The Forge Reference Project


Topic: New LF Website: Ideas?
Started by: Jason L Blair
Started on: 7/23/2001
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 7/23/2001 at 3:37pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
New LF Website: Ideas?

The new LF website will be going up soon (Target date: Monday, July 30th). My question to you is: what do you want on it?

Not necessarily design-wise (though, feel free), but content-wise. Obviously a PDF version of the character sheet will be there as well as planned biweekly updates (scenarios, new hand-me-downs, monsters, etc.). Anything else you'd like to see?

The site will be broken down into three different sections: Dark Faery Tales, Scary Stories, and True Horror. Each with its own look, tone, and content to suit each style.

Either post up here or email me at to let me know.

Message 360#3201

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On 7/23/2001 at 6:26pm, Dav wrote:
RE: New LF Website: Ideas?

In the biweekly update (or if you think it appropriate, somewhere else) will you be opening the site to fan-submitted stuff? I understand probably a submit to you for approval basis, rather than upload your own, but something along those lines? I always enjoy a site I can participate in rather than just surf.


Message 360#3212

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On 7/23/2001 at 10:56pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: New LF Website: Ideas?

Most definitely. If you have something on a site you'd like linked or just want to email me some stuff (preferably in the email and not attached), feel free. I'll post it up (chances are I won't wait for the biweekly update for those things).

Message 360#3227

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On 7/24/2001 at 3:21am, MARS wrote:
RE: New LF Website: Ideas?

Still have not seen the book yet :sad:

A mix up with UPS, should be coming tomorrow. Might have more ideas at that time.

But for now, what about some new fiction from contributors like they do over on All flesh must be eaten site and it would be cool to see some new drawings from time to time.

Also are there any plans for a mailing list? :smile:

Message 360#3240

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On 8/3/2001 at 8:03am, scothemaudlin wrote:
RE: New LF Website: Ideas?

I think you have the right idea with the content thus far. I would prefer to see more artwork, and, perhaps maybe even some audio files for the game. Anything from sound effects to songs in order to place the players in the proper mood. Props could be available for download. The most important thing is that you continue to update it. Many companies fail horribily in making their web content current and useful. Scott

Message 360#3671

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On 8/14/2001 at 12:05am, Laura Bishop wrote:
RE: New LF Website: Ideas?

Now that the game is actually out, is there going to be any errata posted to the webpage?

While not detrimental to the game, a couple of Standard Character Examples might have been nice in the main book. There are some for adults, which was great, but Kids were sorely missed. Without examples, it can be difficult to say what is 'average'. In my game, I said that, as all your stats start automatically at 2, and given 6 PaPs, your 'average' character would have 3s across the board with one 4. Something actually in black and white might have been nice to reference.

Another thing is, in the Every Day Monsters section, some Monsters are listed with things like Fists 3, Claws 4. I'm not totally sure what this is supposed to mean, or how it figures into the normal Little Fears dice rolling system.

And, just to be nitpicky, in Titania, King of Pride it talks about Arcadia and then the 'Null'. More info here would just be cool. ; )

Message 360#4117

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On 8/14/2001 at 2:33am, archangel_2 wrote:
RE: New LF Website: Ideas?

That part (Arcadia and the Null) reminded me of the Neverending Story, and I'm curious if that was coincidental or if that was a source of inspiration for it. As for more about it, I'm assuming that in subsequent Little Fears books (probably the one that's supposed to be about Closetland itself), all these little details will be fleshed out and explained. Or am I offtrack, Jason?


Message 360#4119

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On 8/14/2001 at 1:54pm, Deadstop wrote:
RE: New LF Website: Ideas?

Is there an updated target date for the new website?

I'm holding off on new game purchases 'til Dragon*Con, but LF will definitely be the first thing I look for there, and in the meantime I'm checking for website updates daily.

I discovered a weakness for games with kid PCs a couple years back, and since then all my favorite games have featured them. I haven't run such a game myself yet, but I may just have to after getting my hands on LF. From everything I've read, the game sounds like a masterwork! Many kudos to Jason and associates.

Message 360#4133

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On 8/14/2001 at 2:40pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: New LF Website: Ideas?

Some quick replies (busy time at the ol' day job today):

Numbers Listed Next To Monsters:
The numbers next to Claws, Fangs, etc. denote the damage such things do. If a kid fails her Quiz, (let's say... she has a Feet of 3 and rolls a 5 a difference of 2) you would add the difference to the weapon damage (let's say... Claws 3, for a total of 5 points of damage) and fill in the appropriate amount of wounds on the character sheet.

Target Date For New Site:
Soon... very soon. I promise. Just trying to get some graphical stuff I'm attempting done right so it doesn't look terrible (I'm revamping the _entire_ Key 20 website, just so you know).

Child Average:
Three is average. Good call.

The Null:
A lot of people have been asking about this. All I can say is, the quick reference to it was done on purpose. And you will all learn more when you venture "Behind The Door." You will also learn why the Demagogue despises children so and how children got such a thing as Innocence in the first place.

How Did GenCon Go?
In a word: GREAT. Big, mad thanks to Clinton "It just hit me why they call him Prez" Nixon, Jenaya the UnGamer, Gentrification, Jeff "Don't Call Me Josh" Nosh (or whatever his name is), Ron the Scientific Sorcerer, Unodiablo (I'll be contacting you soon about "Bedtime Stories"), Jared AKA "2 LEGIT" SorensEn, Juergen The Mad German, John "The Devil wears glasses" Wick, the Sinny*Star Krewe, Shelby "The Booth Lady," The Guy From The Last Square, MAD THANKZ to all the drug stores that close at 7 P.M.!!! and all my homeys in the 414 (or whatever ZIP code Milwaukee's in).

Sorry, it's just... I've yet to give a shout-out since GenCon.

Jason L Blair
Key 20 Publishing

[ This Message was edited by: Key20Jason on 2001-08-14 10:48 ]

Message 360#4136

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