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Topic: More Donjon Characters
Started by: Zak Arntson
Started on: 10/1/2002
Board: CRN Games

On 10/1/2002 at 5:19pm, Zak Arntson wrote:
More Donjon Characters

Okay, here's the Actual Play thread:

And here's our characters:
Goro, the Half Human-Dragon
Vir: 5, Cer: 4, Dis: 5, Whe: 1, Adr: 5, Soc: 5
Save vs. Poison: 2, Save vs. Illusion: 2
Wealth: 5, Provisions: 3

Abilities: Mass Destruction: 4, Calming Animals: 2, Scaling Walls/Ceilings: 2, Create a Path: 2, Sleight of Hand & Hand & Hand & Hand: 2
Permanent Possession: Mighty Stone Axe of Mass Destruction: 2.
Temporary Possessions: Four-armed chainmail: 2


Steve Tilbain, the Swedish Werewolf
Vir: 6, Cir: 2, Dis: 3, Whe: 4, Adr: 3, Soc: 2
Save vs. Poison: 2, Save vs. Illusion: 2
Wealth: 3, Provisions: 5

Abilities: Hand-to-Hand Attack: 3, Charging: 2, Brother to Wolves: 4, Thick Fur: 2, Tumbling: 1
Permanent Possession: Nunchaku: 2
Temporary Possessions: Golden Headband of Damage Resistance +1


Henry, the Ninja Thief
Vir: 3, Cer: 4, Dis: 2, Whe: 3, Adr: 4, Soc: 4
Save vs. Poison: 2, Save vs. Illusion: 2
Wealth: 3, Provisions: 5

Abilities: Obfuscation: 4, Know Trivial History: 2, Charm Others: 2, Use Ninja Tools: 2, Shadow Magic (Envelop, Silent): 3
Permanent Possessions: Katana: 2
Temporary Possessions: Shoes of Wall-Walking: 2, Shuriken: 2
Spells Cast: Be Silent Motherfucker


Anakarus, Egyptian Wizard Mummy
Vir: 3, Cer: 5, Dis: 6, Whe: 5, Adr: 3, Soc: 2
Save vs. Poison: 2, Save vs. Illusion: 2
Wealth: 5, Provisions: 3

Abilities: Magic (Snakes, Terrible, Sandstorm, Mist): 4, Control of Snakes: 2, Poisonous Bite/Scratch: 3, Occult Knowledge: 2, See in Dark (w/ glowing eyes): 2.
Permanent Possessions: Coffin: 2
Temporary Possessions: Cowboy Hat: 1
Spells Cast: Terrible Sandstorm Breath, Sandstorm Hadouken

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Message 3655#35020

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On 10/1/2002 at 6:07pm, Bailywolf wrote:
RE: More Donjon Characters

Cowboy hat?

I want to play in this game.

Message 3655#35036

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On 10/1/2002 at 8:49pm, Nick Pagnucco wrote:
RE: More Donjon Characters

its descriptions of characters and play like that which forced me to buy this game

I'm not upset about that :)

Message 3655#35078

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On 10/3/2002 at 11:17pm, jdagna wrote:
Another Donjon Character

I thought I'd throw my character out for everyone's "benefit"

Huron Treefriend, the Human Druid/Ranger
Vir: 1, Cer: 5, Dis: 5, Whe: 2, Adr: 4, Soc: 3
Save vs. Poison: 3, Save vs. Illusion: 1
Wealth: 3, Provisions: 5, Flesh Wounds: 4

Abilities: Cast Spells: 5 (Words: elemental, thorn, wall, heal, poison), Move Quietly Outdoors: 4, Use Bows: 3, Attack with Quarterstaff: 1, Find Herbs: 4
Temporary Possessions: Quarterstaff (1), MiniBow (1), Leather Armor (1)
Favorite Spells: Thorn Elemental ("Stumpy"), Thorn Wall, Poison Thorns.

Message 3655#35473

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On 10/3/2002 at 11:21pm, Zak Arntson wrote:
RE: More Donjon Characters

Go Stumpy! Next Donjon game I play, I'm considering playing Stumpy as a PC. Either that or take "Stumpy follows me around" as an Ability.

Message 3655#35475

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On 10/7/2002 at 1:42am, Zak Arntson wrote:
RE: More Donjon Characters

Alright, here's the guy from the game with Clinton we played a few hours ago (if nobody posts an Actual Play on that soon, I'm going to grab the ball):

Reston Peec, Zombie
Level: 1
Vir: 6, Cer: 3, Dis: 3, Adr: 5, Whe: 4, Soc: 3
Save vs. Poison: 2, Save vs. Illusion: 1
Wealth: 6, Provisions: 3, Flesh Wounds: 2

Ablities: Dead Flesh: 3, Horrid Powers (Stench, Grave): 3, Zombie Fu: 4, Sepulchral Empathy 3, Control Undead: 2
Special Ability: Eat Wherewithal

Permanent Possessions: Rusty Chain Shirt

Spells Cast: Horrid Stench, Gravestone Eruption, Whispers from Beyond the Grave

Message 3655#35893

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On 10/7/2002 at 9:17pm, jdagna wrote:
RE: More Donjon Characters

Mickle Farthing, Ships' Mage Level 1
Vir: 3, Cer: 6, Dis: 4, Adr: 4, Whe: 2, Soc: 3
Save vs. Poison: 2, Save vs. Illusion: 2
Wealth: 3, Provisions: 5, Flesh Wounds: 5

Ablities: Cast Spells (Wind, Lightning, Fog, Move): 4, Predict Weather: 3, Navigation: 2, Appeal for Sympathy: 2, Naval Command: 3

Message 3655#36003

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On 10/7/2002 at 10:47pm, Zak Arntson wrote:
RE: More Donjon Characters

Justin, your Saves + Skills + Flesh Wounds add up to more than 20?

Message 3655#36020

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On 10/7/2002 at 10:51pm, K.R.Peterson wrote:
RE: More Donjon Characters

Pablado Maglubiyed Baluud
Bullywug Fisherman
(AKA "The Big Frog Guy")
Vir: 5, Cer: 4, Dis: 4, Adr: 4, Whe: 4, Soc: 3
Save vs. Poison: 3, Save vs. Illusion: 1
Wealth: 4, Provisions: 5

Abilities: Leaping: 5, Swimming: 3, Eat Poison: 2, Attack with Spear: 2, Widescreen Vision: 2

Possessions: Spear, (Giant) Tortoise Shell breastplate

Actions of Note: Licked tree

Message 3655#36021

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On 10/8/2002 at 12:37am, jdagna wrote:
RE: More Donjon Characters

Zak Arntson wrote: Justin, your Saves + Skills + Flesh Wounds add up to more than 20?

Humans got a bonus of 3 dice on Abilities for the Perdify setting. The total should be 23...

Message 3655#36027

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On 10/8/2002 at 4:05pm, Zak Arntson wrote:
RE: More Donjon Characters

Justin, D'oh! Forgot about that one.

Message 3655#36112

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On 2/13/2003 at 8:44pm, ejh wrote:
Permanent Possessions

Point of clarification -- Clinton, do you get to pick out a set of Permanent Possessions as part of character generation, or do you have to start with nothing and buy weapons and whatnot with Wealth in Town, and only after that point they can become Permanent?


Message 3655#52035

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On 2/13/2003 at 8:56pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: More Donjon Characters


According to the rules, you have to buy them on your first adventure.

I have given out a specified amount of equipment for con games, but otherwise, characters start with Wealth and Provisions and that's it. That might mean they have sub-standard equipment for an adventure or two, which is fine.

Message 3655#52040

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On 3/1/2003 at 6:32pm, anonymouse wrote:
RE: More Donjon Characters

This is my first Donjon character; friend and I decided to run a quick game, and see how it all played out. I actually had a terrible time coming up with a decent concept and abilities, but after playing, I picked up on it all pretty quick. Donjon's definitely going to be my "intro to roleplaying" game from now on.

Nu, Angsty Teenage Punk
Level 1
Vir: 4, Cer: 3, Dis: 3, Adr: 5, Where: 4, Soc: 2
Save PPT: 3, Save IC: 2, FW: 4
Wealth: 3, Provisions: 5

Abilities: Unbridled Wrathful Accurage Aggression (UWAA, attack dice): 4,
Brooding Demeanor (influence teenagers): 2, Tough Sonova (resist melee damage): 3, Rage Against the Machine: 1 (damage inanimate objects), Boombastic Music Radiation (taunts): 1

Permanent Possessions: Black Leather Jacket (DR2), Spiked Knuckles (DR 2), mp3 player.

Message 3655#54237

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On 3/7/2003 at 11:48pm, b_bankhead wrote:
Yet More Donjon Characters

I just purchaes Donjon and boy am I hyped. This is one of those games that I love just TOO much. I am going to HAVE to play it or run it either f2f online. I have of course immediately set about making characters....
Carnaea Priestess of the outer Gods
Vir: 1, Cer: 5, Dis: 2, Whe: 5, Adr: 4, Soc: 4
Save vs. Poison: 3, Save vs. Illusion:2
Wealth: 3, Provisions: 5, Flesh Wounds: 4

Abilities: Cast Spells: 4(Words: Time Space Sight Terror),Rave and Cackle insanely before working magic 3,Strike with Dagger3,Sharp Senses 2,Skulk and Hide3
Permanent Possessions: Magical Sacrificial DaggerDR2,Leather RobesDR,Map Collection 2
Favorite Spells
:the Terror of the dark gods-opens a chink in space and shows the lurking horrors outside. Those failing roll will flee for the duration of the spell
Sight through Time-Allows seeing thing in the past or future
Sight through Space-Allows seeing things at distant location regardless of obstacles
blindness (Sight)-those affected are struck blind
witch Sight-see normallyh invisibe mystic things,operating spells,magic items, spirits etc.
night Sight-allows affected to see in darkness(each success removes one darkness related penalty)
hast/slow(Time) just like in D&D only in this each success adds/subtacts to initiative and movement tests.
rot(Time) Time is the great destroyer. By accelertating it can do damage. Successes and cause damage as normal but can also be targeted at object abilities to reduce them. If enough successed are applied then the thing literally rots,rusts away.
A tall rakishily thin middle aged woman with a prominent pointed nose and a mass of wild white hair and an incredibly penetrating pair of blue eyes. She is as crazy as a bedbug and given to muttering to herself and to things only she can see. (hence her low Dis also she has trouble telling the difference between her own hallucinations and illusion spells).The physical excrutiations of the worship of the outer gods has toughened her remarkably (hence high Whe). Her high soc is primarily due to her incredibly intense,focused, personality as well as the fact that she is quite attractive (if you like rat-faced blondes).
Her body is covered by a network of livid scars interlaced with tattoos. When she builds magical power glowing energy crawls through the scars.
Once a priestess of Inhuman deities from beyond time and space some disaster has struck her mad. She was found wandering the countryside,looking for clues as to her forgotten past. She generally joins groups to earn the money to travel and continue her search.
This was a character I wanted to use in a cthulu/dreamlands MUD that never went anywhere.
And yes folks when she make a meglamaniacal speech before working a spell against an uncontested roll (difficulty based on how dramatically appropriate the environment is) her successes help her casting her spell. In a more pretentious game I would call this 'The Grand Ritual of the Outer Gods' but this seemed more fun....

Athlan-Ka Lizard Man Warrior
Vir: 6, Cer:2 , Dis:3 , Whe: 5, Adr:3 , Soc:2
Save vs. Poison: 3, Save vs. Illusion: 2
Wealth: 3, Provisions:5 , Flesh Wounds:5

Abilities: Tough!3,Scaley Skin(sharp weapons)2,Swordfighting3,Lizard Man contacts 3
Permanent Possesions: 2 Handed Sword, Chainmail,Iron bound Club
Temporary Possessions:
This was a D&D character I had over 20 years ago, he is an uncomplicated front line fighter that can take a lot of damage(and dish it out!).

Message 3655#55276

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On 4/3/2003 at 10:25pm, Chris Kucsera wrote:
RE: More Donjon Characters

Here's one that just popped into my head:

Drstiguru the Rakshasa, Level 1
Vir: 3, Cer: 2, Dis: 3, Adr: 4, Whe: 3, Soc: 6
Save vs. Poison: 1, Save vs. Illusion: 1
Wealth: 5, Provisions: 3, Flesh Wounds: 4

Appear As Trusted Ally 4 (roll this + Soc vs. Dis + Illusion Save)
Claw Strike 3
Rend Flesh & Bone 3 (adds to claw damage)
Smell Prey 2
Run Down Prey 2

Message 3655#59348

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