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Topic: A Mini Fantasy Game (Not Ygg)
Started by: Christoffer Lernö
Started on: 9/21/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 9/21/2002 at 2:56pm, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
A Mini Fantasy Game (Not Ygg)

Here you go!
something I wrote up just now as an exercise to get me going for Ygg. I guess there are a few holes to be patched but I only wrote it quickly and not really for use. It has a very simple Hero Point mechanism serving as the main currency of the game.

A Mini Game:

Roll stat:
Fightin 1D6
Shootin 1D6
Brawns 1D6
Smarts 1D6
Movin 1D6

You also have a number of Legend Points which start at 20

Choose if you're a:
Witchling Shapeshifter
Witchling Shaman
Witchling Bowmaster
Goblin Fortuneseeker
Male Troll Farseer
Male Troll Stonekin
Male Dwarf Artillery Technician
Male Dwarf Berserker
Female Dwarf Adventuress
Human Martial Artist
Human Weapon Master
Human Bowmaster

Get some bonuses and abilities:

Witchling Shapeshifter
Movin +1
Shootin -1
Shapeshifting Ability (Brawns +1 when shifted)
Brawns -1 when taking damage from iron weapons

Witchling Shaman
Movin +1
Healing Ability (Remove a Wound from a character for loos of 1 point of Brawns, comes back the next day)
See Truly (See through all illusions)
Brawns -1 when taking damage from iron weapons

Witchling Bowmaster
Movin +1
Shootin +1
Master Archer (can shoot twice)
Brawns -1 when taking damage from iron weapons

Goblin Fortuneseeker
Movin +1
Brawns -2
Escape Danger (can't be hit unless actually fightin someone)

Male Troll Stonekin
Movin -1
Brawns +2
Fighting -1
Regeneration (heals one wound every other round, starting with the least serious)

Male Dwarf Artillery Technician
Movin -1
Shootin +1
Fightin -1
Pyrotechnics (can throw bombs that hurt more than one opponent, has a number equal to Smarts for every fight)

Male Dwarf Berserker
Movin -1
Shootin -3
Fighting +1
Brawn +1
Smarts -2
Doesn't Know When To Quit (is never knocked out even if the wounds are too many)

Female Dwarf Adventuress
Movin -1
Shootin +1
Fightin -1
Survival Skills (Limited Pyrotechnics - only half the number bombs, and Escape Danger - but only if she can roll under her Smarts on 1D6)

Human Martial Artist
Fightin +1
Pranja Blast (can shoot at an opponent at a distance, once every fight)

Human Weapon Master
Fightin +1
Special Move (can declare a special move when rolling for damage. However, if either of the rolls fail to do damage, there is no damage whatsoever. On the other hand, if it succeeds it works as if there would have been two attacks, so you do two wounds)

Human Bowmaster
Shootin +1
Master Archer (can shoot twice per sequence)

And finally write down the name.

>>Mechanics start here

Roll 1D6+Fightin', if it beats 4+Opponent's fightin' you just hit.

Roll 1D6+Shootin' if it beats 7 on close range you hit, medium range 8, long range 9.

Hurting Stuff
Roll 1D6+Brawn vs 1D6+Brawn. Difference is damage. if positive. If the damage is bigger than the opponent's Brawn it's a BIG WOUND. Your fightin' goes down by 1 for every BIG WOUND. Anyway, record the wound like this "Wound (3)" or "Big Wound (8)"

When the number of wound points goes above your Legend, you're a goner. You're knocked out if you get more Big Wounds than your Brawn.

If you manage to hurt someone, your legend goes up 1 point. If you score a Big Wound you get a bonus point.

Skills & Stuff
Trying something, you usually check against your stat. If the difficulty is higher than the stat, you fail. Lower, you succeed. The same and you roll a D6, succeed on 4-6, fail on 1-3.

To succeed you can also spend legend points. 1 point increases the stat by 1. You can use the same in combat and increase (or decrease) either chance to hit or damage.

On difficulties: It's the GM who sets the difficulties. They can either be rolled (1D6) or set. Difficulty 1 is the default for "anyone should be able to do that". 6 is friggin impossible.

What stats to use - quick guide:
Sneaking, Jump Chasms and such sillyness: Movin
Break Bones, Arm Wrestle, Run A Very Long Distance: Brawns
Pick Locks, Tell Lies: Smarts

(You only use Fightin and Shootin in combat)

On the matter of doing sneaky things in combat:
You can throw, push, grab or whatever you want. Just do the brawl roll as usual. If you would do damage you succeed. But you have to tell before the roll that you try to do a special move. You never do damage with a special move incidentally.

Healing damage:
A wound goes away on a day. You only heal one wound a day. Big Wounds heal last.

Q: Can you reduce Legend Points below 0?
A: Nope

Q: Weapons?
A: Yeah, you can have whatever weapons you want. But you still only use Brawns when calculating damage.

Q: Armour?
A: Same as weapons

Here are some bonus Legend Points you can get:
A Cool Description of some move or action: 1
Defeating minor challenge: 1
Defeating medium challenge: 3
Defeating the boss: 5
Self sacrifice: 5
Taking up a difficult task: 3
Daring the odds (putting the life at stake of a roll): 2
Doing something really funny in character: 2

Message 3554#33714

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On 9/21/2002 at 3:48pm, Jack Spencer Jr wrote:
RE: A Mini Fantasy Game (Not Ygg)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like Legend Points are more a Resource than a Currency.

Message 3554#33720

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On 9/21/2002 at 4:34pm, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: A Mini Fantasy Game (Not Ygg)

Jack Spencer Jr wrote: Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like Legend Points are more a Resource than a Currency.

Hmm.. that might be right.

Message 3554#33724

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On 9/21/2002 at 11:05pm, Andrew Martin wrote:
Re: A Mini Fantasy Game (Not Ygg)

Pale Fire wrote:
Roll stat:
Fightin 1D6
Shootin 1D6
Brawns 1D6
Smarts 1D6
Movin 1D6

The above attributes look more like a Western game. Like:


Message 3554#33744

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On 9/22/2002 at 12:15am, Walt Freitag wrote:
RE: A Mini Fantasy Game (Not Ygg)

I think for a Western game you'd have to add Rootin' and Tootin'.

(Not sure why, though.)

- Walt

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On 9/22/2002 at 2:11am, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: A Mini Fantasy Game (Not Ygg)

Well Andrew, it kinda worked for me as a way to make me feel the rules wasn't serious. If things are serious considerations I get caught in this near recursive thinking.

So "shootin" worked nicely for me, even if it was going to be done with a bow. :)

That aside, noone with a comment on the LP mechanics. I think it was pretty clever in a funny kind of way. If you don't see it, here's the essence:

1. More woundpoints lost than LP -> dead
2. Gain 1 LP hitting someone in combat
3. Gain 1 extra LP if the wound is spectacularly nasty
4. Gain 1 LP if you narrate the hit very well
5. Can use LP to boost a stat
6. Can use LP to boost chances to hit
7. Can use LP to boost damage
8. Misc rewards of LP at adventure completion

So, you stack up on LP to survive combat. On the other hand, if you don't use LP in combat to boost results, you might take a lot of wounds, which means you're kinda stuck with having to keep the LP high just to not die at the next attack.

(If you have say 15 wound points and your LP is 20, then use 10 LP you don't die - even if the LP is now lower than the wound points - but the next hit will kill you)

By the way, mooks have 0 LP so they die if they get 1 point of damage.

Message 3554#33758

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On 9/29/2002 at 6:10am, Kester Pelagius wrote:
Whole new-new miniFRPG system, sort of (LONG!)


>This is not really a serious attempt, just something I wrote down for fun.

And which I decided to continue, for fun. ;-)

Which probably doesn’t explain the cross post. (Masochism?)

Yep, this is essentially cross posted from another Forum. An RPG.NET forum, to be exact. So if you haven’t already headed over there and read the original, see just how much bet.. <chuckle> how much bett.. <sniggar> Oh, skip it!

>Do notice of the weird effects of using Legend Points though.

Legend Points? Vewy interestink.

Hope you folks here don’t mind what follows. If you do, well, uh… <scratching head> I wrote it on the fly, open a window, let it go. <insert moans from imaginary crowd here>

Why bother reposting? Simply because Pale Fires isn’t an bad rules outline. Very reminiscent of the sort of thing used in the game books of old. Sure you can find similar systems here and there. But did I stumble on any of them in a forum first?

Hope cross posts are alright. For the most part I kept with what Pale Fire outlined and tried to iron out some of the minor faux pas (mine) from the original post.. Hope everyone here finds something to comment on. Nitpickers welcome!

{{ Begninging of miniFRPG rules posting }}

Advanced miniFRPG

What is miniFRPG?

Well it started innocently enough. There I was, reading posts on RPG.NET, when I stumbled upon perhaps the simplest rules outline since I read about TWERPS mechanics. One thing led to another, which now leads to me having to explain that all this really began with an…

Original Post by: Pale Fire on (some RPG.NET forum or another) 09-21-2002 07:59 PM as “Fantasy Mini Game” (idea/outline). [[ Addendum: Actually, now that I look, the actual post title was : “A complete mini FRP game just for fun”. Vuja De, oui? ]]

The one to blame for the edit from Fantasy Mini Game--or as I like to call it basic “miniFRPG” (copyright©, patent pending, trademarked™, all rights reserved, objects in mirror may appear smaller than they are) J -- to Advanced miniFRPG (Fantasy Mini Game Twei) is :: Kester Pelagius, with many apologies to the original poster.

Character Creation

Player Character Attributes are now categorized into Stats (physical attributes) and Abilities (action attributes). There are only six Stats in miniFRPG. Period. They should all be self explanatory, even to blind chipmunks.

Disclaimer: I tackled this as a work of satire. (Can't you see me sitting here grinning?) Any resemblance to a working RPG system is purely incidental. The fact miniFRPG maybe playable is.. A miracle quite frankly. I really only did this on the quick.

Stats: (1d6)

Brawns - Measure of muscles, physical strength.

Smarts - Measure of astuteness, brainpower

Moves - Walking, talking, chewing gum at the same time.


Fightin: (Brawns +1D4) [ +weapon modifier (OF) where applicable ]

Shootin: (Smarts +1D4) [ +weapon modifier where applicable ]

Dodgin: (Moves +1D4) [ +encumbrance modifier where applicable ]

All figures in “()” parenthesis represent math. Yes, math. You’ll have to work out the formulaic principles involved for yourself. Once accomplished the end sum should be noted on the character sheet, preferably as an single numerical value.

Applicable modifiers-- ie: those things listed in “[]” brackets-- should be written next to the applicable attribute or ability score.

Example: Fightin (6) [ Sword +1 ], Dodgin (5) [ Armor +2 ], Shootin (6) [ Satanic Mini-vulcan w/armor piercing rounds +666 ], etcetera.

What da players needs ta know :

o I like humor in my game designs. Hope you like my humor too.
o You (the player) have to supply the dice.
o Characters begin play with 20 Legend Points.
o Characters must roll to randomly determine Cultural Alter Ego (Race) and
Primary Path Study (ie: Class, Archetype, etcetera).
o This is all really just a means to over complic.. er.. make things interesting.

1. Chose Gender

Should be self-explanatory.

2. Choose Cultural Alter Ego (1d6):

1. Goblin
2. Dwarf
3. Shapeshifter
4. Troll
5. Human
6. Witchling (Female only)

Kester Says: Though rarely encountered by most lowly teen males, women do play roleplaying games too. Looking to work in something specific just for them into a game when possible? While the Witchling is obvious enough and required few alterations to the original post perhaps something that female role players may enjoy beyond the standard stereotypical character types would be better? Anyone here have any suggestions/additions/off color comments?

3. Choose Primary Path Study (1d6):

Rolls for PPS are broken down into simple 1d6 charts split up specifically for Male and Female characters and further divided up by genre. Presently there are only characters in the lists for High Fantasy, namely archetypes that may use some form of magic; and Epic Fantasy, non-magic using archetypes of the Hero variety.

All you have to do is choose whether you want to role play a High Fantasy or Epic Fantasy archetype. These characters can be played side by side, just be aware that the rules which are likely to apply to said characters will be different.

High Fantasy

Male PPS

1. Adventurer
2. Shaman
3. Occultist
4. Berserker
5. Martial Artist
6. Magician

Female PPS

1. Adventuress
2. Spiritualist
3. Occultist
4. Amazon
5. Martial Artist
6. Sorceress

Epic Fantasy

Male PPS

1. Artillery Technician (siege equipment, catapults, etc.)
2. Medic
3. Bow Master (specialist in archery)
4. Fortune-Seeker (think mercenary)
5. Swordsman
6. Troubadour

Female PPS

1. Artillery Technician
2. Healer
3. Bow Mistress (specialist in archery)
4. Fortune-Teller (think tarot cards, runes, I-Ching)
5. Sword Dancer
6. Troubadour

4. Figure Bonuses for Being Something Specific (where applicable):

That the Bonuses outlined below apply ONLY to the specific combination of Culture Alter Ego and Primary Path Study listed. If you rolled an combination without any modifiers, well, that’s the realism built into the game folks. Sometimes people just get the shaft in life. Live and learn. <Stop throwing rotten eggs. This is just a game!>

Note: Aside from changing Troll Stoneskin to just plain Troll, since there aren’t any other Trolls mentioned, I really didn’t touch this section. Much.

Any Female Troubadour
Dodgin +2
Special Abilities: singing, looking (distractingly) pretty, parrying groping hands.

Dwarf Artillery Technician
Dodgin -1
Shootin +1
Fightin -1
Pyrotechnics (can throw bombs that hurt more than one opponent, has a number equal to Smarts for every fight)

Dwarf Berserker
Dodgin -1
Shootin -3
Fighting +1
Brawn +1
Smarts -2
Doesn't Know When To Quit (is never knocked out even if the wounds are too many)

Dwarf Adventurer/Adventuress
Shootin +1
Fightin -1
Dodgin +2
Survival Skills (Limited Pyrotechnics - only half the number bombs, and Escape Danger - but only if she can roll under her Smarts on 1D6)

Dwarf Troubadour
Moves +1
Dodgin +1
Brawns -1
Special Abilities: singing, entertaining, and drinking tourists under the table.

Goblin Fortuneseeker
Dodgin +1
Brawns -2
Escape Danger (can't be hit unless actually fightin someone)

Human Martial Artist
Fightin +1
Moves +1
Pranja Blast (can shoot at an opponent at a distance, once every fight)

Human Weapon Master
Fightin +1
Special Move (can declare a special move when rolling for damage. However, if either of the rolls fail to do damage, there is no damage whatsoever. On the other hand, if it succeeds it works as if there would have been two attacks, so you do two wounds)

Human Bowmaster
Shootin +1
Master Archer (can shoot twice per sequence)

Moves -1
Dodgin -1
Fighting -1
Brawns +2
Regeneration (heals one wound every other round, starting with the least serious)

Witchling Bowmaster
Dodgin +1
Shootin +1
Master Archer (can shoot twice)
Brawns -1 when taking damage from iron weapons

Witchling Shapeshifter
Moves +1
Shootin -1
Dodgin +1
Shapeshifting Ability (Brawns +1 when shifted)
Brawns -1 when taking damage from iron weapons

Witchling Shaman
Moves +1
Healing Ability (Remove a Wound from a character for loss of 1 point of Brawns, comes back the next day)
See Truly (See through all illusions)
Brawns -1 when taking damage from iron weapons

5. Make sure Everything is Written on ye olde Character Sheet

Oh, yeah, now may be a good time to write an name for your character. What do you mean we didn’t say anything about getting paper and pencils and stuff? <sigh> Ok, maybe now would be a good time to get some dice (at least one d6 and one d4), paper, pencil (sharpened!), munchies, toilet paper, an clean change of underwear, and…

>>Important Game Rules Explanations Start Here<<


Attacker rolls Fightin +d6 verses Opponent's Fightin + any applicable modifier(s). If it beats opponents total Character has hit.

Roll 1D4 + Shootin + any applicable weapon modifiers. If the resultant score beats the following Target Rating action has succeeded. TR 7 at close range, medium range 9, long range 11, extreme long range 15.

Ranges should roughly work out as follows: Close 4-6 Hexes/Squares, Medium 7-9; Long Rage 10-11; Extreme Long Range 12-14. (Anything above 14 should be impossible without the aide of magic or technology.) Note: This has not been tested in play.

Roll 1d6 + the (numerical) level of difficulty against the character’s Dodgin score to determine success or failure. Success = any roll equal to or under the score.

Optionally (to simulate level of difficulty) this resolution roll can be made using any kind of die. Type, shape, color, area code to be rolled in to be designated by the Judge, Referee, Game Master, that moldy Banana which lives in the back of your refrigerator that gives you secret instructions for achieving world domination.

Difficulty is either (1) meaning Easy, un-encumbered; (2) meaning Difficult, somewhat encumbered; (3) meaning Hard, very encumbered; (4) meaning Herculean effort required to move out of the way; (5) meaning, What the hey! Where did those vines of tangl- mmph, murm, grrgllageia….. (6) meaning, Task is Impossible, but the GM is nice enough to let you attempt an roll anyway. Heh heh ha-hah <koff!> <Koff!>

Weapon Ouch Factor (OF)
Every weapon has an Ouch Factor. OF is figured on a scale of from 1 to 6. ( see Level of Difficulty for explanation ) Simply put OF is figured as an numerical modifier ranging from +1 to +6. For instance an typical bladed weapon should be OF 1 whereas an sub-machine gun would probably be OF 5 (per bullet?).

Oh, the Hurting! (Assessing Damage)
Standard method for determining damage in hand-to-hand melee: Compare Attacker’s Brawn with Oppenent’s Brawn. Difference indicates amount of damage inflicted. If there is no difference it is a Minor Wound (1 damage inflicted), otherwise for every “1” point of difference (in the Attackers favor) roll 1D4, sum indicates amount of damage inflicted. If the difference is in the Opponents favor GM may choose to rule that no damage against said foe is possible.

Figuring Wound Threshold of Martial Artist’s Attacks: Every Martial Artist attacks with concise blows. Unlike the Standard method for determining action it becomes necessary to determine Wound Threshold. Begin as per the Standard method outlined above, using the following rating system to determine Wound Threshold (Brawn Difference) [damage inflicted] : (0) Standard Damage [1d4]; (1) Minor Wound [3]; (2) Medium Wound [5]; (3) Big Wound [8]; (4+) Really BIG Wound [1D6+5]. As with the Standard method above the GM may rule that, on an negative result (meaning the difference is in the Opponents favor) that the Martial Artist inflicted no damage. Additional the GM may opt to rule (or have the character make a saving roll) to determine whether or no the Martial Artist suffered an “Sprain”, thus reducing their combat effectiveness, during their attack.

When the amount of damage inflicted reduces an characters ?? to 0 they are considered “Splattered” and removed from play.

Game Masters take note: Unlike Basic miniFRPG characters are NOT rewarded Legend Points for hurting another character in Advanced miniFRPG. Nor do they receive any bonuses for inflicting Wounds. (Not even finding coins!) Instead they are rewarded for successfully completing missions and skillfully subduing foes in combat. Unless they are engaging their foes in tournaments or an arena, then, and ONLY then, might a character earn Legend Points for actually overtly pounding an opponent into an blood stai.. er.. submission.

Everything Else

Skills & Stuff
Want to trying something heroic? To achieve most heroic feats one must usually check against their pertinent Stat or Ability. If the difficulty is higher than the stat, you fail. Lower, you succeed. The same and you roll a D6; succeed on 4-6, fail on 1-3.

Legend Points
Legend Points are what allow Characters to do, or at least attempt, amazing feats. Feats are any normal action which is taken into the supernormal realm, such as being able to cleave the skull of an Munchkin mid-phrase as they are about to quote some obscure passage from the Liber Rules Maléfix.

To affect rolls players may opt too invest Legend Points in Defining Actions. All a DF really does is announce to the GM the Players attempt to affect the outcome of some action or another. Every 2 points thus spent increases the action roll, whatever the roll was, by an factor of +1, GM map opt to cap this at either +4 or +6. (Though it’s not really necessary since characters start play with a limited # of LP.)

Using Legend Points in Combat works much the same way, only to attempt to increase (or decrease) either chance to hit, dodge, or affect damage inflicted.

Game Masters and Player take note: Legend Points do not allow an Player to alter, change, or take a “redo” in an action which has already transpired or been assessed. So if you walk boldly through that dungeon door labeld “Do Not Enter, Ever!”, and discover it was actually a pit-trap leading into the Third Circle of Dante’s Hellfire Bar and Grill… Our advice to you is simple, better get used to the cuisine.

Earning Legend Points
The GM of miniFRPG awards good role playing with Legend Points. Legend Points are used to affect good role playing. It is an complimentary cycle. For instance some possible Legend Points awards could be :

Good Description of some move or action: 1
Defeating minor challenge: 1
Defeating medium challenge: 3
Defeating the Evil Overlord/Sanctimonious Boss: 5
Self sacrifice: 5
Taking up a difficult task: 3
Daring the odds (putting the life at stake of a roll): 2
Doing something really funny in character: 2
Bringing extra munchies: variable
Washing the Game Masters car: heck-a-lot!! ;-)

Ok, the last two were just jokes, but you get the idea.

Level of Difficulty
The GM sets and establishes the range and norm of task difficulty. Difficulty can either be rolled randomly (D6) or set. Difficulty 1 is the default for "anyone should be able to do that" while 6 is fraggin impossible. ( see section on Dodgin for an practical application of this scale )

Example of Applying Stats to in-Game Situations
Lift gold bars, Wrestling with Seraphim, Clean a Dozen Stables in one day: Brawns
Picking Locks, Telling Believable Lies, bartering with Harridans: Smarts
Jumping across Chasms, Opening jars of mayonnaise, similar extraordinary feats: Moves
Sidestepping cartoon anvils, projectile vomit, Pale Fire‘s Harassing Imps: Dodgin

Luckily Fightin and Shootin are really only used in combat situations, so I don‘t have to waste a lot of words to explain them. Well, ok, maybe a few. Like how they can be useful in the odd friendly bar room brawl, or three. But that’s it. Really! Besides barroom brawls are really the same thing as combat. Hmm. That was pointless.

On Doing Sneaky Things in Combat:
You can throw, push, grab or whatever you want. Just do the brawl roll (?) as usual. If you would do damage you succeed. But you have to tell before the roll that you try to do a special move. The Character never inflicts damage with a special move incidentally.

The average wound goes away in a day. However Characters only heal one wound per day. Big Wounds take much longer to heal. (Unless magic/divine aide is applied?)

Besides what has been outlined above players should also note that :

o Legend Points can not be reduced below zero (0)

o In the basic game Characters could have whatever weapons they wanted. Brawns was
used to calculate all damage. In Advanced miniFRPG damage is a factor of Brawns
and weapon Ouch Factor (OF).

o Armour is figured the same as weapons?

{{ End of miniFRPG rules posting }}

Ok, that’s my half-pence worth. Anyone else want to make Pale Fire’s day by offering up advice/criticism/rules expansions on his/her/their/this here system?

For instance I included “Magician” in the list of Primary Path Studies, but there really isn’t an magic system here. Oh, sure, there could be, and probably simply done too. But that smacks of work!

Kind Regards,

Kester Pelagius

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On 10/3/2002 at 11:45pm, Kester Pelagius wrote:
Fixed it...

My (above) post looks much better now, don't you think?


Kind Regards,

Kester Pelagius

Message 3554#35478

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