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Topic: Temple of Bast - Session 1- Narrative Revised
Started by: Bob McNamee
Started on: 10/1/2002
Board: Universalis

On 10/1/2002 at 12:43am, Bob McNamee wrote:
Temple of Bast - Session 1- Narrative Revised

Rewrite of Session 1

Temple of Bast – Universalis Game – Session 1- (2hrs approx)
Players: Bob, Pat

Scene 1
Location: The Temple of Bast
Time: Midnight
Characters: Pi Wa Ket, Seer of Bast, Lo-Set, Group of Temple Cats

Pi Wa Ket, the temple servant, prepares the Temple for tomorrows service. Lo-Set, a Cat, is among the cats who frequent the Temple.

The Seer of Bast enters the altar room for her midnight meditation. She slips deep into prayerful meditation.

The flickering torchlight casts dancing shadows about the Temple walls. Hidden by the dancing shadows, a Snake slithers and sneaks up behind the meditating Seer. Suddenly, the unseen Snake lashes out, bites the Seer. She cries out in momentary pain, before she succumbs to the poison in her, and collapses to the floor.

Pi Wa Ket rushes toward her, sees the snake, and the nasty bite. The snake rears menacingly. She pauses out of its reach, then she calls upon her ability to communicate with Cats. She commands Lo-Set to “Go get a Healer, quick!”

Lo-Set runs off out of the Temple.

End of Scene 1
Scene 2
Time: immediately after Scene 1
Place/People: (Scene 1 continued) Pi Wa Ket, Seer of Bast, Group of Temple Cats, Snake

Pi Wa Ket runs to the nearest wall, grabs a torch, and daringly thrusts it at the snake. Her efforts succeed at driving the Snake away from the Seer. It rears up aggressively trying to move forward. She then know she must kill the snake, but is afraid.

Stepping back, she calls on the group of cats currently frequenting the Temple to help her by killing the Snake, while she distracts it with the torch. Pi Wa Ket agilely weaves an intricate pattern with the burning torch and daringly leaps forward in front of the serpent distracting it, allowing the cats to circle and attack. In moments, the snake is pinned by multiple cats along its length. They quickly and efficiently sever its spine, for they often hunt and kill snakes for fun and food.

Pi Wa Ket then goes to the fallen body of the Seer, checking for signs of life. Suddenly ,the fallen Seer stirs, opens her unfocused eyes and speaks in the voice of prophecy, “I See the City overrun by the forces of the Evil Snake God, unearthed by the wild tribes of the far desert.”

Her eyes roll up and she lapses back into poisoned unconsciousness.

Pi Wa Ket supports her, laying her back to the floor. Recognizing My-Kat, a Temple Cat who can speak to high-ranking Priestesses, amongst the gathered group of cats, Pi Wa Ket commands “Go My-Kat! Rouse the Elders of the church. Tell them of the Prophecy!”

My-Kat trots off into the depths of the Temple.

End of Scene 2

Scene 3
Time: Concurrent with Scene 2
Location: Herbalist shop of Juba, down the street from the Temple
Who: Lo-Set, Juba

Lo-Set dashes throughout the Herbalist’s shop, rushing about setting jars and containers to wobbling.

Juba, the Fat Healer, startled out of his nightly habits, gets up from grinding some herbs to chase this unexpected furry annoyance. Suddenly, Lo-Set bounds over behind a counter where Juba had taken off his charm bracelet and cleverly slips it over his head.

Lo-set, the Thief Cat, pauses for just a moment, allowing Juba a good look at him. Then, he bounds off out of the Herbalist’s shop running for the Temple. An angry Juba puffing along behind trailing him.

End of Scene 3

Bob McNamee

Message 3645#34933

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On 10/1/2002 at 12:45am, Bob McNamee wrote:
Session 1- notes

The Temple of Bast Game looks like this after Session 1 (duration 2hrs)
Players (ending coins): Bob (6), Pat (24)

-Magic flows along Ley lines & collects in crystals
-low technology, pre-industrial
-cats are magic
- humans can bond with cats
- old Egypt setting

- Scribe/magician
-Runic magic
-Follower of Ptah
-Collector of Knowledge

”Pi Wa Ket”
-Servant in the Temple of Bast
-Communicates with cats
-Trained Dancer

-Lucky charm bracelet of Juba

”Seer of Bast”
-“Temple possession”

“Snake #1” (****Eliminated****)
-Poison Fangs,

“Group of Temple Cats x3”
-Snake Killers

-Temple Cat
-Knows all Paths in Temple
-Can talk with high ranking Priestesses


“Temple of Bast”
-Many cats
-Seer of Bast (“possession”)

“Herbalist shop of Juba, down the street from the Temple”

Bob McNamee

Message 3645#34934

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