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Topic: Newbie: The Desperation
Started by: Tony Irwin
Started on: 10/2/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 10/2/2002 at 5:35pm, Tony Irwin wrote:
Newbie: The Desperation

I can't hold back any longer, I must post!

But first I was hoping one of y'all could fill me in with some nettiquette conventions for posting on this page?

Firstly, how many pages of rules/outline do I need before I should be giving an URL to check out instead of just pasting all my mad ramblings into one post?

Secondly, do I create one topic dedicated to my game and stick with it, or start a new topic for each significant new idea/change? (from lurking about I've seen both methods used and I didn't want to offend by doing one that's quietly frowned upon)

Thirdly, well you tell me! Anything else I should keep in mind while posting here?

Imagine a world where every kewl game idea you'd ever dreamed of has already been done by someone else. Newbie: The Desperation is a World of Duplication game.

Message 3669#35228

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On 10/2/2002 at 5:57pm, kevin671 wrote:
RE: Newbie: The Desperation

Love the title of the thread, BTW.

Check out the STICKIES at the top of each form. They outline the rules for posting in each forum.

Message 3669#35231

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On 10/2/2002 at 6:24pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Newbie: The Desperation

Hiya Tony.

In point of fact there aren't really any hard and fast rules per se on those issues. The real answer is, given the type of questions (some pretty hard hitting and investigatory) that Forgeites are likely to give you, do you feel you have enough of a handle on your game to enter into such discussions?

If you have a good idea on what the game is about, what a typical play session should look like, what your goals for the system are, etc. and have those articulated somewhere than I'd say you're already ready to open the flood gates.

Message 3669#35238

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On 10/2/2002 at 7:12pm, Kester Pelagius wrote:
RE: Newbie: The Desperation

Valamir wrote:

If you have a good idea on what the game is about, what a typical play session should look like, what your goals for the system are, etc. and have those articulated somewhere than I'd say you're already ready to open the flood gates.

Being relatively new to posting here myself I'd have to agree with Valamir.

My "Pixies" post was essentially just a thumbnail idea. Yet the responses have been rather probing.

And the posters sly humor is also rather interesting to read.

Kind Regards.

Message 3669#35246

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On 10/2/2002 at 8:16pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: Newbie: The Desperation

Kester Pelagius wrote: My "Pixies" post was essentially just a thumbnail idea. Yet the responses have been rather probing.

Seeing as how my massive "The GM is Dead" outline has yet to get any responses, I'm beginning to think that shorter may be the key. The sheer size of a post may drive people away, since everyone has limited time. It's easier to scan a few paragraphs and respond, instead of taking the time to sit down and really READ.


Message 3669#35255

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On 10/2/2002 at 8:21pm, Clay wrote:
RE: Newbie: The Desperation

Jonathan Walton wrote: It's easier to scan a few paragraphs and respond, instead of taking the time to sit down and really READ.

Speaking as someone who has to do his reading between compiles at work, let me assure you that shorter is better. No matter how brilliant the poster, I just can't afford to read something that scrolls for three or four screens.

Message 3669#35257

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On 10/2/2002 at 8:25pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Newbie: The Desperation

Thanks for mentioning it Jon. I'd completely missed it. My flags don't always work the way they're supposed to and it had been pushed far enough down it escaped by attention.

It is pretty monstrous that I know its there I'll definitely pour over it.

Message 3669#35258

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On 10/4/2002 at 3:46pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Newbie: The Desperation


As you can see from the top of the forum, I've decided to do a little house-cleaning in this forum and to step up the standards for what belongs here. So far, this thread seems like it should say in Indie Design - there's enough "game" here, and with enough focus on developing it as such.

I do appreciate tony188's concern about the issue, and ask that everyone who wants to pop on a new thread to this forum consider it as seriously as he did.


Message 3669#35600

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On 10/4/2002 at 4:34pm, Tony Irwin wrote:
RE: Newbie: The Desperation

Ron Edwards wrote: Hello,

As you can see from the top of the forum, I've decided to do a little house-cleaning in this forum and to step up the standards for what belongs here. So far, this thread seems like it should say in Indie Design - there's enough "game" here, and with enough focus on developing it as such.

I do appreciate tony188's concern about the issue, and ask that everyone who wants to pop on a new thread to this forum consider it as seriously as he did.


Hey there - just in case we're at cross purposes I thought I should probably clarify. Newbie: The Desperation was a humorus title I stuck on my post in order to draw attention to the fact that I was new to the forum and desperate to post but needed advice on doing so. I won't be developing it as a game.

People have been very helpful in replying to this thread and now that I got the replies I needed, I can begin submitting games that are close to being published (and I shall avoid posting "curiosities" as I have else-where in this forum). I'd be happy for this thread to be deleted now that its served its purpose. On reflection the title is misleading, and probably won't encourage people to look seriously at the real games Im trying to publish.

Tony Irwin

Message 3669#35617

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On 10/5/2002 at 8:19pm, Kester Pelagius wrote:
Now wa-a-a-it a minute!

tony188 wrote:
Ron Edwards wrote:

Hey there - just in case we're at cross purposes I thought I should probably clarify. Newbie: The Desperation was a humorus title I stuck on my post in order to draw attention to the fact that I was new to the forum and desperate to post but needed advice on doing so. I won't be developing it as a game.

Don't be so quick to nix the idea!

Because I (for one) think it is a gr-r-eat one!

Newbie: The Desperation!

Oh, the angst! The suffering! The...

Conisder the possibilities. You could have the "Psycho Troll Lurker" who posts once ina blue moon. Take my post for example, if I was a "Psycho Troll Lurker" and saw your thread what would my immediate reaction have been?

Start a flame war about the injustice of your title poking fun at me!!!


Oh, yeah. Ron? Someone?

We gotta do this one!

Kind Regards,

Kester Pelagius

Message 3669#35780

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