The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge
Started by: John Wick
Started on: 9/24/2002
Board: Site Discussion

On 9/24/2002 at 8:04pm, John Wick wrote:
Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge

Yes, I made a post over at

Yes, a bunch of people started throwing personal insults at me (most of whom haven't read my work or even know what I look like).

Yes, that is the reason I love The Forge. Thank you to Ron and Clinton and everybody else. You have a wonderful, friendly environment to discuss disagreements.

Take care,

PS: I received about a dozen private "John, I think you're cool!" e-mails since I posted. Those I count. The rest, I discount.

Message 3583#34079

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On 9/24/2002 at 8:20pm, TSL wrote:
RE: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge

I won't throw insults, just a gripe:

I wanna be 17 and Immortal.

I wanna rumble.

I want my Neverland, John.


Message 3583#34084

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On 9/24/2002 at 9:40pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge

John you fetid rat-bastard, how dare you show your disgusting visage here! I thought we were rid of your retched presence! Had I known that you were going to be allowed to return I'd have revoked my subscription here! Your mother was a Hamster and your father stank of elderberry!


P.S. Don't want anyone thinking that we're getting soft here at The Forge. ;-) Sorry John. How are ya?

Message 3583#34118

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On 9/24/2002 at 9:42pm, deadpanbob wrote:
RE: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge

Gosh, the Forge even gets a better class of Flaming Trolls...

Message 3583#34119

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On 9/24/2002 at 9:49pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge

deadpanbob wrote: Gosh, the Forge even gets a better class of Flaming Trolls...

I'll take that as a compliment. Just because I'm "that way".

Hey, John, been tempted to write at all lately? Might that also be a secret reason for lurking on site (he said, hoping to heaven that it was true)?


Message 3583#34124

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On 9/24/2002 at 10:50pm, John Wick wrote:
RE: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge

Hey, John, been tempted to write at all lately? Might that also be a secret reason for lurking on site (he said, hoping to heaven that it was true)?


Not exactly. But I have been speaking with a young woman interested in breaking into the field. She has an intriguing idea for a game company, and I've been consulting with a few folks here at The Forge about it. I think her website will be up soon (her webmaster is one of my rommates).

Message 3583#34139

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On 9/24/2002 at 11:21pm, Zak Arntson wrote:
RE: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge

I've still got my eyes out for a copy of Orkworld. I haven't read any of your gaming stuff (just the Last Paladin fiction). I'm guessing I can't order from Wicked Press anymore, what with the website down and all?

Granted, ebay has a copy for 10 bucks (after shipping), but I'd rather support you directly.

Message 3583#34144

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On 9/25/2002 at 2:06am, greyorm wrote:
RE: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge

Heya John, glad to see you're hanging about!

Oh, and Mike, you misspelled "wretched" written, apparently John carries his upchucked 'presence' around with him, possibly in a jar. Or maybe it just follows him around like a lost puppy. Either way, it's a pretty disturbing image, but great as an idea for a Sorcerer character.

(Figured I'd continue the mock troll-flamewar -- for those keeping track, that was the the move known as, "Ha, you can't spell!" ;D )

I'm now going to go design a Sorcerer character based off John Wick and his horrid, upchucked presence. What sorts of powers should I give it?

Message 3583#34163

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On 9/25/2002 at 2:12am, James wrote:
Re: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge

John Wick wrote: Yes, that is the reason I love The Forge. Thank you to Ron and Clinton and everybody else. You have a wonderful, friendly environment to discuss disagreements.

RPGnet is a sewer. A popular, heavily-trafficked sewer, but it's still a sewer. It's nearly impossible to get any sort of real, substantive discussion going on, thanks to the confluence of moderators who don't moderate and a body of users that make the mob that sacked the governor's house on the "Day of Tiles" look like an orderly bunch.

In fact, I wouldn't be much surprised if RPGnet actually turned away potential hobbyists, since the content of the discourse there is so often the epitome of everything that is wrong with gamers and gaming.

Message 3583#34165

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On 9/25/2002 at 5:33am, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: Re: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge

James wrote: RPGnet is a sewer. A popular, heavily-trafficked sewer, but it's still a sewer. It's nearly impossible to get any sort of real, substantive discussion going on

I was recently thinking the same thing. Originally I was on RPGnet and then after suggestions by a few posters I found my way here (so there is a use for it after all!). Now a few days ago I was thinking: "why don't I post some of the threads I had little or no reply to on"

So, that's what I did. And sure, I got a lot of replies. Only the funny thing is, if I filter away the useless replies I don't really have anything left. If I post something on the Forge and get no replies, it's because people can't find anything useful to add. On RPGnet people just write.

You present an idea and someone writes you "oh, I had that idea and I was going have <insert useless and incredibly hard to implement vague idea here>". It's hard to say what you really think because

a) they are sincere and took the time to write something

b) the idea is neat (even though it probably isn't feasible and usually vague enough that it would take weeks of tries to squeeze out some actual definitions to try to base a mechanic on)

Unless you want people to say "oh, cool" to all your ideas and for that being the only useful feedback you need. Then RPGnet is great. But if you're actually trying to improve your design it is not.

Viva the Forge!

(Even if people can be rude sometimes because I know they have the best intentions :) I even think that's true of you M ;) )

Message 3583#34186

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On 9/25/2002 at 6:17am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge

Yeah, this is true on more and more forums. I was chatting with someone the other day about forums in a different industry, and between the two of us we could only count a few forums total--about one or two per "industry" that actually promoted thought on the topic they claimed to hold. And the forge is nice.

Oh, and John, I published my game, The Riddle of Steel, largely due to some encouragment you gave me in an email where I wrote "I've got this game, what should I do with it..." I felt dumb for writing it at the time, but it was before I knew about any RPG websites, but I knew I liked L5R, 7th Sea, and especially Orkworld...

Anyway, thanks.

Jake Norwood

Message 3583#34193

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On 9/25/2002 at 12:44pm, wyrdlyng wrote:
RE: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge

James wrote: ...thanks to the confluence of moderators who don't moderate...'s forums are moderated? Seriously? In the many years I've wandered through there I've never seen anything resembling moderation.

I'd like to take this moment then to thank Ron and Clinton for doing an outstanding job of keeping The Forge a welcome place for intelligent discussion.

And I'd like to welcome John back. I'm a fan of his works, especially Orkworld, and he was a nice guy when I met him at GenCon a few years back.

Message 3583#34217

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On 9/25/2002 at 1:17pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge

Dudes, dudes,

All this just a couple of months after I requested a "Be more fuckin' nice dammit" policy toward other RPG sites, most especially

John's right about his treatment there, in my view, but I'm not going to let this forum start trading invective either.

And yes, it is moderated, now. You should have seen it two years ago. My call is to give credit where it's due, for improvement, and has improved immeasurably.


Message 3583#34220

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On 9/25/2002 at 1:21pm, pigames wrote:
RE: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge

Hey John and the Forge gang. Had to add my rant...

Yes, RPGnet's forums are sewers. I lost my temper there again the other day. I was posting in the ads/promos forum about my Action Exploits Diceless Rules and that I was going to release BTRC's CORPS background for it (of course I didn't mention BTRC). Someone had to immediately point out that I might be infringing on BTRC's copyright. So I lost it. If I'm posting it, I have license to do so. I'm not a gimp. Posting in Ads/Promos does not mean that I am soliciting for opinion or IP advice. I know, temper, temper.... If I want advice I come to The Forge. You can easily have an intelligent conversation here.

Anyway, John, my friend used to belong to some discussion list you moderated (L5R I assume). He used to tell me about the stupid questions and how you used to answer them. He used to laugh at your responses all the time. He loved them. I caught a few too.

I have never seen one person get bad-mouthed that much. Other gaming companies should never bad mouth colleagues or even rivals for that matter. It's such a shame about the rampant anarchy there.

Message 3583#34221

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On 9/25/2002 at 1:24pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge

First, yes, the fora are moderated. Moslty it consists of taking posts that have little to do with RPGs and shunting them off to some mystical place called "Tangency" where I believe a lot of the cooler RPG.netters now hang out almost exclusively in some sort of self imposed exile.

That said, I have noticed a distinct increase in the number of untrammeled discussions there. And a sentiment amongst posters as a whole that the trolling and flaming is no longer as tolerated as it once was. The signal to noise ratio is certainly lower than at the Forge, but as always the total information content there remains rather high with all the traffic. If you can sift through it there are actually some good discussions going on.

For instance I actually got into a pretty decent discussion of the definition of RPGs there along with, of all people, Gliechman. And there was an interesting thread on the use of flowery language when playing fantasy games.

Don't count out. There's still a lot going on over there. If you haven't been there in a while, I suggest going over and taking another look. With a crtical eye, but an unbiased one. Some people seem to be able to exist there as easily as here. Ask Max (AKA Balbinus). He frequents both with equal aplomb. He asks questions respectfully there, and gets (for the most part) respectful answers.

Anyway, enough about that.

John, thanks for the teaser. Any chance you can give us more info? Will you at least let us know when the new site is up?


Message 3583#34223

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On 9/25/2002 at 1:28pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge


Certain people on - and certain people here, and certain people everywhere, for that matter - are ill-tempered and unintelligent and hurt conversation, and trash on others.

I saw what was said about John, and to be honest, I pretty much stopped it there with one good pointy private message.

I'm stopping it here. For the record, is an incredibly valuable resource that's been there long before the Forge. Some horrible people said some horrible things about John, but they aren't the entire site.

John, the thread you started was extremely nice, and means a lot to me. Thank you.

Message 3583#34225

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On 9/25/2002 at 2:29pm, Marco wrote:
RE: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge ...

Isn't academic.

[Edited to remove passive aggressive remark. It sucked and came off badly. Not what I'd intended: Argument on by virtue of sometimes being infantile can also sometimes be more frank. ]

Isn't censored/moderated.

Reflects a lot of people who play the most popular games in the industry--and, more importantly, like them and think they are well suited to their purpose of roleplaying.

It's nicer and smaller than Usenet (man, if you think can get nasty, try freaking usenet).

There are some bright people there.

I've seen some of the best GNS discussions going there.

I've seen some of the best RPG-philosophy discussions going there.

I've never recieved a nasty Private Message on

They've reviewed one of my modules.

They might review my game (something that will likely never happen here).

If I wanted to post a review they would host it.

It's not The Forge--isn't trying to be, and shouldn't be. If had a booth at Gen Con, I wouldn't set up shop there.

But it isn't "a sewer." It's hotter, faster, and bigger than The Forge (also cruder, coarser, and has lots of jerks like almost everywhere else on the Internet). If you don't like it consider that lots of smart, polite, and respected people do.

Edited to note:
I've found very weak as a game *design* forum--it's trying but, for me, it's been weak.

I posted the essays about fault tolerant game design here and got lots of thoughtful feedback. On it was moved to Ads/Promotion (essentially they saw it as pure advertising).

Unmoderated (and it *is* essenitally unmoderated) forums have a host of problems, all of which has in spades.

Essentially the two are different ( is far more populist, far more mainstream, and often a good deal more honest). None of these are inherently faults or virtues.

Also: Those people who flamed John are morons. It's hard to ignore them--I know. But man, every idiot who posted venom on that thread just made themselves look bad. It said absolutely nothing about John. I found it regretable that it happened at all.


Message 3583#34238

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On 9/25/2002 at 2:46pm, pigames wrote:
RE: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge

Some horrible people said some horrible things about John, but they aren't the entire site.

I agree. I think everyone contributing to the RPGnet bashing here (myself included) was referring to the casual ignorance and hostility present in the MESSAGE BOARDS only. The site itself is very helpful and well run. I don't think anyone here will disagree with that.

But it isn't "a sewer." It's hotter, faster, and bigger than The Forge (also cruder, coarser, and has lots of jerks like almost everywhere else on the Internet). If you don't like it consider that lots of smart, polite, and respected people do.

And, yes, there are quite a bit of intelligent people there in addition to the morons. Let's not get in a Forge/RPGnet pissing match. Just to clarify, it is a sewer in the sense that it houses a lot of wasted space in their message boards. Let's call a truce and drop the subject :).

Message 3583#34241

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On 9/25/2002 at 4:26pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge


Speaking of forum moderation, the Forge is moderated - and above, in this very thread, both moderators have spoken up quite clearly. However, subsequent posters are not listening.

Pigames, in particular - there are several issues I have with your last post, but the only one that matters here is that the topic has been moderated, and further discussion of what kind of sewer, so to speak, is not permitted. It's not your authority to say "let's drop it" when we moderators have already done so. I recognize your dismay at the thread in question, but your desire to get in a last word or whatever is something you need to self-regulate.

People get surprised at how unbending I can be about this stuff. I'll lock this thread upon one more phrase of invective, no matter how it's qualified.


Message 3583#34270

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On 9/25/2002 at 4:37pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge

No invective here.

While I am the first person to get in line to declare that censor ship is the most insidious evil that can be allowed to be perpetrated, I'm also the first to get in line to voice my appreciation for moderators who actually moderate in a topical / membership oriented forum.

Skillfull moderation is a very difficult and time consuming task (both reasons why many choose not to do it), but the Forge is one of the best moderated sites I visit.

Unlike EXTREMELY moderated sites (like the Babylon 5 discussion forum) where the moderator actually reads all posts before they get posted and only posts those he wants (including not posting posts if they are similar to others already made) and unlike extremely laxly moderated sites (like or most computer game forums), the Forge has struck a very delicate balance between heavy handed and anything goes.

This is due largely to the efforts of our two moderators, but also largely to the efforts of the now nearly 900 members and 100 - 200 or so active posters to behave in a rational, mature, and responsible manner. In other adults.

So, thanks to our moderators for moderating. Thanks to the memberships for being moderate.

Message 3583#34277

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On 9/25/2002 at 5:09pm, Jeffrey Miller wrote:
RE: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge

Moderators also can be responsible for the shaping of the nature of the forum without directly censoring anyone. Hopefully, moderators are both thermometers of public sense as well as leaders within the community.

Message 3583#34288

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On 9/25/2002 at 5:17pm, John Wick wrote:
RE: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge

Jake Norwood wrote:
Oh, and John, I published my game, The Riddle of Steel, largely due to some encouragment you gave me in an email where I wrote "I've got this game, what should I do with it..." I felt dumb for writing it at the time, but it was before I knew about any RPG websites, but I knew I liked L5R, 7th Sea, and especially Orkworld...

Anyway, thanks.

Jake Norwood

Hey! That's cool. That's really cool. Like, the nicest thing you can say to a guy.

Does that mean I get a comp copy? :)

Good luck and take care,

Message 3583#34290

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On 10/7/2002 at 4:52pm, Balbinus wrote:
RE: Once again, why I do not fear making a post at The Forge

On the moderation issue, and the Forge have very different approaches to moderation each of which I believe function well for the site in which they are used. has a minimal moderation policy, introduced relatively recently. A thread is pulled or a poster banned only for very narrow reasons. An irrelevant thread gets moved to the tangency forum, which is for non-rpg related discussions. A particularly racist or otherwise bigoted thread may get deleted, although often the forum regulars will just make the poster wish they'd been deleted. Being banned only happens for repeated posting of items of sheer bigotry, racist rantings for example.

The intent, as far as I understand it, is to be as close to unmoderated as is practical.

Here, the intent appears to me quite different. The Forge is closely and actively monitored and Ron does not hesitate to close down threads he views as unproductive. This leads to a politer and more focussed but less free wheeling atmosphere IMO.

The approach works there because the main forum is a general rpg forum. Anything rpg related goes. It is a free for all and you have to hold your own. I like it for that but it does mean sometimes you take a lot of noise with your signal.

The Forge approach works because this site has a purpose, discussions are focussed and work towards progressing issues or game designs. Most posters come to the Forge to explore ideas and develop stuff. The close moderation and tight focus help that. The same approach would of course be a disaster on, where a thread about which super hero game is coolest is entirely fine because sometimes people just like to chat about which games they like just for the sake of the chatting.

The JW thread was awful, I requested its deletion in fact. After all, I actually started that thread and I was embarassed by what it had turned into. Looking back I should have known that would happen but it certainly wasn't my intent.

So, John, sorry about my part in creating the thread where you got quite brutally flamed in my view without reason. Hope things are cool where you are and life is good.

As to the two sites, they have different purposes and goals. I post pretty much every day at and am almost never flamed (ironically the JW thread was one of the few where I was), it can be a bear pit but I find a lot of those who find it so bring their own bears.

Of course, there are also some assholes with hobbyhorses who piss all over certain threads. Any regular dreads certain topics arising because we all know that the same posters as last time will make the same egregious flames. So it goes, it's a price you pay for the freewheeling atmosphere.

On a last note, I'd like to see Gaming Outpost back on its feet though I doubt we'll see that now. and the Forge are both cool IMO but a third site would do the hobby no harm at all.

Message 3583#35963

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