The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Sorcerer Book Size
Started by: Ace
Started on: 9/19/2002
Board: Adept Press

On 9/19/2002 at 12:37am, Ace wrote:
Sorcerer Book Size

Just a short "Thank You' for choosing the : 10" high, 6.5" wide size.

It is a great form factor for game books especially if you are gaming outside the house.

Message 3516#33344

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On 9/19/2002 at 3:36pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Sorcerer Book Size

Hi Anthony,

You're welcome! The trouble is that retailers and distributors absolutely hate it, for a number of reasons, or "reasons." That's why I decided to go with a hardback format, because a paperback book of that size would never be re-ordered even if people picketed outside the store, begging for it. The hardback creates enough profit margin (barely) to make re-ordering it worth a retailer's while.


Message 3516#33383

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...from around 9/19/2002