Mercantilism - 4 (all things trade and commerce realted)
Chat Folks Up - 2 (engage people in conversation and get them to ease up)
Get Out of the Way - 2 (this is how Skip stays alive when dragged off to dank dungeons)
Metalwork - 2 (this is Skip's mercantile specialty)
Note Details - 2 (key for one in Skip's profession)
Saving Throws
Save vs PP&T- 2
Save vs I&C- 4
Flesh Wounds- 3
Wealth- 5
Possessions - 4

Skip is, like many characters I build in RPGs, woefully unprepared for the sort of action the GM is likely to have in store. But he's plucky, and the lure of loot will get him to try and come along on most any harebrained scheme. As such he tries to stay alert, noting the details of his surroundings so as to always know where the door is, and other things that might be advantageous in flight from a fight or in otherwise keeping him alive.

He can be of use to a party, however, repairing weapons and armor, and upgrading the valuse of small metal objects that they might come across. And, of course, he's going to kick ass in town, being able to wrangle the best deals possible from other merchants and establishments. In all, a true asset, especially to a large party.

Skip wants to know, "Can I come along?" He's very afraid of Golla, and Sligo, but he's got Manny's number, and isn't falling for his fake tricks. He most wants to adventure with Brother Chang and Ahnuld. :-)


Message 3479#33401

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On 9/19/2002 at 6:09pm, Bailywolf wrote:
RE: Colorful Donjon Characters

Here is a character type I was playing with for a Donjon variant called TOWN. In Town, you play a Donjon-dwelling monster who comes to the surface to go forth and do something horrible to the local Town. Reverso-krawling.

Name: Count Monteso Verdolocka
Class : Vampire Noble
Level: 1
Attributes (assigned using the 21 point distribution method)
Vir- 5
Cer- 3
Dis- 2
Adr- 4
Whe- 4
Soc- 3
Undead Flesh (main) 4
Strength of the Damned 3
Vampire Magic 2 (as per Cast Spells. Words: "Blood", "Bat")
Vamp-fu 3
Hypnotic Charm 2
Saving Throws
Save vs PP&T- 2
Save vs I&C- 2
Flesh Wounds- 2
Wealth- 5
Provisions- 3

The good Count is hungry, and so he decides to gather a group of his fellow Creatures of the Night for a night out on the TOWN.

His abilities reflect his undead state. Undead Flesh represents how hard it is to kill him- it adds to all his tests to resist damage. If there is some way to adapt the curse dice rule for magic items to character abilities, then I would say it fails vs fire in exchange for some bonus dice. As is though, is is a tough nut to crack. Strength of the Damned is a basic hand to hand damage adder. The Count fights in Hammer Studios style, by grabbing his victims bodily, baring his fangs, hissing, and tossing them into walls using his Vamp-fu ability. His Hypnotic Charm allows him to sway the minds of scantily clad peasant girls with eye contact and a few somborous words in his eurotrash accent.

His Vampire Magic covers a wide swath of vampire FX- he can use a "spell" like "The Blood is the Life" heal damage to himself (or others he feeds his own blood to). I figure there has to be some way of rolling successes from a good Vamp-fu roll into this sort of thing. "Bat" can be used to change shape or see in the dark.

Message 3479#33428

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On 9/19/2002 at 6:48pm, Bailywolf wrote:
RE: Colorful Donjon Characters

Here is a character ripped of by one of my favorite series of movies...

Name: Zato Onwa
Class : Wandering Blind Swordmaster
Level: 1
Attributes (assigned using the 21 point distribution method)
Vir- 2
Cer- 3
Dis- 5
Adr- 6
Whe- 3
Soc- 2
Keen Senses (main) 4
Cane sword 4
Flashing Blade 3
Massage 1
Cheat at Gambling 2

Saving Throws
Save vs PP&T- 1
Save vs I&C- 3
Flesh Wounds- 2
Wealth- 3
Provisions - 5

Zato Onwa makes his living as a fairly good Masseuse (his high Adroidness makes up for his poor Ability). How the hell would the Massage ability work? I figure you could use it to allow a person to heal a single flesh wound (by loosening up tight muscles) or a point of Adroitness damage.... or by rolling successes from a good Massage roll over into a Social roll... the relaxed cleint would be more willing to talk once loosened up. His main Keen Senses ability allows him to make some pretty amazing descriptive observations...but he is still blind (though this doesn't really affect play all thet much) and he can negate darkness penalties with this Ability (he doesn't need to see, see?).

In combat, he's a demon with his cane sword. His high Adroitness combined with Flashing Blade for initiative insures he will get to act at least 9 times! And while his Virility won't give him any major whammy, his Cane Sword ability gives him 10 base attack dice...and that damage rollover will kill ya! Cheat at Gambling is an easy one- it lets him state facts about gambling situations... or to rollover successes into an actual gambling test.

I would actualy like to play this guy.

Message 3479#33442

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On 9/19/2002 at 7:45pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Colorful Donjon Characters

Bailywolf wrote: I would actualy like to play this guy.

We've been talking about doing Dunjon at Indie Net Gaming. You are a member, aren't you? If not get over there post haste! Put in your request to play in chat or PBEM (which I think might work well for Dunjon).


Message 3479#33453

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On 9/21/2002 at 4:09am, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Colorful Donjon Characters

Can't remember the full stat write-up, but I had an Indiana Jones type character, whose skills included:

Find Dangerous Thing
Push Foe into Dangerous Thing....

Narration potential was insane :P


Message 3479#33682

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On 10/16/2002 at 1:26pm, ejh wrote:

Wow, TOWN is exactly like the old Monsters! Monsters! game from Flying Buffalo/Blade (which Ken St. Andre still publishes occasionally in private printings. Gotta get me one of those.)

Here's a character I rolled up yesterday for fun:

Name: Ozgar
Race: Goblin.
Virility: 2
Cerebrality: 2
Discernment: 2
Adroitness: 5
Wherewithal: 5
Sociality: 3
Flesh Wounds: 3
Save/Illusion/Confusion: 1
Save/Poison/Paralysis/Transmogrification: 3
(main ability:)
Creep and Skulk 4
(supporting abilities:)
Extract Nutriment from Dubious Sources 1
Knowledge of Creepy Caves & Grotty Grottoes 3
Bite 2
Evoke Unwarranted Pity 3
Wealth: 5 (mostly hidden in various caves and orifices)
Provisions: 3

Inspired by Gollum (e.g. the "Evoke Unwarranted Pity" ability which is the only reason he ends up *in* dungeon delving parties instead of *skewered by* them) and the goblins of the ancient and hallowed "Goblin Lake" solo dungeon for Tunnels & Trolls...

Message 3479#37355

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On 11/13/2002 at 8:56pm, catenwolde wrote:
Conrad the Barbarian

Rather new to this, but here's my first shot at converting one of my favorite characters... let me know if there are any egregious errors. The "Berserk" concept is something I'm still playing with.

Conrad was raised in the wilds of the Halfling Suburbs on the "Wrong Side of the Subdevelopment", and at an early age was struck in the face by a large Bavarian Knockwurst when a passing Sammy Sausage cart was overturned. He was left with a slight gap in his front teeth, an inexplicable thick pseudo-Germanic accent, and a bad attitude matched only by his peerless ineptitude at the art of arms.

"Hither strode Conrad the Barbarian, and the kicked the jeweled thrones of the earth in the shins..."

Name: Conrad the Barbarian "He's three foot two, and he's comin' for you!"
Race/Class: Barbarian Halfling (a "Baffling")
Level: 1

Attributes (assigned using the 21 point distribution method)
Vir: 2
Cer: 2
Dis: 5
Adr: 5
Whe: 5
Soc: 2

Main/Racial: Baffling Fortitude 3 (Damage Resistance)
Sub: Annoyingly Evasive 3 (Melee Defense)
Sub: Peerless Punching Bag 2 (Berserk Melee Damage Resistance, stacks with Baffling Fortitude)
Sub: 'Nads o' the Conrad 2 (Berserk Melee Attack)
Sub: Melee Magnet 3 (Find Enemies)

Note: Berserk = Triggered for Scene when Damage Taken scores a Success versus Cerebrality.

Saving Throws
Save vs PP&T: 3
Save vs I&C: 1

Flesh Wounds: 3

Wealth: 5
Possessions: 3

Message 3479#41591

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On 11/13/2002 at 9:35pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Colorful Donjon Characters


You have to reverse those wealth and possessions ratings. No way any self-respecting Baffling is gonna be caught with more money than larder.


Message 3479#41604

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On 11/13/2002 at 9:43pm, catenwolde wrote:
RE: Colorful Donjon Characters

Mike Holmes wrote: Foul!

You have to reverse those wealth and possessions ratings. No way any self-respecting Baffling is gonna be caught with more money than larder.


Okay, okay... but you have to understand that the original character had a disadvantage called "Barbaric Spendthrift" ... which required him to gamble all his wealth away after each adventure ... he got a save for gambling away armor and weapons, but he didn't always make it ...

Why is it that *that* particular aspect of our favorite Iconic Barbarian is overlooked by most players? ;)



Message 3479#41608

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