The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Dust Devils arrived
Started by: Clay
Started on: 9/25/2002
Board: Chimera Creative

On 9/25/2002 at 4:35pm, Clay wrote:
Dust Devils arrived

I picked up my copy of Dust Devils last night. The rules expansions and the appearance of the printed product are great. It's great to find a game this complete in only 36 pages.

Message 3598#34276

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On 9/26/2002 at 2:05am, Tim Denee wrote:
RE: Dust Devils arrived

Mine also arrived yesterday. And I am also very impressed.

Good work, Matt

Message 3598#34396

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On 9/26/2002 at 3:50am, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Dust Devils arrived

Thanks Tim and Clay for the kind comments. Please do let me know if you had any problems with delivery. I'm especially concerend about yours, Tim, because I could not send it in a box as I do my US priority mail shipments. Did the binding seem to make it through the channel ok?

Enjoy, fellas!

-Matt (who's still working in a coal mine on his day-job)

Message 3598#34407

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On 9/26/2002 at 4:02am, Tim Denee wrote:
RE: Dust Devils arrived

Nope, no problems really. The bindings fine. The cover has a slight kink to it, but not so severe I'd call it a crease or anything.

The illustrations are really good as well (both inside and cover). Very evocative. I hate how all RPGs have comic book-style art, no matter what the style of the game itself. Deadlands springs to mind here.

Message 3598#34409

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