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Topic: weapon lenght after bash
Started by: svenlein
Started on: 9/27/2002
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 9/27/2002 at 3:46pm, svenlein wrote:
weapon lenght after bash

Lets say i'm fighting someone with a greatsword, I bash it successfully, does his weapon lenght become 0?


Message 3615#34641

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On 9/27/2002 at 4:10pm, Lyrax wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Normally, you'd use the 'bash' maneuver on a *person* because it's just like a cut or a thrust. Bashing a weapon would be a 'beat' maneuver. See the rules for that.

Message 3615#34645

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On 9/27/2002 at 4:56pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
Re: weapon lenght after bash

svenlein wrote: Lets say i'm fighting someone with a greatsword, I bash it successfully, does his weapon lenght become 0?


Assuming you meant the "beat" maneuver, his weapon range stays the same, but the bonus goes to you instead of to him following your first hit. For the sake of that first hit, you still have to overcome his range, but the bonus dice from the beat should help with that.


Message 3615#34656

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On 9/27/2002 at 7:37pm, svenlein wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

So a successful beat is enough to close range?

Message 3615#34688

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On 9/27/2002 at 7:39pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

a beat doesn't close range, it Takes Penalty dice from the defender and on the next attack his weapon can't parry or block or counter.

Message 3615#34690

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On 9/27/2002 at 8:04pm, svenlein wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

ok, i am try to represent a guy with a dagger fighting an unarmored guy with a pike, where the guy with the dagger hits the pike with his shield and closes, I thought "beat" would represent this, but it doesnt, since you need to hit after you beat inorder to close, which is almost impossible in this situation.


Message 3615#34699

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On 9/27/2002 at 8:10pm, Vanguard wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Hmm,surely it does though?

If it's to slap an opponent's pike away with ur dagger to close in, then a successful beat grants that much more of an advantage in scoring a hit on the next round and thus negating the opponent's reach bonus. I am right no?

And if it's to bash an opponent's pike away with ur shield, and close in, then this is established through bind & strike. Having successfully bound the pike, it is out of use for the next round and as such has, again, lost any reach bonus for the pike.


Message 3615#34700

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On 9/27/2002 at 9:19pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Lets face it. the only easy solutions for a dagger against a pike, are to throw it from outside melee range. or to close the distance by stealth and attack by surprise.

Assuming equal CP the Pike wielder will defeat the dagger guy in pure melee starting at range the vast majority of the time, if played well.

Message 3615#34720

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On 9/27/2002 at 10:17pm, Lyrax wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

what do you mean, if played well? All he's got to do is stab the guy with a full CP (minus a few for emergency), since no GM in their right (or left) mind would allow a double kill in that situation (unless the dagger was thrown... different story).

Anyway, I think he can win even if he doesn't play well. If the pikeman plays horribly and rolls worse, then the dagger dude has a chance at doing something.

Message 3615#34738

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On 9/27/2002 at 11:13pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Thats what i meant.. played well pike vs dagger is attack with ~80% of dice the fist exchange from an offensive posture.

IMO dagger played well vs pike = RUN AWAY! (ambush and missle excluded)

Typical result, dagger guy throwing everything he has into parry, or dropping dead on a simultaneous attack unless he kills you with initiative.

Thowing defensive dice against a dagger, drops odds close to even if dagger dude attacks with abandon. Pikes defend poorly.

Message 3615#34742

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On 9/30/2002 at 1:29pm, svenlein wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Thirsty Viking wrote: Lets face it. the only easy solutions for a dagger against a pike, are to throw it from outside melee range. or to close the distance by stealth and attack by surprise.

Assuming equal CP the Pike wielder will defeat the dagger guy in pure melee starting at range the vast majority of the time, if played well.

I think in a real fight between a guy with dagger and shield vs guy with pike. If the dagger guy can get within 8' of the enemy he will have a large advantage, but in tros he need to make a successful attack before he gets the advantage.

Remember Long pikes where not that usefull when used alone suposedly, they were useful in formation when people behind you could handle enemy who got within your range.

Currently the ubiquitous "drop the pike and pull out a short sword" will never happen in TROS because the pike guy can always full evade and get back to full range.

Message 3615#34848

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On 9/30/2002 at 4:01pm, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

If you were the Pikeman and your opponent was the Daggerman... would you want it any other way?

I'd sure be upset that I couldn't hold one off and gut him...
but if he got really lucky, used terrain or whatever and got inside...I should be in a world of hurt.

I know if it was the real world, and all I had was a knife against a trained Pikeman, one on one, I'd run. Or maybe try for a lucky thrown attack.

Seems to me like TROS is all about killing folks who insist on "Lets attack against all sense..."

A successfull hit, whether it does damage or not, would indicate that you have gotten inside the guard/weapon length of the pikeman. Including, a double hit situation, if the Daggerman was not killed, he would be at Dagger range. He was just struck as he closed and struck the Pikeman... but maybe I've got it wrong.

Bob McNamee

Message 3615#34867

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On 9/30/2002 at 4:50pm, svenlein wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

I would suggest that an 18' pole is going to be a very difficult weopon to use with out support from other swordmen.

Jake or someone who does real fighting, could you see how fighting with an 18'+ pike vs a guy with a shield and dagger works out?



Message 3615#34870

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On 9/30/2002 at 4:58pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

The guy with the dagger gets past the head of the pike without a whole lot of difficulty. A pike is not a spear. There is so much leverage at the end of a pike that you are not jabbing it at anyone keeping him at bay. Having drilled in formation with Pikes you have about half a dozen basic positions. None of which involve anything like being used against an individual. Reach is a double edged sword. More reach = less tip speed.

Lone Pike against dagger looks like this.

Pike guy drops pike and draws a real weapon, or pike guy dies.

Message 3615#34871

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On 9/30/2002 at 5:00pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

It seems like some special rules for Extr. long weapons are needed.

Message 3615#34872

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On 9/30/2002 at 5:13pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

I don't know about a special rule being needed. Seems like an obvious application of the Terrain Rules to me.

Set a difficulty for a Terrain roll, success equals Pike completely useless for attack or defense.

Difficulty would depend on number of pikes faced.

1 Pike...insanely easy.
2-4 Pikes...still pretty easy, but you need to exersize some caution.
5-10 Pikes...more challenging

I wouldn't waste effort on a table of modifers or anything. The situation will demand a lot. 4 Pike man in 2x2 in a narrow hall way is a much different beast from an open field.

Just assign a difficulty and roll.

Message 3615#34874

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On 9/30/2002 at 6:01pm, Lyrax wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

I don't honestly know. I have to admit that I've never used a pike (closest I've come is a "short" staff), But I would think that even if someone got past the point of a pike, the pikeman would still have the option of choking up and shortening the pike's range. On the thrust, it would still be just as effective.

Message 3615#34882

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On 9/30/2002 at 6:56pm, Bob Richter wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Lyrax wrote: I don't honestly know. I have to admit that I've never used a pike (closest I've come is a "short" staff), But I would think that even if someone got past the point of a pike, the pikeman would still have the option of choking up and shortening the pike's range. On the thrust, it would still be just as effective.

I've been annoyed for some time that lances and pikes have the same ATN as spears.

The point of a pike is to skewer a guy charging you, or (better yet) to make him not want to.

The point of a lance is to skewer a guy while you're charging.

Neither is designed or built to be used like a spear. Despite structural similarities, I think they should do the spear's job worse, not better, nor even as well.

Message 3615#34888

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On 9/30/2002 at 9:39pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Valamir wrote: The guy with the dagger gets past the head of the pike without a whole lot of difficulty. A pike is not a spear. There is so much leverage at the end of a pike that you are not jabbing it at anyone keeping him at bay. Having drilled in formation with Pikes you have about half a dozen basic positions. None of which involve anything like being used against an individual. Reach is a double edged sword. More reach = less tip speed.

Lone Pike against dagger looks like this.

Pike guy drops pike and draws a real weapon, or pike guy dies.

Of course formation drill with 18' pikes isn't going to be designed to fight individuals... it's designed to fight formations. that doesn't mean that a shorter pike in the hands of a warrior can't effectively fight an individual. As with swords ... lengths and tactics change for the situation. The fact remains that the longer weapon can attack first. We just went through the whole post on the short staff. If you follow the links there... that master was convinced that weapons that were too long had the advantage over weapons that were too short. so I guess the reall question is define your pike. I contest that a pike carried by an individuall, will be shrter than the super long ones carried by mass Close order drill formations. Also the range of moves available for individual usage are much greator for pikes of any length (no need to worry about maintaining the formation). Compare individual sword usages, to shield wall ssword usage.

Message 3615#34914

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On 10/1/2002 at 12:51pm, svenlein wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

I would agree that a shorter weapon (long spear maybe) would be more effective in personal combat than a pike, but I'm talking about the pike, and in the rules a pike should be less effective in one on one combat.

Also Silver doesn't think a "short" staff is the best weapon becuase its longer, its becuase its just the right lenght. If it was because the short staff is longer then why wouldnt he suggest a 20' pole as superior to the 9' "short" staff?

Message 3615#34975

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On 10/1/2002 at 2:01pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

There is no such thing really as a short pike, although sometimes the word gets thrown around for convenience. They come in a variety of lengths, but they are all very long. Choking up on it merely means you have that much more of the weapon projecting behind you. Less of a moment arm sure, but more likely to be caught on some object in the way.

I'd still use a Terrain Roll, maneuver the pike wielder so he can't turn to the right any more because the shaft of the pike is hitting an object/person behind him and you have the same ease of getting past it.

There are clearly shorter polearms (bills, forks, glaives...the wealth of weapons found in the AD&D PHB) that are well suited for one on one combat. The Pike is not one of them. The Pike is not a one on one is a formation weapon, and when not used in formation it is pretty near useless.

Message 3615#34980

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On 10/1/2002 at 3:12pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

svenlein wrote: I would agree that a shorter weapon (long spear maybe) would be more effective in personal combat than a pike, but I'm talking about the pike, and in the rules a pike should be less effective in one on one combat.

Also Silver doesn't think a "short" staff is the best weapon becuase its longer, its becuase its just the right lenght. If it was because the short staff is longer then why wouldnt he suggest a 20' pole as superior to the 9' "short" staff?

You need to read more of what he wrote, he specifically address that weapons longer than his optimal short staff have the vantage over weapons shorter than same short staff. IN other words he says PIKE better than Dagger... i.e. he'd rather be the pike man.

Further more, In ROS Pikes according to the rules start at 14' of length not at 18' you can ask Jake about this. They have the same ATN as a long spear, but worse defence. So in spite of those naysayers out there the longspear has superior stats. The Fact is that almost all pole arms look pretty much the same if used to stab with. Its an easy motion, and easily aimed. The peasant levy was armed with pole-weaqpons because they were Cheap, easily learned, and effective.

This being said, The ability to defend is hugely different... Yes that heavy lance stabs at the same ATN of a Long spear.... the DTN is a 15 for a Heavy Lance, DTN of 9 for pike or light lance, DTN 8 for a Long spear, DTN of 7 for a spear or short staff, and DTN of 6 for a quarterstaff.

think 10 dice, on defence the Heavy lance has .6, Pike 2, Long Spear 3, Short Staff 4, and quarted staff 5 defensive success.

Message 3615#34984

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On 10/1/2002 at 3:26pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash


I'm not an expert on the pike. I've done lots of reading and I've spend a good amount of time with an 8' "spear," but not a pike. My own feeling is that most of what's being said here is right on. The stats for the pike represent what's being said--just try them out. The pike has almost no defensive qualities...2 successes on 10 dice, so to speak.

I'm happy with them the way they are. As one final note, though, I think it would be appropriate for someone doing a full evasion to pay the range penalty if they're inside of a shorter weapon's range--at least in situations like the dagger.

Oh, and I'd put my money on the pike, though if the dagger guy was a vastly superior fighter, I might go with him. "IRL."


Message 3615#34985

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On 10/1/2002 at 3:37pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
the real Reasons a pike is a poor choice for a personal weap

ok, lets set these combat issues aside. There are good reasons why a pike isn't carried down the street by the average nobleman or man on the street.

The Pike is too long to carry indoors with any reasonable amount of grace unless you have 20' tall doorways. Thus anytime you went in an average non castle building, you'd have to leave it behind.

Walking down the street your average encounter will occur inside the range. the guy 5 feet away from you drawing his sword doesn't have to close, you have the range disadvantage.

Many old streets were narrower than the length of a pike... if you marched with it ready in one direction, your rear was very exposed. Typically advancing with leveled pikes down a street is only done in a war situation... it's bad for traffic flow in a city.

There are a world of reasons why a Pike is not a good weapon for being carried around town, none of them have anything to do with the idea that it is hard for a pike to strike a target at it's intended range.

Message 3615#34988

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On 10/1/2002 at 3:49pm, Bob Richter wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Jake Norwood wrote: Okay...

I'm not an expert on the pike. I've done lots of reading and I've spend a good amount of time with an 8' "spear," but not a pike. My own feeling is that most of what's being said here is right on. The stats for the pike represent what's being said--just try them out. The pike has almost no defensive qualities...2 successes on 10 dice, so to speak.

I'm happy with them the way they are. As one final note, though, I think it would be appropriate for someone doing a full evasion to pay the range penalty if they're inside of a shorter weapon's range--at least in situations like the dagger.

Oh, and I'd put my money on the pike, though if the dagger guy was a vastly superior fighter, I might go with him. "IRL."


Problem: Noone *EVER* uses the DTN on a pike. How do you defend in TROS when you have a DTN of 8 or higher? You DODGE. You *ALWAYS* dodge, because there's no benefit in NOT doing so.

The TN of a partial evade is 7, regardless of the weapon you're carrying, with the general effect that DTNs above 7 are meaningless.

Hm. I may have to go out and find or fashion a pike and try it out. See how well it thrusts. I imagine not too well, actually.

Message 3615#34992

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On 10/1/2002 at 4:46pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Bob Richter wrote:
Problem: Noone *EVER* uses the DTN on a pike. How do you defend in TROS when you have a DTN of 8 or higher? You DODGE. You *ALWAYS* dodge, because there's no benefit in NOT doing so.

The TN of a partial evade is 7, regardless of the weapon you're carrying, with the general effect that DTNs above 7 are meaningless.

Hm. I may have to go out and find or fashion a pike and try it out. See how well it thrusts. I imagine not too well, actually.

Well i haven't heard this addressed... Hadn't hought of it before... but I wouldn't give weapon proficiency dice on a CP evasion. This means for purpose of evasion CP = REFLEX. Ok unarmed training might get some of thier proficency. but not all of it. so having 12 CP dice instead of 6 would have some one parry with 10 dice instead of evade with 5 (assuming they want some for next exchange.

The training with a weapon is to parry, or counter, or block with a shield... not to jump around like you are unarmed. Not to mention that Evasion specifically says it leaves your weapon out thier open to attack.
In other words... your not using it to defend, you setting up a counter attack. But this isn't the Counter Manuver. The book also says it is DIFFICULT to pull off.
Might have to look at defenders margin of success. if defenders has a tie or low margin, a disarm might be an appropriate call on a partial evasion. True this is a judgement call... but how effective at a dodge are you going to be dodging if your holding a pole that extends 6 feet beyond your opponent.

Life is always difficult on simple answers.... a little thought reveals possible reasons why *Always* dodge on a DTN above a 7 might not be the right idea.

I'm not saying these are the rules as written, and Jake may not agree with me, but I don't see Giving the CP Dice for a weapon Profiecency in an evasion. Likewise I'd look at the dice on a % basis. In other words, if the player has reflex 5 proficency 5, he is in essence spending 2 CP dice for each 1 in evasion. 3 dice in evasion, uses 6 of his 10 CP. another 2 dice to turn his evasion into an attack on the next exchange, he attacks with 2d. Ok it isn't written that way. But thats how we will be playing it at my table, because that makes sence to me.

IMO It should be much easier to parry a sword with a Short Sword than to dodge, assuming you are trained. Yet the DTN are the same

It just doesn't make sence to me to evade better with a weapon than without... evasion specificaly says your not using the weapon to defend you are keeping it free to attack on next exchange.

I'm still thinking on this... but it would take some real persuasive discussion to shift me here.

Message 3615#35014

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On 10/1/2002 at 5:54pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Bob Richter wrote:

Problem: Noone *EVER* uses the DTN on a pike. How do you defend in TROS when you have a DTN of 8 or higher? You DODGE. You *ALWAYS* dodge, because there's no benefit in NOT doing so.

The TN of a partial evade is 7, regardless of the weapon you're carrying, with the general effect that DTNs above 7 are meaningless.

Hm. I may have to go out and find or fashion a pike and try it out. See how well it thrusts. I imagine not too well, actually.

That's not entirely true...If you succeed with a partial evasion, you have to pay another 2 CP to gain initiative. So in some situation there might be a good idea to parry even with a DTN of 8.

Thirsty Viking wrote:
IMO It should be much easier to parry a sword with a Short Sword than to dodge, assuming you are trained. Yet the DTN are the same

For the reason mentioned above, it is easier to parry with a DTN 7 weapon than it is to "evade aggresively"(i.e. taking initiative as well), since the evadíng guy effectively has a 2 dice activation cost.

Thirsty Viking wrote:
Well i haven't heard this addressed... Hadn't hought of it before... but I wouldn't give weapon proficiency dice on a CP evasion. This means for purpose of evasion CP = REFLEX. Ok unarmed training might get some of thier proficency. but not all of it. so having 12 CP dice instead of 6 would have some one parry with 10 dice instead of evade with 5 (assuming they want some for next exchange.

Something I thought of as well. You might say the same about terrain rolls and dodging arrows. OTOH, weapon profencies perhaps also represents general reflex and fitness and whatnot(Hey, I'm not the expet here). If you want a guy that's very agile without being a crack-fighter, give him either:
a) A special "acrobatics" or "gymnast" profiency
b) The Brawling/Pugilism profiency
c) A REF of 6-7.
d) Use the acrobatics skill, which gives you 1 extra CP dice for every success in the skill roll when evading.

Message 3615#35030

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On 10/1/2002 at 5:58pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

I'd handle it differently. I'd say that you're welcome to dodge, but you forfeit any advantage you would have had due to range. Hmm...


Message 3615#35031

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On 10/1/2002 at 6:26pm, svenlein wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Jake are you having the idea that if the pike guy successfully dodges the dagger, future exchanges are at the dagger's lenght untill the pike can full evade, or successfully parry?


Message 3615#35042

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On 10/1/2002 at 7:51pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Mokkurkalfe wrote:
Bob Richter wrote:

Problem: Noone *EVER* uses the DTN on a pike. How do you defend in TROS when you have a DTN of 8 or higher? You DODGE. You *ALWAYS* dodge, because there's no benefit in NOT doing so.

The TN of a partial evade is 7, regardless of the weapon you're carrying, with the general effect that DTNs above 7 are meaningless.

Hm. I may have to go out and find or fashion a pike and try it out. See how well it thrusts. I imagine not too well, actually.

That's not entirely true...If you succeed with a partial evasion, you have to pay another 2 CP to gain initiative. So in some situation there might be a good idea to parry even with a DTN of 8.

Even so, to parry and take initiative on the next exchange costs you 6cp and it is a CONTESTED roll This is costing 2CP and it is AUTOMATIC
Mokkurkalfe wrote:
Thirsty Viking wrote:
IMO It should be much easier to parry a sword with a Short Sword than to dodge, assuming you are trained. Yet the DTN are the same

For the reason mentioned above, it is easier to parry with a DTN 7 weapon than it is to "evade aggresively"(i.e. taking initiative as well), since the evadíng guy effectively has a 2 dice activation cost.

As you said the same reasons as above. You are trading less than one success for automaticly siezing the initiative on a successful evasion. It is in no way much easier to parry because You are not required to pay these costs in order to dodge. You are allowed to dodge with the same # of dice.
Mokkurkalfe wrote:

Thirsty Viking wrote:
Well i haven't heard this addressed... Hadn't hought of it before... but I wouldn't give weapon proficiency dice on a CP evasion. This means for purpose of evasion CP = REFLEX. Ok unarmed training might get some of thier proficency. but not all of it. so having 12 CP dice instead of 6 would have some one parry with 10 dice instead of evade with 5 (assuming they want some for next exchange.

Something I thought of as well. You might say the same about terrain rolls and dodging arrows.
I don't have too, the Rule book specifically says that dodging outside of hand to hand is strictly REFLEX
Mokkurkalfe wrote:
b) The Brawling/Pugilism profiency

OTOH, weapon profencies perhaps also represents general reflex and fitness and whatnot

In the system REFLEX is an attribute for the agility and Wit of a charachter. these get raised seperately from weapon proficency. Ok the book distingushes these. I said I'd consider allowing some of the Pugilism to apply. I'm thinking maybe 1/2. since this defaults off of almost every weapon skill. All pc's would dodge at slightly better than thier reflex. Weapon-masters Profiecency 15+, would typically be able to use this against starting charachters. fairly easily. Imagine the instructor sidestepping the sword thrust, and rapping the charachters on the knuckles with a baton saying, your over extending again.

so propperly amended the above example becomes

For purpose of evasion CP = REFLEX + 1/2 pugilism.
So a warrior with reflex 5 Cut & thrust 6 would have default pugilism of 4. therefore he'd have 7 CP for his evasion or 11 CP to parry Even if you decide to not penalize the 4 dice and allow them to be used on the second exchange ... He is now rolling 5 dice to evade TN 7 (2.0 success AVE) if he wants to sieve initiative and I'd make him declare and spend those dice up front like a counter. if he gets hit while dodging, they are gone. If he decides to dodge without taking initiative next exchange he can spend the 7 dice, (2.8 average success) However on the second exchange I'd not allow a partial evasion again if he'd spent all his evasion dice the first exchange.

Message 3615#35063

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On 10/1/2002 at 7:59pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Sounds like a fricking hassle to me. Lets say I have 12 dice in my CP (cut & thrust, say) and I attack on the first exchange, spending 7. I am parried and the other guy gets initiative.

Second exchange he attacks me. I want to evade please. Now you're in the situation where you're trying to recalculate my CP using your reflex + 1/2pugilism system (or whatever it was, I can't be bothered going and checking) for the second exchange, but I already spent some dice on the first...

It just doesn't work smoothly, and the whole point of the TROS combat is it's smoothness. It's exactly the same problem as changing weapons mid round for the second exchange, which is why I would always force a character who did so to spend the second exchange evading only (with whats left of his old CP) so we can recalculate the new CP at the start of the next round. It's just messy otherwise.

Same problem the other way around too, in fact. Lets say I start off a round under your system by evading, so you work out my CP with your system, and I spend some dice. I'm successful, and second exchange I want to attack. What happens then?

No sir, I don't like it at all.

Message 3615#35068

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On 10/1/2002 at 8:12pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

svenlein wrote: Jake are you having the idea that if the pike guy successfully dodges the dagger, future exchanges are at the dagger's lenght untill the pike can full evade, or successfully parry?


I didn't think that was an issue. the answer on the pike guy si the same as the dagger guy. he pays the CP penalty for range till he established his range. I guess he can duck and weave away, or full evade. Like jake i'd consider range penalties on full evade because the dagger guy isn't going to make it easy for him to get out to pike range. To negate these penalties he can drop the pike.

Message 3615#35071

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On 10/1/2002 at 8:20pm, svenlein wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Thirsty Viking wrote:
svenlein wrote: Jake are you having the idea that if the pike guy successfully dodges the dagger, future exchanges are at the dagger's lenght untill the pike can full evade, or successfully parry?


I didn't think that was an issue. the answer on the pike guy si the same as the dagger guy. he pays the CP penalty for range till he established his range. I guess he can duck and weave away, or full evade. Like jake i'd consider range penalties on full evade because the dagger guy isn't going to make it easy for him to get out to pike range. To negate these penalties he can drop the pike.

The problem is the dagger guy will never get within range of the pike.
Example combat:

Dagger guy beats pike with shield, and succeeds since only has half the range penalty.
Then dagger guy trys to close with pike guy, if pike guy successfully dodges, dagger guy says at long range.
I would like there to be a way for the dagger guy to close the distance without having to actually hit the pike guy that exchange.
another idea would be, since the pike is beaten, the dagger guy shouldn't have to have the length penalties imposed apon him since the pike is unavialable for defense.

Even with both these rules, the pike guy is likely to win, since he can still full evade to get the advantage again.


Message 3615#35072

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On 10/1/2002 at 8:40pm, Lyrax wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Uhm, Svenlein? That's not a problem, at least not IMHO. It's a feature. The pike is, at pike range, infinitely superior to the dagger.

Also, the pike is a polearm, so those who say his back is completely exposed while in a narrow alleyway are simply not correct. I'd rather have a thrusting weapon in an alleyway than a cutting weapon (all polearms are thrust-heavy), and, at proper range, would rather have a long thrusting weapon than a short one.

Also, not to be *TOO* picky, but you're assuming that the dagger guy has a shield. That might be assuming too much.

Message 3615#35075

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On 10/1/2002 at 9:57pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Svein...I repeat my earlier suggestion. Make a terrain roll. That roll can and should be used to cover every "jockeying for position" type stuff you can think of. Terrain roll successfuly = you've closed. Not successful = you haven't. Is there some reason you don't like this solution?

Lyrax...if we were talking a spear or other polearm you'd be 100% correct. But with a are very few special situations (like being in a very narrow alley) where a 14-18' polearm isn't going to be a liability.

REACH IS NOT AN ASSET in this case. Having that much leverage way out in front of you is not an easy thing to manage. This is why Pikes are straight forward formation weapons. NOT man on man weapons.

In any non manipulated situation with a dagger guy vs a pike guy, the dagger guy WILL WIN, unless the pike guy drops the pike and draws a different weapon.

The dagger guy IS NOT the one at a disadvantage here. A Pike is NOT a spear...its NOT a is almost certainly of much greater diameter than you probably realize (it has to be to keep from breaking at that length). It simply is not a wieldy weapon.

Pike loses every time unless the situation is manipulated or the dagger guy just careless.

Message 3615#35094

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On 10/1/2002 at 11:05pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

svenlein wrote:

The problem is the dagger guy will never get within range of the pike.
Example combat:

Dagger guy beats pike with shield, and succeeds since only has half the range penalty.

ok a starting point. Dagger dude gets initiative, and beats the weapon out of line spoiling the attack of the pike. I'd be attacking with the pike. or do you allow this attack to take place normally because beat is a move that sets up the next exchange. Are you arguing that a beat should provide two exchanges worth of defence?
svenlein wrote:
Then dagger guy trys to close with pike guy, if pike guy successfully dodges, dagger guy says at long range.

If i was armed with a pike, my defence would be to maintain the distance so i could counter attack... are saying you would just sidestep?
svenlein wrote:
I would like there to be a way for the dagger guy to close the distance without having to actually hit the pike guy that exchange.
another idea would be, since the pike is beaten, the dagger guy shouldn't have to have the length penalties imposed apon him since the pike is unavialable for defense.

but the dagger guy is Still 6+ feet out of dagger range.... that is the penalty, the largest part of it. The defender loses 2CP! for each success margin of the Beat as well as the use of his weapon for an exchange.
The rules are quite clear... if you want to negate the range penalties... be a man and duck and weave the pike thrust if you can. That requires a TN of 9! ... not 6, 7 or whatever the shield beat is. Beats shouldn't be as easy against two handed weapons as one handed anyway IMO As for the succsessful patial evasion with a pike when the dagger guy tries to close distance, that means he managed to get it back inline with you, and you decided not to spit yourself upon it. Possibly he fell back a couple feet to do so. Thats why you didn't close range. 1 success margin means you did.. even if you do no damage because of armor and whatnot.

You want to beat a pike? Toss red on your first rd. If you win the reflex vs ATN contest Attack him with all you have. If he throws red he has no defence. If you tie it'll look like King Arthur impaling himself on mordreds spear and gutting him. I really don't get it. why in the world would anyone think that charging a pike man with dagger and buckler was a good idea anyway?
svenlein wrote:
Even with both these rules, the pike guy is likely to win, since he can still full evade to get the advantage again.


This has already been disputed by Jake and I. while not in the rules it makes sence that disengaging all the way to pole arm length should have an activation cost (to attack resestablishing the range this cost is paid). The only option to this is the high TN Duck and Weave. When disengaging is one step and your short sword is now at optimal range... is much easier that putting 3 yards between yourself and the maniac trying to spit you on his dagger at close range.

Lyrax wrote:
Also, the pike is a polearm, so those who say his back is completely exposed while in a narrow alleyway are simply not correct

Let me clarify this... the front of a polearm user is where he is facing. by back i meant 180 degrees from that. If he is positioned in a narrow alley he can not simply spin in place to fight a guy attacking his rear. he has to lift the head of the pole arm spin and lower. Odds are anyone jumping out and charging his REAR will get inside his range before he can ready his weapon, if his weapon was lowered in the other direction. Polearms aren't invincible. Even in Formation.

Lets face it... if you have a pole arm and a dagger guy is tickling your ribs... you probably need to drop the polearm and FLEE. If you have a dagger, even with a shield... and find yourself 2 feet outside of polearm distance from a guy in an agressive stance preparing to stab... you need to flee. If this isn't an option you pray for assistance.


Anyone who fights fair duels to the death... ends up dead at least half the time.

Message 3615#35101

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On 10/1/2002 at 11:45pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Valamir wrote: Svein...I repeat my earlier suggestion. Make a terrain roll. That roll can and should be used to cover every "jockeying for position" type stuff you can think of. Terrain roll successfuly = you've closed. Not successful = you haven't. Is there some reason you don't like this solution?

Lyrax...if we were talking a spear or other polearm you'd be 100% correct. But with a are very few special situations (like being in a very narrow alley) where a 14-18' polearm isn't going to be a liability.

REACH IS NOT AN ASSET in this case. Having that much leverage way out in front of you is not an easy thing to manage. This is why Pikes are straight forward formation weapons. NOT man on man weapons.

In any non manipulated situation with a dagger guy vs a pike guy, the dagger guy WILL WIN, unless the pike guy drops the pike and draws a different weapon.

The dagger guy IS NOT the one at a disadvantage here. A Pike is NOT a spear...its NOT a is almost certainly of much greater diameter than you probably realize (it has to be to keep from breaking at that length). It simply is not a wieldy weapon.

Pike loses every time unless the situation is manipulated or the dagger guy just careless.

Obviously we disagree so much that i'm not going to bother disputing all the points raised. My example was a situation where pikes were a bad choice... going down alleys. Unless you are attacking everyone you see, and driving the people in front of you, carrying pikes on any street are a bad idea.. even then being attacked from the side out of buildings will be devastating. THESE WERE REASONS NOT TO HAVE PIKE AS A WEAPON. reread my thread.

When you want to kill me let me know, I'll drag my old over weight carcass out with a 14 foot pole with a spike on the end. You bring a dagger. is open field too manipulated a situation for you? Odds are you have more CP than I do. How long a spike do you want me stabbing you with? I should be able to weld some sort of head together (Perhaps a survival knife would do). I don't claim my style will be pike formation fighting (obviously no formation). I'd just be some poor untrained peasant caught alone trying to survive, anything I can think of doing with it now, a peasant would have been able to then. worse than that for me... they tended to be in shape from doing manual labor. I will need a clear waiver from you stipulating that you are trying to kill me in the middle of that field. It will probably not be enough to keep me out of jail, but it should minimize my time there.

Message 3615#35106

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On 10/2/2002 at 2:31pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Given: a 14' pole (although the initial poster said 18') made with period techniques strong enough to withstand being employed as a weapon against armored mounted targets...against someone with a modicum of skill as a knife'd be dead.

Or you'd wisely realize the smart thing to do is drop the pike and draw a knife of your own.

Remember...its not enough to simply contact the other guy with the tip. You actually have to thrust with enough force to drive it home...especially against armor. In battle this is accomplished firstly by the initial rush.

I'm not sure what the difficulty is in understanding this. The pike is a formation weapon. It is a VERY VERY VERY specialized (for all its simplicity) formation weapon. It is not a man to man weapon. In a man to man situation, its length is a liability. If you've never held one of these things you may not realize just how awkward they are to do anything other than what they're designed to do.

Message 3615#35184

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On 10/2/2002 at 4:11pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

While I agree with all that you've said, John, I have *heard* (I haven't confirmed it) of duels at the pike. Scary stuff indeed.


Message 3615#35208

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On 10/2/2002 at 4:58pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

One point that has not been raised here that should be is the vaguaries of terms.

On about the 19th century when archeaology and museums became popular pastimes for gentlemen, there was spawned a huge effort in categorization and clasification. Most of the standard terms we now refer to weapons with, date from that time. Prior to that time naming conventions were sloppy and unenforced at best. Today "Claymore" has a specific meaning and "Basket Hilt Claymore" has a specific meaning. At the time "Claymore" simply meant big sword and would be applied with equal aplomb to any sword that was noticeably bigger than the other swords around it that it was being compared in "Which sword do you want?" "The big one".

This is also true of the term Pike. There are many many different weapons (and spellings for that matter) that have been referred to as a pike throughout history. The Pike of the British Navy for instance is a far cry from the pike we normally think of for the term. I'm still trying to figure out what a Morris Pike is that Silver refers to.

It is important to note further that while we category happy types make a clear distinction between a "spear" and a "Pike" that in reality, this distinction is pretty arbitrary. I am unaware of any time in history where spears and pikes were used side by side on the same battle field. They are essentially different terms applied to the same weapon that we have ourselves assigned distinctive meaning to.

In the period we are discussing there are numerous pole arms. A bill being a machete on the end of a pole. A Halbard being a bill with a spike on it, and a partisan being a halberd with hooks...along with all manner of regional and national variations.

Period weapons masters such as Silver and DiGrassi talk of fighting with a Pike in man to man combat. But what becomes clear upon reading their text in context is that the weapon they refer to as a pike is not the weapon WE think of as a pike.

To them a pike is the simplest pole arm of all, a straight shaft with a long axe hook...just a clean simple weapon. In other words, a spear. Meaning that during this period the term pike was applied with equal meaning to 8-12 foot weapons (what we would call a spear) and 14-18 foot weapons (what we would call a pike). The period masters did not make this distinction. To them they were all pikes.

Therefor when we see Silver and DiGrassi writing of training with a Pike we don't immediately know what weapon (by our standards of classification) they are referring to. Although Silver makes it plain he is not talking about military uses for the weapon.

But upon reading the text one gets a clear sense that the weapon in question is more spear than pike. Silver speaks of a position where the butt of the weapon is held in front of the face. It is hard to imagine being able to hold a 15 foot pike like this at all, let alone it being an effective stance.

The diagrams found in DiGrassi's texts comparing the effect of weapon length on impact (what we would call momentum) could just be out scale, but plainly do not show a weapon of montrous length. Further DiGrassi speaks of the best balanced position for the pike being held the rear hand an arms length from the butt and the forward hand an arms length from that. No clear diagram is provided of this in the version I have access to, but a quick sketch would indicate to me that such a hold would be balanced for a 10-12 foot weapon...not a 14-18 foot one.

Further there is a web site with a video (tiny and hard to see) of people pike fighting in the DiGrassi style. Its choppy and unclear, but what is clear is that the weapons are only about twice their height...again 10-12 feet (one must assume here for the video to have value, that these unidentified practitioners are using a weapon DiGrassi would recognize)

So to conclude. It is certain that the "Pike" was used as a man on man weapon. It is certain that it was an extremely effective man on man weapon.

However, what seems equally certain to me is that the "Pike" being referred to is NOT the 18' formation weapon that was asked about early in this thread.

So I reiterate my opinion that a 14-18' pike is not an effective weapon 1 on 1. It is a liability outside of its intended battle field use. 10-12 foot pikes are a different matter altogether, and not what was being asked about in the thread.

Message 3615#35219

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On 10/2/2002 at 5:48pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Valamir wrote: Given: a 14' pole (although the initial poster said 18') made with period techniques strong enough to withstand being employed as a weapon against armored mounted targets...against someone with a modicum of skill as a knife'd be dead.

Yes, yes, yes... Tros Standard for a pike carried by an individual as opposed to a formation is 14' Lengths varied always. I'm sure jake had reason for giving the stats of a 14' pike.... since we were dealing with 1 on 1 combat in TROS it made sence to clarify this.... I don't know why you are insisting on re-agruing this point... except that you know a 14' would be even tougher than an 18' pike for the knifeman. I found a site dealing with pikes. I suspect they are smaller than you seem to think. The goal of a pike is not to stop an armored calvary charge without breaking.. it is to KILL the enemy that charges. Whether or not the pike then breaks is of little consequence (in terms of the generals viewpoint, though the private having the dead horse fall upon him is a little put out).

As for a periode example, this is a description from a website about Swiss Pikes perhaps not the exact pike you are envisioning but one i could find describing the pole.

The Swiss first brought the pike to prominence in the late C15th and early C16th, destroying feudal armies of mounted knights, and tactics were based upon the ancient Greek use of the spear-armed ‘phalanx’. Because of it’s association with antiquity, the pike was regarded as the more noble weapon, and senior officers would often fight in the front rank, as would any spare or ‘reformado’ officers. The pike was also the cheapest weapon, costing about 3s 10d - 4s 2d, and was between 15ft (‘Spanish’ in New Model contracts) and 16ft (‘Inglish’ in New Model contracts) long, made of tapered ash. Sir James Turner says few actually exceeded 15ft. At Benburb in 1646, the Irish beat the Scots, partly because their pikes were longer ‘by a foot or two’. The pike was about 1” in diameter at the butt, 1½” at the middle and ½” at the end, with a steel head, which was either dagger-shaped (‘English pikes with square heads’) or lozenge-shaped (‘Dutch’ or ‘broadheaded’). Orrery and others couldn’t agree which was best. Two metal cheeks, (‘bars to be strong and serviceable’ - 1654) between two to four feet long, ran down from the head to hold it on and stop it being chopped off.

Valamir wrote:
I'm not sure what the difficulty is in understanding this. The pike is a formation weapon. It is a VERY VERY VERY specialized (for all its simplicity) formation weapon. It is not a man to man weapon. In a man to man situation, its length is a liability.

Of course it is, but the lack of the length of the dagger is a GREATOR liability. a 14' pole or 15' or 16' or 18' will be used against the knife wielder well outside of the knifemans range.
Valamir wrote:
If you've never held one of these things you may not realize just how awkward they are to do anything other than what they're designed to do.

I believe you are misstating things quite badly here. Certainly any formation weapon is limited in it's usage inside a formation. While in close order formation doing anything else is potentially disasterous even if possible.
Outside of a formation things change as they always do. If I insisted on using it the same way I would when surrounded by 200 mates also with pikes... I'd probably die. If your fool enough to come at me with a dagger assuming I will, I have relatively little to worry about.

I have handled Long poles before, though not for an extended time, or in formal combat training. I'm 300 lbs and out of shape. possibly you can wear me down over an extended periode of time... that would be your best bet short of giving up and throwing the dagger at me IMO. My only formal military hand to hand training was with bayonet... that was brief though since I wasn't an enlisted man. Well wrestling and boxing might also count i guess.

The fact remains that to kill the man with a PIKE or other long weapon, the guy with a DAGGER has to close the range if he isn't going to throw it. Your problem is when you get within the operating range of my weapon, and yet are unable to strike. You are right, it isn't a spear, and it isn't a 8' staff... Don't expect it to be used like it is. I think you'd find being 8-10 feet from the pikeman fairly painful. Just because a pike is easier for a daggerman to overcome, than a short staff... doesn't mean the odds are in his favor.

While it is true you will find many refrences to the great numbers of pikes needed for effective use... this is beacuase these are military analysis of effective battlefield use. I'd not try to fight two men with a pike by myself if I had any choice. Not even if they only had daggers.

Message 3615#35229

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On 10/2/2002 at 6:21pm, Lyrax wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Let me clarify this... the front of a polearm user is where he is facing. by back i meant 180 degrees from that. If he is positioned in a narrow alley he can not simply spin in place to fight a guy attacking his rear. he has to lift the head of the pole arm spin and lower. Odds are anyone jumping out and charging his REAR will get inside his range before he can ready his weapon, if his weapon was lowered in the other direction. Polearms aren't invincible. Even in Formation.

Okay, here is where you are wrong, IMHO. A pikeman can spin in place in a narrow alleyway (unless it's REALLY narrow!). I didn't say that the pike spins, because that would be really inefficient. All the pikeman would do is smack the guy with the butt end of his pike. No, really, it's a pretty deadly maneuver, very simple, hard to dodge in a narrow alleyway, and I could pull it off with an 8'-10' or slightly longer pole, so I'm certain it would be a piece of cake for a guy who's trained with a 14-footer. If he's surprised, then that's a different story, but then it wouldn't matter what weapon he's got so much as what armor he's got. See what I was getting at?

Of course, all this arguing is useless and unprovable (at least by me) because I don't have a pike, and have fought in few alleyways. Daggers, I have access to, and I can tell you that they are useless at any range other than very, very close. Thus, it seems to me that it doesn't matter how long it takes to hit with a pike, because the pikeman has about twelve feet in which to do it.

Message 3615#35237

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On 10/2/2002 at 6:59pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Valamir wrote:
In the period we are discussing there are numerous pole arms. A bill being a machete on the end of a pole. A Halbard being a bill with a spike on it, and a partisan being a halberd with hooks...along with all manner of regional and national variations.

To them a pike is the simplest pole arm of all, a straight shaft with a long axe hook...just a clean simple weapon. In other words, a spear.

Thats what I think of as a pike, little more than a longer version of a spear. often times with more than a sharp metal point. What were you assuming?

The diagrams found in DiGrassi's texts comparing the effect of weapon length on impact (what we would call momentum) could just be out scale, but plainly do not show a weapon of montrous length. Further DiGrassi speaks of the best balanced position for the pike being held the rear hand an arms length from the butt and the forward hand an arms length from that. No clear diagram is provided of this in the version I have access to, but a quick sketch would indicate to me that such a hold would be balanced for a 10-12 foot weapon...not a 14-18 foot one.

So to conclude. It is certain that the "Pike" was used as a man on man weapon. It is certain that it was an extremely effective man on man weapon.

However, what seems equally certain to me is that the "Pike" being referred to is NOT the 18' formation weapon that was asked about early in this thread.

So I reiterate my opinion that a 14-18' pike is not an effective weapon 1 on 1. It is a liability outside of its intended battle field use. 10-12 foot pikes are a different matter altogether, and not what was being asked about in the thread.

You dance quite nicely, but this thread started with dagger vs pike in TROS. The poster assumed an 18' pike and that was set straight. I just posted to the effect that most pikes, used as pikes, by the SWISS who made pikes famous as anti-calvary weapons were seldome over 15'.

Why YOU continue to RANT about 18' weapons is beyond me. just as things change going from 12 to 14 feet, they change that much more from 14 to 16 and again from 16 to 18. TROS uses a 14' pike for individual purposes and differentiates it from a Long spear of 10' length. TROS doesn't cover FORMATION combat... that might be in the OBAM but was never in TROS (main Book). Further more as is clear from my post, Pikes were NOT made of uniform diameter by periode techniques. Did your sketch include the varrying diameters for balancing point?

Finally why on earth would you think a 14' spear would have more in common with an 18' spear than a 12' spear? that the 12' is more effective in personal combat than the 14' I've never disputed. This doesn't by anymeans make the 14' unusable or less effective than a dagger. I don't think the 18' would be either, but it would be a closer match. NEVER did anyone suggest making a NEW weapon for the 18' version. They tried to agrue rule change for the PIKE wich is DEFINED as 14' for the version in use. Even described as "An extremely long spear". So the need for all the smoke trying to distinguish bills, and other pole arms is beyond me. The Text of Siver clearly addresse the issues of extending length. As for the morris pike, this was clearly a pike that was longer than optimal. It is used in his examples with the LONG Staff. In short, what silver calls a Morris pike includes the 14' TROS pike IMO

In general, I'd say that it seems that any spear long enough to need two hands seems to be considered a pike by SILVER.

As for your position he describes, I didn't find it in searches of what seemed relative areas of "Paradoxes of Defense" and you didn't give a good link for it (or any of your refrences for that matter). In general I'd say the non morris pike Silver refers to is in the 8-12 range, with the Short Staff. But I don't know where silver would break the Long from the Short.

Message 3615#35245

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On 10/2/2002 at 7:20pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Lyrax wrote:
Okay, here is where you are wrong, IMHO. A pikeman can spin in place in a narrow alleyway (unless it's REALLY narrow!). I didn't say that the pike spins, because that would be really inefficient. All the pikeman would do is smack the guy with the butt end of his pike.

Ok, the pike man doe crushing instead of piercing damage. Having 8+ feet of pole behind him hampers the range of engagement, and he loses his length advantage of his weapon(at least most of it). Assuming hands are 2-3 feet apart, and rear hand is about 2-3 feet from but he now has a clumsy thrusting blunt shortsword. He is at serious disadvantage as opposed to engaging with other end. Higher target numbers, less range, less damage. Periode alleyways were in general narrow, they were footpaths that rarely saw a pack animal, let alone a wagon. Ok maybe chinese alleyways were major thouroughfares... I've seen the european and middle eastern cities though, 10' wide would be a BIG alley in these areas.

Message 3615#35247

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On 10/2/2002 at 7:28pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

John, what's with all of this hostility? Have I offended you somehow? I thought we were having a discussion.

Svein's initial post was about a pike. He later clarified that to mean an 18' pike. He later clearly said that he understood a shorter weapon would be more effective, but that he wasn't talking about a shorter weapon he was talking about a very long pike.

You have been argueing all along about the merits of a shorter pike as a superior weapon. An arguement that I 100% agree with...but which was not what Svein was inquiring about.

I went so far as to illustrate how we were likely talking about 2 seperate things that were both labeled pikes but in reality are completely different in an effort to be more specific about what was being spoken about and you label it a smoke screen.

I'm sorry, I'm not sure what has you all riled up about this.

If we're talking about a short pike (as silver and degrassi were likely doing) you are right. If we're talking about a very long pike, IMO you are wrong.

Svein was talking about a very long pike, I was answering Svein with an answer I think he'd find to be an easy, accurate solution, without the need for special rolls. Treat, getting inside a very long pike as a terrain roll.

Is there any reason for you to be angry at this?

Message 3615#35249

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On 10/2/2002 at 7:31pm, svenlein wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

A couple comments:
I don't think a dagger is superior to an 18' pike.
I too would like to concentrate on the 14' pike.
I do think a 9' spear is superior to a 14' pike. The in the current tros rules this is not the case.
Here are some quotes from Silver:
Section 5.2.8
First he says:
"The short staff is most commonly the best weapon of all others, although other weapons may be more offensive, and especially against many weapons together, by reason of his nimbleness and swift motions"
Then a few sentence later says:
"Lastly note this, that long Staves, Morris pikes, and such like weapons of imperfect lengths, being to be used with both hands, notwithstanding their imperfect lengths, are perfect weapons to be used, the one against the other"
Also he says they are better weapons in the dark, but inferior to a short staff in the light

Looking at the pictures in DiGrassi's work
they are either not drawn to scale or he is probably refering to an 8-10' spear when he says pike.

Here are some other quotes of less reputable sorces:
Very heavy and cumbersome, pikemen would often shorten their pike to make them easier to handle, unfortunately rendering them ineffective in battle at he same time.
The pike was not especially useful to the Jamestown colonists since mounted soldiers did not confront them and their principal engagements were skirmishes with the Indians.
Pike: The pike was used by infantry to fend off cavalry. It was very effective against mounted troops. Like the halberd, pikemen were vulnerable to infantry attacks, and so was deadly for the wielder if he fought alone.

Message 3615#35250

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On 10/2/2002 at 7:57pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Valamir wrote:
The diagrams found in DiGrassi's texts comparing the effect of weapon length on impact (what we would call momentum) could just be out scale, but plainly do not show a weapon of montrous length. Further DiGrassi speaks of the best balanced position for the pike being held the rear hand an arms length from the butt and the forward hand an arms length from that. No clear diagram is provided of this in the version I have access to, but a quick sketch would indicate to me that such a hold would be balanced for a 10-12 foot weapon...not a 14-18 foot one.

I finally found DiGrassi talking about the Pike

You should read this section closer. He clearly stated that this is not holding the pike in the middle, and not holding it at the but, because both positions are poor trade offs. Rather this is a compromise position he maintains by Locking his elbow of the back hand. since it is clearly not a balnced positon with the forward hand in the mid point of the pike, you should reconsider youre lengths. even without the diameter variations, they are still too short. Be carefull, you might find your self at ~ 14' IMO :-) the rear elbow is locked because the 5-6 feet of pike behind the front hand weighs less than the length in front of the hand.
Here is the Paragraph from the above length for those that would rather read it here.. there is a diagram at the link.

THis renowmed weapon hath beene of divers diversly handled, in single combat: (for the manner of using it in the warres, maketh not at this present for my purpose.) Therefore it shall not be amisse, if (speaking of the manner of his use in these are daies) I declare also mine opinion concerning the same. There have beene some (who greatly regarding ease & little paine) would have the Pike to be borne in the middle. Other some, more strong of arme, but weaker of hart, (to the end they might be the farther off, from hurte) accustomed to beare it at the beginning neere the heele or blunt end thereof: which two waies in my judgement are to be refused, the one being too daungerous (I meane the bearing of it in the middle) the other too difficult (I mean, the bearing it at the blunt end,) because a man is not able to stande long at his ward, neither to defend himselfe strongly, nor offend safely, considering, much of his force is taken away, by ststeining and bearing it at the said end. So that, when a forcible blow commeth he hath not sufficient power to beat it off. And forasmuch as the Pike is a long straight lyne, which hath his motion in the head or beginning thereof, which motion be it never so finall, neere the hand, is yet verie great at the point, it is requisite, if he would strike just and straight, (when he so holdeth it at the end) that he be greatly practised, and have great strength whereby he may be both skilfull & able to beare it so just & even, that the point thereof strik or hit there where the hand & eie would have it. This is verie hardly accomplished, aswel beecause it is a thing impossible to strike by the straight lyne, as also for that the armes being weakened with the paize of the Pike, do shake and deliver unstedfastly. Therefore, for the avoyding of these two inconveniences, the Pike must be born within an armes length of the said heele or blunt end, in which place, it is sufficiently distant from hurt, & it is not borne with much difficultie if the hands be placed an armes length one from another of the which the hinder hand must be stedfast, I meane, holde the Pike harde, and the forehand somewhat lookse: So that the Pike may shift through it to and fro

Here is the image of Man with Pike (hope this works)[img][/img]

Message 3615#35252

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On 10/2/2002 at 9:17pm, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

I thought the point of this thread was to examine if there is an effective method for a dagger and shield user to combat a pike user who has range, one on alley mentioned. It seemed that the Pikeman had great advantage.

More a problem of...
Is a Pikeman that effective against a short weapon user?
... and, is there a fast way to get inside the pike?
... and if so, how about a good set of defense for the pikeman to regain range (or is this a case of "drop it and pull out something short ")?

Bob McNamee

Message 3615#35274

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On 10/3/2002 at 6:40am, Bob Richter wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

svenlein wrote: A couple comments:
I don't think a dagger is superior to an 18' pike.

I do.

Let me clarify, because I know you just said:

"Psh! How can a *DAGGER* be superior to anything?"

I don't mean as a battlefield weapon. I mean in a duelling situation.

A Pike is nothing more than a knife on the end of an extremely long pole. So if I have a knife, I'm halfway to matching it.

I'll bet that I can go forward faster than you can go back.

The Pike can be easily and painlessly blocked and arrested by one's hand. Unless I am dumb enough to charge straight onto its tip, an 18' (or, hell, 14') Pike is easily circumvented.

Once I'm inside the reach of the blade and have the Pike gripped in my off-hand, the weapon is neutralized.

All that remains is for me to close the distance and finish the fight.

A *Spear* (which TROS defines as being 10' or under in length) is a different matter entirely than a *Pike* (which is 14' in this case.)

The Pike's length acts against it in any attempt to reposition it or strike an opponent with it.

I'd bet on a Spear against a dagger any day of the week, but never a Pike.

Message 3615#35315

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On 10/3/2002 at 8:07am, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Bob McNamee wrote: I thought the point of this thread was to examine if there is an effective method for a dagger and shield user to combat a pike user who has range, one on alley mentioned. It seemed that the Pikeman had great advantage.

but that is the answer. the effective way to get close to a pike, is to ambush him. In an alley, in a forest, a flanking attack from a building. Walking casually down the street past him before he knows your an enemy. These are the methods to negate a pikes' advantage. Think some english beefeater or whatever they are caled standing a guard post with any polearm resting on the ground, standing up in the air. or even at order arms on his shoulder. If you can get within 5' of him before he knows your his enemy (or before he readies for combat more accurately), he'll never ready the polearm in time.
Bob McNamee wrote:
More a problem of...
Is a Pikeman that effective against a short weapon user?
... and, is there a fast way to get inside the pike?
... and if so, how about a good set of defense for the pikeman to regain range (or is this a case of "drop it and pull out something short ")?

Bob McNamee

The question here is how short? Dagger short? Yes say I. longsword and shield? This might be almost even to a slight disadvantage depending on length of pike.

no, the fastest way is to charge and hope you don't get speared... hard. Beat as written is a tough call. A pike man should be attacking on the first exchange. In this case neither player has defence. The issue of beat in simulatneous attacks hasn't been ruled on to my knowledge. typically a beat costs the pike 2 cp per success margin and prevents a weapon defece like parry the next round. But a pike can be brought back into line by a half step back, and retracting your arms. this will quickly move the pike head some 2-4 feet or so. also setting you up for a nice thrust. The pike has a really explosive 3'-4' Jab. It's like a lunge with a sword, only it uses the oposite foot. In order to beat it with a buckler or shield. You are in range for a strike as (if not before) you beat. This is hard. It takes 11 CP minimum to pull of this manuver. 3 beat activation, 1 rolled a success, 6 CP to close and 1 rolled for a successful attack. Duck and weave is an option, instead of 9 activation cost, roll those 9 dice for almost 2 more successes. If this succeeds you close the distance. Wear full platemail, simultaneous attack and pray.

These rules aren't an accident. Played smartly a pike man will not be anywhere a teraign role can be logically made to close this distance. The way for a dagger man to defeat this, is to be greatly better (CP) than the pike. Bring a friend, or use his brain and fight the pike somewhere other than a dueling ground, or open battlefield. Oh yeah. missle attack.

If a man with a dagger gets up on you, it's as hard for you to get away as it would be for him to close. And he is so far inside your radius, that alternate attack forms are pretty useless. Drop and grapple him you don't have time to draw probably..

Message 3615#35326

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On 10/3/2002 at 8:35am, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Bob Richter wrote:
I don't mean as a battlefield weapon. I mean in a duelling situation.

I'll bet that I can go forward faster than you can go back.

no doubt about that, the problem is the first 6-8 feet. First you have the 3-4 foot jab distance of the pike, then you have the 3-4 foot draw distance. in other words you don't have to advance faster than i withdraw. you have to advance that 7' or so faster than I can spit you in the upper chest/neck/face. Or were you planning on waiting till i stab at you to try and catch the spear when you are 10 feet away from me?
Bob Richter wrote:
The Pike can be easily and painlessly blocked and arrested by one's hand. Unless I am dumb enough to charge straight onto its tip, an 18' (or, hell, 14') Pike is easily circumvented.

A nice theory anyway. if you get past the 7 feet, and I leave it there, and you don't have a shield. possibly, awful lot of iffs though.
Bob Richter wrote:
Once I'm inside the reach of the blade and have the Pike gripped in my off-hand, the weapon is neutralized.
All that remains is for me to close the distance and finish the fight.

not too much doubt about that, I just don't think it's a very blody likely position to be achieved. the same is true of any length spear.
Bob Richter wrote:
A *Spear* (which TROS defines as being 10' or under in length) is a different matter entirely than a *Pike* (which is 14' in this case.)

The Pike's length acts against it in any attempt to reposition it or strike an opponent with it.

I'd bet on a Spear against a dagger any day of the week, but never a Pike.

Given that you think it is easy to grab a competantly wielded spear. I can see how you make this mistake. Thats all a pike is, a longer spear. At 14' versus a dager i'd stake my life on the pike without hesitation. Especially if you come without a shield thinking you can just grab my spear. at 18' I would still take the pike, though I'd not be enthusiastic about the confrontation.

Message 3615#35330

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On 10/3/2002 at 9:23am, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

svenlein wrote: A couple comments:
I don't think a dagger is superior to an 18' pike.
I too would like to concentrate on the 14' pike.
I do think a 9' spear is superior to a 14' pike. The in the current tros rules this is not the case.
Here are some quotes from Silver:
Section 5.2.8
First he says:

Once again you stopped in a document skipping area that refute you.

(5.2.7) Again of the Vantages of Weapons *28*
And if two shall fight with staves or swords, or what weapons soever, the one of them having his weapon longer than the perfect length, and the other shorter than the perfect length, he that has the longer has the vantage, because the shorter can make no true cross in true time. The short staff or half pike, Forest bill, Partisan, or glaive, or such like weapons of perfect length, to be used with both hands, have the advantage against two swords and daggers, or two rapiers, poniards and gauntlets, and against all other weapons whatsoever, the Forest bill excepted.

svenlein wrote:
Looking at the pictures in DiGrassi's work
they are either not drawn to scale or he is probably refering to an 8-10' spear when he says pike.

The first drawing he shows a short spear it is true. starting with the example that the basic theory is that you hit your opponent before he hits you. He then exponds adding length to increas the buffer. As has been noted later, the pike he develops furht he is holding with hands one arms lengeth from but, and one arms length from the other hand. This places the forward hand clearly 5+ feet on the pike. He futher says this isn't holding the pike in the middle, but a compromise for length and ability to use. This pike seems to clearly be in excess of 10' to me. Given that period pike formations of the swiss and english were 15' range (though some used longer, this seems reasonable).
svenlein wrote:
Here are some other quotes of less reputable sorces:
Very heavy and cumbersome, pikemen would often shorten their pike to make them easier to handle, unfortunately rendering them ineffective in battle at he same time.

The would be ineffective because they were going against other pikeman. Giving the other pikes the range advantage.
svenlein wrote:
The pike was not especially useful to the Jamestown colonists since mounted soldiers did not confront them and their principal engagements were skirmishes with the Indians.

No disputing this... the indians weren't silly enough to fight the pikes in massed formation. They also were the ones who taught the americans guerilla warfare. Snipe from cover. fight where you have the advantage. Ambush your enemy. I've been saying this all along.
svenlein wrote:
Pike: The pike was used by infantry to fend off cavalry. It was very effective against mounted troops. Like the halberd, pikemen were vulnerable to infantry attacks, and so was deadly for the wielder if he fought alone.

This last entry is the most suspect of the lot. Fought alone? against who? another infantry unit? 2 men? or a duel against a Dagger? It seems obviously he isn't addressing a dagger. The majority of the polearm page if not all of it seems devoted to military use, hence the battlefield environemnt seems the right interpretation, not having anything to do with a one on one against a dagger. Pikes are perhaps the worst weapon choice for facing multiple opponents..

Message 3615#35337

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On 10/3/2002 at 10:10am, Bob Richter wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Thirsty Viking wrote: Thats all a pike is, a longer spear.

Thus the basis of this entire misunderstanding.

No, that is decidedly NOT what a pike is.

Despite similarities in construction, a pike is a totally different weapon from a spear. It is longer. It is thicker. And Moment of Inertia (Physics, that is,) dictates that it CAN NOT be used in the same manner.

Your jabs will not be as strong or as quick. Your draws will be similarly plagued. And you will find (if you ever try) that you CAN NOT reposition quickly enough to catch a flank action by a lone man.

Message 3615#35342

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On 10/3/2002 at 1:23pm, svenlein wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Here is a summary of some of what people thought about fighting in open field starting from far away where no one throws their weapons. I'm not very interested in alleyways, but I don't wish to stifle your conversation if you wish to continue it. Please tell me if I have misrepresented your opinion.

Valamir - make a Terrain roll to make 14' pike ineffective, 1 14' Pike vs Dagger is "insanely easy" for dagger guy to make pike ineffective
Thirsty Viking - 14' pike crushes dagger into dirt and spits on his grave, 18' pike slightly worse but still kills the dagger guy, 10' spear kills him even better
Jake - 14' pike superior to dagger
Lyrax - "The pike is, at pike range, infinitely superior to the dagger."
Bob Richter - dagger is superior to 14' pike, 10' spear is superior to dagger.

I believe (in single combat fighting against someone with a dagger) 10’ spear is superior to 14’ pike which is superior to 18’ pike. (note I didn’t mention who will win between the two fighters I’m just saying 10 is better than 14, maybe they both beat the dagger guy, but the 10’ guy will have an easier time beating him, but right now I’m not discussing that, so that we can focus on what we agree on first, then talk about disagreements)

Does everyone agree?
Is this reflected in the rules?

I also believe this relationship is true (in single combat) against each other. Since according to Silver the 10’ is closest to the “perfect length” compared to the 14’ and the 18’.

Does everyone agree?
Is this reflected in the rules?

Jake what did you mean when you said "I'd say that you're welcome to dodge, but you forfeit any advantage you would have had due to range. Hmm... "?

When is there a situation when a 14' pike man would want to drop his pike and pull out a sword?

I’ll ask in a later post about whether the rules accurately show the pikes advantage over the dagger, or if they are over blowing the pikes advantage, of if the dagger is actually superior to a 14’ pike.

Also I’d like to add a line to say how much I enjoy this thread, this is why I picked up tros, because of the interesting discussion on the RPGnet thread and this forum. : )

Message 3615#35353

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On 10/3/2002 at 5:06pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

svenlein wrote:
Jake what did you mean when you said "I'd say that you're welcome to dodge, but you forfeit any advantage you would have had due to range. Hmm... "?

When is there a situation when a 14' pike man would want to drop his pike and pull out a sword?

People were suggesting to avoid the pike's high DTN by dodging at a DTN of 7 instead. This is fine, but I would not penalize the attacker with the range difference between his dagger (or whatever) and the defending pikeman. Thus a pikeman can dodge, but he loses the bonus for having a longer weapon in the process, because he's not trying to keep his weapon between himself and his opponent--which is what "parrying" sort-of represents in TROS.

Therefore if the dagger guy got close in it would make more sense for the pikeman to pull a sword and have a more reasonable range advantage over the dagger guy. This is doubly true if the dagger guy has wisely grasped his opponent's pike. Then, instead of trying to recover the lost pike, the pikeman would just pull his sword and go at it.


Message 3615#35397

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On 10/3/2002 at 5:42pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Would this be the case with other, shorter weapons as well?

Message 3615#35407

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On 10/3/2002 at 6:05pm, Lyrax wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Thirsty Viking wrote: Ok, the pike man doe crushing instead of piercing damage. Having 8+ feet of pole behind him hampers the range of engagement, and he loses his length advantage of his weapon(at least most of it). Assuming hands are 2-3 feet apart, and rear hand is about 2-3 feet from but he now has a clumsy thrusting blunt shortsword.

It's not that clumsy, can still go several inches through a skull, and he can always choke up. Any polearm user whose hands are firmly in one place throughout the fight is a dead man.

Thirsty Viking wrote: He is at serious disadvantage as opposed to engaging with other end. Higher target numbers, less range, less damage. Periode alleyways were in general narrow, they were footpaths that rarely saw a pack animal, let alone a wagon. Ok maybe chinese alleyways were major thouroughfares... I've seen the european and middle eastern cities though, 10' wide would be a BIG alley in these areas.

It would only need to be about five or six feet wide. That doesn't seem unreasonable to me. Maybe even four feet. As long as the man isn't touching both sides of the alleyway just by standing there, he can turn around. The TN wouldn't be much, if any higher, and the damage would be the same as a short staff, roughly. That's more than enough to kill somebody. In short, I think it would be worse for the dagger user. If a man with a "short" staff can kill two men with swords, then a man with a long staff should have no trouble with two men with daggers.

Message 3615#35415

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On 10/3/2002 at 6:24pm, svenlein wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Jake Norwood wrote:
People were suggesting to avoid the pike's high DTN by dodging at a DTN of 7 instead. This is fine, but I would not penalize the attacker with the range difference between his dagger (or whatever) and the defending pikeman. Thus a pikeman can dodge, but he loses the bonus for having a longer weapon in the process, because he's not trying to keep his weapon between himself and his opponent--which is what "parrying" sort-of represents in TROS.

Presumably the 14' pikeman would be dodgeing backwards mostly. Would you still suggest this "no range penalty" idea? Posibly the dodge backwards alows you to keep your range benifit, but you need to make a terrain roll since your running backwards while concentrating on keeping your spear between you and the dagger guy.

Jake Norwood wrote:
Therefore if the dagger guy got close in it would make more sense for the pikeman to pull a sword and have a more reasonable range advantage over the dagger guy.

Wouldn't it be more effective for the pike man to full evade? It seems like only if full evade is not possible would pulling out a sword be better. Is this true in real life? I this true in the rules?

Jake Norwood wrote:
This is doubly true if the dagger guy has wisely grasped his opponent's pike. Then, instead of trying to recover the lost pike, the pikeman would just pull his sword and go at it.

How would someone try to grasp an opponent's pike in TROS?


Message 3615#35423

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On 10/4/2002 at 4:23am, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Mokkurkalfe wrote: Would this be the case with other, shorter weapons as well?

IMO weapons longer than a dagger would be at less of a disadvantage, possibly even at an advantage. They close range quicker. (have less far to go. They beat a pike better because of thier length. Even a shield beat is executed at essentially dagger range. and thier momentum on a swing.

Dagger is at the extremely short range with unarmed.

People say a pike is heavier than a spear, of course it is. the speed of the attack will be marginally slower, Though some think the answer here is GREATLY SLOWER I disagree with them. These things of course are all modified by weapon balance and how it is held and employed. I'm a strong guy, a pike in my hands is faster than in the hands of someone of less upper body str. If you give a weapon to someone who can hardly hold it, then I'm sure much of what they say becomes true. I'm not the worlds best climber, but my arms still heft my girth... though i'd be sore the next day, i'm sure i can put decent accurate velocity on a pike thrust. Legs that haul my 300 pound carcass up mountains with a 60# backpack are not going to care that the 60# is a pike instead (i think that is too heavy but I didn't find stats on pike weight. Facing a dagger, I can take a middle hold on the pike balancing the weapon, and opening up the variety of atacks. and still stab the dagger guy when he is ~ 10' away. If i smash him with the but end when he is 5' away ... I still haven't been stabbed. Any dagger guy gets to me without taking a good hit, was agile enough and quick enough, that it probably wouldn't have mattered what weapon i'd been holding except mabye my walking staff. I've carried it for 100's of trail miles over the last couple years, even done kata's at dawn on mountain tops with it... well not a real kata i guess... just what I make up.

Message 3615#35507

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On 10/4/2002 at 6:29am, Bob Richter wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Thirsty Viking wrote:
Mokkurkalfe wrote: Though some think the answer here is GREATLY SLOWER I disagree with them.

And you're wrong. No bones about it. You're simply wrong. It's physics. You can't beat physics. Don't even try.

And if you really want a demonstration, come up to Richland, WA and I'll try to show you what I mean.

Don't even bother to respond to this post until you've actually gone out and swung around poles of varying length and therefore have SOME idea what you're talking about.

Message 3615#35515

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On 10/4/2002 at 6:53am, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Bob Richter wrote:
Despite similarities in construction, a pike is a totally different weapon from a spear. It is longer. It is thicker. And Moment of Inertia (Physics, that is,) dictates that it CAN NOT be used in the same manner.

Your jabs will not be as strong or as quick. Your draws will be similarly plagued. And you will find (if you ever try) that you CAN NOT reposition quickly enough to catch a flank action by a lone man.

I agree with some of your physics. Some. More weight = less speed. it is however the same strength i.e. momentum. Exactly what that amonunt of speed is depends on how much force is used to set it in motion. I the question is can i accelerate a 10' long spear faster than a 14' pike.. the answer is yes. That doesn't make the 14' pike slow though, just not as quick. Other factors come into play. my legs accelerating me and spear at 305 pounds, accelerate me and pike at 330 slower. (yes yes, i'm sure the 5# spear, and 30# pike are over done... i don't have the figuers for them.) these figures would suggest my leg acceleration to be > 10/11 the speed of using a spear. This is where most of my power comes from on a thrust with any weapon IMO. For arguments sake we'll rate the arm speed as 1/4 of the power so even though this example the pike is 6x as heavy. but again the arms accelerate not just the pike but the arms themselves. lets say the arms weigh ... i don't know 10 pounds (again i think 5# per arm too light, for me anyway). than makes spear acceleration of 15# and the pike 40# 3/8 the arm speed.

If my assumptions are close the speed of a pike at6 30# is roughly 85% the speed of a 5# spear thrust. Personally I believe that these assuptions have exagerated the speed diffrence. the only one that might be argued against me is the percent of speed from arms, versus legs... this is a matter of style of ussage. cetainly if i stand flat footed, rooted to the spot and don't lean my body it becomes all arm speed. as for weight of my arms... my forearms are bigger than 5 lbs of hamburger, I doubt they are less in weight.

Lastly I didn't address the issue of muscles working more effeciently in some locations that others. This will further reduce the effects of the speed diffrence. because the stronger force is applied slightly longer on the slower moving object.. thus imparting more acceleration.

As for body weights, I used my own naturally. A 120# man would be more affected by the diffrence than I would possibly to the point where he'd be better than i would with spears, but i'd beat him with pikes. I'll race any 120# man up a mountain. As long as he has to carry the same total weight to the top as I do. I may not always win. but the lighter they are the more often I will. 120# men aren't used to walking at 300+#'s. Staggering would be a better description after a decent distance, then falling. If you guys are thin wiry types, you may be so intimidated by this difference that you don't understand my View point.

In the real world you can't just look at a weapon unless it is thrown. even then the style of throwing matters. Run up throws will reduce the effects of weight on speed.

Message 3615#35518

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On 10/4/2002 at 7:15am, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Jake Norwood wrote:
svenlein wrote:
Jake what did you mean when you said "I'd say that you're welcome to dodge, but you forfeit any advantage you would have had due to range. Hmm... "?

When is there a situation when a 14' pike man would want to drop his pike and pull out a sword?

People were suggesting to avoid the pike's high DTN by dodging at a DTN of 7 instead. This is fine, but I would not penalize the attacker with the range difference between his dagger (or whatever) and the defending pikeman. Thus a pikeman can dodge, but he loses the bonus for having a longer weapon in the process, because he's not trying to keep his weapon between himself and his opponent--which is what "parrying" sort-of represents in TROS.

Therefore if the dagger guy got close in it would make more sense for the pikeman to pull a sword and have a more reasonable range advantage over the dagger guy. This is doubly true if the dagger guy has wisely grasped his opponent's pike. Then, instead of trying to recover the lost pike, the pikeman would just pull his sword and go at it.


Ok this is where i have to ask you Jake... if my pike has been beaten aside... Im not alowed to use it on the next exchange. my vision of the dodge when i have the range advantage is stepping back and/or turning bringing the pike inline with the opponent so he will not close the distance. It looks like a counter, but no bonus to my attack. Once he closes (indicated by a success magin on an attack, I've already lost the bonus). the only thing a pole arm parries at range is other polearms... and it should have a better DTN for that. Parrying any other weapon the opponent has gotten past it's point to the place where they are in range of thier weapon, I don't see how a successful parry of a shortsword re-establishes that distance.

Message 3615#35521

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On 10/4/2002 at 7:40am, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Lyrax wrote:
It would only need to be about five or six feet wide. That doesn't seem unreasonable to me. Maybe even four feet. As long as the man isn't touching both sides of the alleyway just by standing there, he can turn around. The TN wouldn't be much, if any higher, and the damage would be the same as a short staff, roughly. That's more than enough to kill somebody. In short, I think it would be worse for the dagger user. If a man with a "short" staff can kill two men with swords, then a man with a long staff should have no trouble with two men with daggers.

It all depends on how long the pikeman has to react. first off there will be a triangular section of alley way infront of the pikeman when he turns around that he just can't hit. the length of pike behind him will not allow it. the narrower the alleyway the more this is. The pike is on the wrong side of his body. his hands are not only reversed front to back, the grips are all wrong. he loses the power from his legs. Indeed the best attack he has is a half blind backward thrust. or lifting the pike all the way above his head and thrusting down... Dropping the pike, stepping over it, and picking it up. hmm If he has the time he can lift the pike all the way above his head, take a spin-step back moving his former rear hand toward the head of the pike and regripping. lowering the pike while reversing the grip of his forward hand. this places him in position, but takes 2 seconds from when he becomes aware of the threat from the rear? If he has this time I agree with you. he is ok.. as long as he is only threatened from the new front. As much as I defend the pike in the open field, on the dueling ground against one man with a dagger. I'd not take it as my primary weapon through alleys and woods.

Message 3615#35525

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On 10/4/2002 at 8:22am, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Bob Richter wrote:
Thirsty Viking wrote:
Mokkurkalfe wrote: Though some think the answer here is GREATLY SLOWER I disagree with them.

And you're wrong. No bones about it. You're simply wrong. It's physics. You can't beat physics. Don't even try.

And if you really want a demonstration, come up to Richland, WA and I'll try to show you what I mean.

Don't even bother to respond to this post until you've actually gone out and swung around poles of varying length and therefore have SOME idea what you're talking about.

I'm not beating physics i don't have too. But i'm not ignoring inconvienent aspects of them either.
Does a longer pike spin slower than a shorter one ...yes.
does it take a guy 10' away longer to shift around me than 7' away. yes.
does a 14' weapon swing slower than 10' weapon yes.
does it have less momentum.... NO
does it hit harder... Generally yes if swung. about the same on a stab

The problem with these demonstartions is they only have value at full speed. that generally means if the dager guy is proved wrong he takes one heck of a wallop or stab. my coming across the country to washington potentially puts me in jail far longer than if you die in my yard while attacking me with a knife. For either of us to show up at the other place is foolish in the extreme. You can at least demonstrate your theory by simulating an attack. I can only prove mine by carrying it out for real.

The question has almost nothing to do with absolute speed. but with sufficient speed. as far as the stab goes, the speed drop off is relatively small. less than 15% IMO from another post. assuming the pike weighs 30# and the spear only 5#(gurps spear weighs 4# but can be used 1 handed, however accurate that is). There is no doubt at all, that when i spin in place, i can spin far faster than you can run around me at any distance. adding a pike will slow my spin down considerably. adding distance will increase the circumfrence your trying to run around. at 10' radius you have to travel ~60' to circle me as opposed to only ~30 at 5'. this affects you less... but it affects you.

In short... any Dagger man that is extremely superior in skill level can defeat a pike. the game shows this in it's rules and we all agree. Where we part company is you seem to think anyone moderately competant can defeat a pike very easily.

Message 3615#35526

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On 10/4/2002 at 8:31am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Well, there was some cool stuff going on in this thread, but tempers have flaired a few times, and now we have personal challenges. Again. Dangit, guys...I HATE MODERATING!!!

So don't make me, or I'll get angry and never write another book...

I'm not closing the thread (though it occured to me), I'm just calling for a chill and a re-focusing here.


Message 3615#35530

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On 10/4/2002 at 8:51am, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Jake Norwood wrote: Well, there was some cool stuff going on in this thread, but tempers have flaired a few times, and now we have personal challenges. Again. Dangit, guys...I HATE MODERATING!!!

So don't make me, or I'll get angry and never write another book...

I'm not closing the thread (though it occured to me), I'm just calling for a chill and a re-focusing here.


If you meant me Jake I didn't consider that a challenge, just an explanation why My allowing him to demonstrate would have no meaning at anything but a full speed combat level. It was the same point i tried to make before... i tried to do it more tactfully this time. maybe i failed.

I didn't really think he was challenging me to combat. i figured he was just going to make me spin with different lengths of wood. that would be meaningless IMO. The only true demonstration is a live demonstration. even sufficient padding on all the striking surfaces on a 14' pole would seriously change it enough to be almost meaningless IMO if he managed to get through. If he was padded enough, then he would blame his armor when he didn't.

Trying to PROVE this in RL is too dangerous to accept that it is less than a grave risk for the dagger wielder. He could prove his point by getting close to me with a small stick. I could only prove mine by rendering his attaing that closeness so painfull that he'd be ineffective. Given the amount of force used in such a demonstration with all the advantages and disadvantages inherent in a 14' pole... To suggest that it might be less than fatal is a disservice. While it is true that a busted knee, broken arm or cracked ribs ... might be sufficient to stop the rush... I'm not skilled enough to guarantee that would be the extent of the exposure.

I have edited my post slightly in case it was mine that you objected to.

Message 3615#35533

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On 10/4/2002 at 5:18pm, Lyrax wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

svenlein wrote:
Presumably the 14' pikeman would be dodgeing backwards mostly. Would you still suggest this "no range penalty" idea? Posibly the dodge backwards alows you to keep your range benifit, but you need to make a terrain roll since your running backwards while concentrating on keeping your spear between you and the dagger guy.
That's if he's doing a full evasion. A partial evasion is a little different, because it's barely staying out of reach of the opponent's weapon. I would check movement scores, however, to see if the daggerman can close that far in half of a round.

Message 3615#35626

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On 10/4/2002 at 7:54pm, Bob Richter wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Thirsty Viking wrote: Where we part company is you seem to think anyone moderately competant can defeat a pike very easily.

And that's a terribly vital place to part company.

It doesn't become any less true for my believing it.

I assume you've heard of conservation of angular momentum?

Let me see if I can remember the formula.



Point is, with a pole that long, I can run around your circumference faster than you can spin in place. If I wasn't out of shape and nearly a hundred pounds overweight, I could do it all day any day of the week.

Your foot-speed isn't in question here. Sure, you're only (at most) 15% slower on the thrust with a pike. The problem is that any moderately competant daggerman won't be where you're thrusting. By that time, he's inside your guard and you're lost again.


Conservation of angular momentum. At ten feet a swing from a 14' Pike carries significantly less energy (that's what does damage, not momentum) and momentum (which could, conceivably, knock me over, if I was that easy to knock over, which I am not.) than a swing at 10' from a 10' pole.

Again we come to the idea of you backing up faster than I advance. Chances are, you don't.

For that matter, you'll have enough trouble reversing direction from that (indubitably) failed thrust.

Try to use a Pike like a Spear, regardless of the circumstances, in combat, and you're dead.

Have I gotten my point across, or do I have to sign a waiver on the point of my own injury or death to demonstrate it to you?

Message 3615#35658

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On 10/4/2002 at 7:59pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

That's essentially the same arguement I've been making Bob...they didn't buy it from me either.

Message 3615#35660

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On 10/4/2002 at 8:44pm, svenlein wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

ok, people dont agree about the relative strengths of a dagger vs a 14' weapon.

Does everyone agree that against each other, a 7-10' Long spear should defeat a 14' pike? (equal fighers, in an open field, unarmored)

Unless the dodge rule is changed as suggested by Jake, i think in tros the 14' pike guy would win, b/c of range.

"Make this for a general rule, all long staves, Morris pikes, Forest bills, Javelins, or such like long weapons, of what sort so ever, being above the true lengths, the shortest has the advantage, because they can cross and uncross in shorter time than can the longer."
(the true length being that of the short staff in Silvers mind)

Message 3615#35672

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On 10/4/2002 at 10:20pm, Lyrax wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

svenlein - I agree with you.

Bob - I think that last post is pretty idealistic of you, in terms of conditions.

Message 3615#35698

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On 10/5/2002 at 8:28am, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

yeah bob, you would as I have Clearly said more than once now. We disagree on too many things to continue this thread between us IMO. As Jake has said if it really irks you change it in your game and be done. So I think it is best for us to be done.

For the rest of the thread....
I am well aware of angular momentum. and the fact that the pole will make me spin slower with it's 7' wings. than i'd spin at if they were five. The ten feet is how far away the dagger man needs to be in order to be out of striking range. need to be not to be in striking range.

A guy with a short staff would kick both pike and dagger butts, as most if not all people here agree. at 7' it would be a better chance for either of us, though definately still not good for dagger... and no better than perhaps even for Pike, probably a little worse than that. not till the short spear do I thinK my advantages would out weigh my disadvantages... silver agrees with me on that... but not something i'd be anxious to try. Like a dagger he should just throw it from range.

In case the point was missed... dodging with a range advantage is not running backwards... I'd say that clearly wouldn't work. It is shifting position a step or two IMO, while readying the weapon in a threat that deters the advance. the charachters in Wyerth, live and die by thier dueling, and would have war more intimate understanding of the weapons than we do... They will respect an appropriate threat and break off. If a player declares that he will not honor that.(after defensive dice are selected, before the dodge roll).. I'd allow an oportunity attack.... If sucessful the player is hit and probably stopped. Possibly with serious injury. Reroll the # of success from the TN 7 Dodge roll as an ATTACK roll and apply dammage normally. then the charachter can roll his attack after lost dice for shock. ( he loses his attack dice first, and may not add more dice). This is less successful than a counter with a pike and less effective but keeps every successful beat from automatically negating range penaltes. First time i've tried to quantify this.

It is a little rough, but my idea is open for discussion.

Message 3615#35734

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On 10/5/2002 at 4:44pm, Bob Richter wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Thirsty Viking wrote: yeah bob, you would as I have Clearly said more than once now.

Okay. You're too hard-headed to have a logical discussion on the matter.

That's just what I was trying to determine.

You'll continue to think of a Pike as a spear, no matter who tries to educate you about the matter and how.

Fine. I can deal with that.

I can't respect it, but I can deal with it.

Hint taken. Discussion over.

Message 3615#35761

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On 10/5/2002 at 7:44pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Bob Richter wrote:
Thirsty Viking wrote: yeah bob, you would as I have Clearly said more than once now.

Okay. You're too hard-headed to have a logical discussion on the matter.

You'll continue to think of a Pike as a spear, no matter who tries to educate you about the matter and how.

Fine. I can deal with that.

I can't respect it, but I can deal with it.

Hint taken. Discussion over.

Then we have agreement at last, we both agree that the other one is too hard-headed to have a logical discussion on the matter. And neither of us respects the others handling of the argument... I just tried to end the discussion without personal insults. Since this couldn't be done... I'll think very hard before responding to any of your messages in the future. I'm not here to engage in flame wars or Vendetta's.

Good Bye BOB.

Message 3615#35774

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On 10/5/2002 at 8:26pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
is Pike a Spear? of course

I say a PIKe is a Spear. also a javelin is a spear, A spear is a pole with a meatal "blade" attached to the end of it for thrusting.

A scimitar is a sword, A rapier is a sword, a dopple-hander is a sword, One can even argue that a dagger is a sword, albeit a very short one. A sword being a metal blade extending from a handle.

There will be diffrences in the usage of all these weapons. I don't deny that, but within the catergories the similarities are also present. If I thrust with a pike, I expect the Daggerman to try to dodge. His life depends on it. Assuming equal dice, his dodge will usually be successful. but he'll be working so hard at not getting stabbed, he has no time to close. Eventual I'll hit better than he'll dodge assuming equal dice. And then the dice will no longer be equal. If I was the daggerman i'd fully evade... The pikes not even gonna catch my fat but out there.

Pikes are more awkward, and a little more limited at 14' than at 10'. However the basics are all still there. (ok for this i used metal pipe 10' long at 1/2' and some joined sections of 3/4' for a heavier 14' length... I didn't have Periode weapons to play with, and i never found amy postings for actuall weight of a 14'-15' pike, or any pike for that matter, being movements i'm not used to, I'm sure to be quite sore tomarrow.)

There have been arguments made that if i use a pike as a spear i DIE, but then they said if i use Pike at all I die. I have said that it would be a rough road at a disadvantage against a longsword and shield. I had several reasons for this. A big one is the range issue. It seems to me that a guy with a longsword can kill me while standing ~ 6' away. this forces me to make choices with a pike... do i extend the pike further? making it un-balanced to increase the range? This will be more fatiguing, and the tracking will be slower. This also greatly limits the ability to use the but end to counter a charge. I think longsword wins fairly easily if i do. If I don't then his rush having to cover much shorter ground is more easily accomplished. This is all there in the combat system. Not only that but his Beat is dreadully effective. because he has more dice to use for it and still be able to close than the dagger wielder.

This all makes sence... a beat with a longsword should be better than from a dagger, or shield. IMO.

Message 3615#35782

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On 10/6/2002 at 2:04am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: weapon lenght after bash

Um...I think I'm closing the thread. Parties interested in carrying on a discussion about this can open a new thread.

That's it.


Message 3615#35793

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