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Topic: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition
Started by: Jason L Blair
Started on: 9/26/2002
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 9/26/2002 at 7:16pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

Just an update to let you all know that Little Fears will be available soon in both French and German.

The French edition by 7eme Cercle is at the printers now. You can check it out at

The German edition by Feder und Schwert is scheduled for early 2003. You can check it out at

Samuel Araya ( did two different covers for the games. Quite nice, I must say.

Both 7eme Cercle and F&S have been great to work with, and I can't wait to see what the final products look like.

Message 3609#34501

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On 9/27/2002 at 1:34am, Adam wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

Everything is scarier when it's in German. Kick ass, Jason!

Message 3609#34577

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On 9/27/2002 at 12:50pm, wyrdlyng wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

Adam wrote: Everything is scarier when it's in German.

I have to agree. The cover for the German edition looks freakin awesome.

Message 3609#34611

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On 9/27/2002 at 7:25pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

We'll have to get the lowdown from the Mad German as to how well the translation to his language works.


Message 3609#34685

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On 9/27/2002 at 7:52pm, Ninchen wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

I'll get myself a copy of the german edition ("Kleine Ängste") and will let you know.

Message 3609#34693

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On 10/24/2003 at 10:26pm, Ninchen wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition


'Kleine Ängste' had been released in Germany this weekend.
I just wanted to let you know. ;)

Message 3609#88019

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On 10/29/2003 at 4:09pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

I can't wait for my copies! I'm very excited.

Ninchen, did you get a copy? Is it cool? I know they changed quite a few things (with permission) so how does it stand up to the original version?

Message 3609#88584

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On 11/3/2003 at 8:48pm, Comte wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

Yes yes be sure to tell us as quick as possible what the diffrences are between the french/german editions. I am omega curiouse.

Message 3609#89151

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On 11/4/2003 at 1:39pm, Minx wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

I´ve read a bit into it but I was ... well, let´s say surprised (Ok, dissapointed describes it better) by the change in style that had happened. The story of the different kings was changed quite drastically. (Like "Sloth has suddenly a queen? The Defiler (?) is suddenly named PAN?!? What about the story of Glabrezu (?) and the Big bad guy? [It´s been a while since I´ve read LF.] )

I prefer the game as it is presented in the english edition.

Message 3609#89244

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On 11/6/2003 at 10:05pm, puck wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

i think "feder und schwert" changed the descriptions of the kings because they were 'to american' for german players. childhood in germany is not the same as in the usa and the monsters of our children aren't the same like yours! (excuse my bad english - i never learned it at school)

"kleine ängste" isn't just a translation of "little fears" - it is the TRY to transfer a great game concept into a different culture. my own campaine takes place in an american suburb (it's not located exactly) and because of that i use the kings of the original book. my next oneshot adventure is a story about the dark corners of my hometown and then i'll take the german version...

in my opinion "feder und schwert" has done a good job with "kleine ängste"!

Message 3609#89541

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On 11/6/2003 at 10:53pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

Interesting comments. Can you explain some of the differences for we American's? What are the differences in the fears of each culture that explain the changes? I'm fascinated by the concept.

My Alex turns three in a week. He's been complaining about dragons under his bed of late...


Message 3609#89554

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On 11/7/2003 at 2:06am, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

To add on to Puck's comments, what you said F&S did with Little Fears is exactly what I wanted them to do. LF should be bent and twisted to fit everyone's childhood and part of my communication with the Olivers (my contacts at F&S) was exactly that.

As Mike, I'd like to hear what some of the big differences are.

Message 3609#89579

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On 11/7/2003 at 6:14pm, Ninchen wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

I received my copy today - so here I am again.

What should I say? Hell, it really rocks!

The artwork is really great!

The hardcover looks like one of the small books I hold in my hands when I had been at school.

You wanna know what F&S modified?
Not that much.

Closetland means nothing to us Europeans so named it the 'land under the bed', something adults recognize and children fear. Anyway, its a different label for the same thing.

The 'Olivers' changed the seven kings in parts:
The bogeyman wasn't changed - he just got another name 'The Black Man'. Baba Yaga kept her name and hadn't been modified as well.

The Pechmarie substituted as a queen of the putridness, because us Babyloni divinities were too far off.
The bad queen Malefiz is been added as a queen of the envy for the same reasons.
Titania remained and for anger is carrot number as a substitute in the field. Load but emergency leases it then still Pan for Wollust into the numbers of the kings created, since The Defiler appeared too designed to us.
The children from pain and wrong were completely replaced by the Teethfae and their brood.

Message 3609#89674

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On 11/7/2003 at 7:12pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

Closets aren't scary to German children?

To be clear, the closet has no special meaning to American kids. It's just another place, like under the bed, where things might be lurking. I just can't see how this would be cultural (do you have fewer closets?).

It seems to me that they've simply replaced some of the kings with characters that are more Germanocentric. That is, outside of the boogeyman, which I do believe would be an American cultural thing, all the kings were not really specific to American culture or fears in any way. What I mean by this is that the German version sounds like it's more centered on the German culture, than the American version is on American.

I'd have thought that it would be important to keep the kings a bit more "international", as it were. That is, as sorta primal forces, one would expect them to plague children worldwide. I'm sure that the boogeyman does have other names in other countries. But the more ancient names seem to me to give a sense of universal-ness to those that have them.

OTOH, that's from a personal and biased perspective. Perhaps the German versions do seem global to the German reader.

BTW, had to smirk at the "Black Man" replacement. That would have gone over like a iron balloon here. I guess that's not "politically incorrect" in Germany?

BTW, is the French version also going to be different? Or will it match either the American or German versions?


Message 3609#89686

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On 11/7/2003 at 8:55pm, Ninchen wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

Mike Holmes wrote: BTW, had to smirk at the "Black Man" replacement. That would have gone over like a iron balloon here. I guess that's not "politically incorrect" in Germany?

Same over here!!!
I don't know for sure if the term "black man" comes from someone horrible standing in the dark or if its based on Europeans past where the white, longnosed people were the top of the evolution an... all the rest, were horrible freaks... I'm afraid its based on the second. And I wished F&S took another titel.
XXX! Fight racism! Fight sexism! Fight speciesism!

Message 3609#89710

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On 11/7/2003 at 9:00pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

RE: French Edition
The removed the Defiler and put in a torturer. I forget his name but I can post it tonight.

RE: Names
Heh. Mike and I are on the same track here. I planned on The Bogeyman being changed in every edition (he's the generic childhood baddie in the States). Funny that.

Message 3609#89714

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On 11/7/2003 at 9:07pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

Could it be that the "Black Man" is a bad translation and "Dark Man" is better? I seem to recall that DSE (?) translates literally to "The Black Eye", but it is normally translated as "The Dark Eye", since a black eye means something different in the U.S.

Seth Ben-Ezra
Great Wolf

Message 3609#89719

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On 11/7/2003 at 10:22pm, Ninchen wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

There was a child's play when I was young (I dont know if its still familiar now): One person tries to catch as many opponents as possible. The game starts when the loner shouts: "Who' afraid of the black man". And the crowd response "Noone". Then it goes on with a "But what will you do if he is around?" Answered by a "We'll run away as fast as we can". Then the hunter tries to touch as many victims as possible.

I - PERSONAL - don't think this is detached from the european past and history. The black man in this game is the foreigner, the strange person you have to be afraid of. So said, its a term you could used for Litte Fears easily, cause it might transport some aspects of angst. One the other hand it comes from a racist background. You've keep this in mind and handle it with care ... and repect.

Message 3609#89737

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On 11/10/2003 at 2:05am, Comte wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

As for Kings around the world...I dunno it makes sense that there are diffrent kings for diffrent regions. After all I help to make the boogieman strong by still being afraid of him. In africa I doubt they've never even heard of the boogieman however I am sure there is something that could take his place. It dose seem like the other versions of little fears are more ethnic than the american one, but then again I can't do a better job than the main book so what can I do?

By the way. I would be willing to spend money on translated versions of the diffrent kings. If we threw in some kings for spain, mexico, native americans, the orient, and india that would make for one hell of a rocking source book. It also would make it easy for me to suddenly change things up without my players being aware. Consider this a small hint and a nudge. As it stands I would be willing to fork over cash for just the art, and translations of the diffrent kings now. Food for thought.

In other news congradulations on getting the translations.

Message 3609#89876

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On 11/10/2003 at 8:42pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

See that seems to two different things. Is there one "Boogeyman" with different names in different places (he's the Candyman in Barker's ghettos, for instance)? Or are there more than seven kings?

The names seem objective to me. That is, why is Baba Yaga called that, when no American child has ever heard that name, unless it's her "real" name? That would indicate to me that she was extant worldwide, wheras the Boogeyman was a local American phenomenon. Or, perhaps some have a single name everywhere, and other's have multiple names in different cultures?

Lot's of potential perspectives. And probably not important for play, which is somewhat surreal anyhow. Still, I like discussing such things.

Also, we've only covered the beings, but not the fears in question. For example, was the Defiler changed to a Torturer because the French fear torture more than what the Defiler represents (or was this a whitewash)? I understand the Black Man thing, but what about closets?


Message 3609#89960

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On 11/11/2003 at 11:33pm, Jan_Schattling wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

Im new here.

I think the Problem about the closetland is that we normally dont have closets.
Lets better say our closets arent walkable and dont lead into another room so there isnt realy big room for monsters in it.
Thats why german children only fear the "things" under their bed.
Hope that explains it a bit.


P.S.: I thing my enlish is awful, isnt it?

Message 3609#90110

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On 11/12/2003 at 4:30pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

Hmmm. I guess I get what you're saying (your English is fine). And it's probably silly to quibble. But...

I'm not sure American closets are any bigger on the average. Hard to say, really. I mean, I'm sure there are kids with walk-in closets, and in older houses closets do seem to have some depth (often a nuisance, really). And I've seen adjoining closets though I'd say they're really rare. There might be a difference in size, in some ways, I suppose.

But I'm just not convinced that it's a matter of depth of any sort. There's not enough room under a bed for a monster, either. It's not a rational fear at all that tells a child that there might be something in their dead-end closet (especially after looking into it with the child to reasure them, which often doesn't work). It's just another place that the child can't see, from which something could come.

The idea of closetland is that the closet, no matter how shallow in real life, opens up to another place from which monsters can arrive. Really, it's not the closet itself but the door that's important (see Monsters, Inc.). So, I guess I'm still baffled.

I think that these things might be transmitted subtly via culture. Or not so subtly, in the case of my son who now fears the creature under the bed because of the movie Monsters, Inc. Interestingly, that film will cure a child of potential fear of closets (the monsters in the movie who live in the closet are mostly just "regular folks"). But the first scene of the film involves a creepy scene in which a monster is hiding under the bed, and rises up in the dark to scare a kid. Turns out that it's just a simulation, and the monster bungles it badly, but the humor and nature of the situation is lost on my 3-yr old, who hides when that scene starts.

So, maybe I'm forgetting something about what made me afraid of the closet in my room when I was a child. But it's the fact that the closet wasn't really the source of my fears itself. That is, I had various fears over time. The closet was just a place where those fears could come from. For example, I remember for a short while I was afraid of shadows on the wall. If the closet was open, I felt that the shadows could creep out of it as a dark place. When I feared "robbers" later, that was a place one could hide.

The point is that it just doesn't seem to me to be the nature of the closet, or anything transmitted about it that I can remember (no Monsters Inc or the like in my day). It was just another dark place. Like under the bed.

So the explanation just doesn't make sense to me. I'm not saying that it's wrong - I could just not be seeing it. But I'm still trying to grasp what it is about European closets that make them non-scary. It seems to me that I'd have been scared of them when I was 3.

I guess what worries me is that the German authors read the part about Closetland, and assumed that there was something culturally American about fearing closets - which to me just doesn't seem to be the case. I mean, it may be empircally true, but I can't think of the cultural transmitter that would make it a cultural phenomenon. Is there some story that I'm forgetting or something (help me out fellow Americans? Perhaps I'm blocking? ;-)

Sorry to over-analyze. Too much time on my hands today. :-)


Message 3609#90197

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On 11/12/2003 at 5:09pm, Jan_Schattling wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

mmmh... I can understand what you are saying.
I think its a cultural thing.

I asked many of my friends and none of them was ever in fear of something coming out of their closet.

Instead nearly all of them feared someting under their bed.

One of the problems with the bed is, that its out of the sight and you nearly almost got to lay down on the floor to see whats happening under it and so get yourself in one line with the monsters under the bed.

When I see the door of my closet opening, i can use my mag light while layin on my bed to lighten it up.

So its a bit more dangeous when the monsters come from under the bed.

But thats just another theorie.


Message 3609#90204

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On 11/12/2003 at 10:24pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

It would make sense, except that American kids also have flashlights. Again, you've explained why closets aren't scary to kids in general, but now why they are scary to American kids. Maybe we're just more chicken in general than German kids (he said, intending to create some impassioned responses).

Hmmm. Maybe it's just me that was afraid of the closet. What we really need is a survey of Americans vs Gernans to determine who was more scared. ;-)

BTW, I would agree that under the bed is by far more scary overall. But that's my point. I think that the change to under the bed was made for purely artistic reasons, and not cultural ones.


Message 3609#90267

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On 11/13/2003 at 8:36am, Jan_Schattling wrote:
RE: Little Fears & Kleine Aengste: German and French edition

Yes good point.
I also think so.

Maybe they changed it because they tought that closetland migt to be to american.

Most american horror movies i know have monsters coming out of a closet.
(Yes or a mirror, or a wall, or under the bed, but the closet is one of the famous places for monsters in america movies. ;) )

I think i schould ask them about it...
I will tell you then.


Message 3609#90325

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