The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Hideous abuse of the Forge denizens
Started by: Mytholder
Started on: 7/25/2001
Board: Actual Play

On 7/25/2001 at 10:47pm, Mytholder wrote:
Hideous abuse of the Forge denizens

Hi all,
I'm not going to GenCon (awww) but some friends of mine are (yippee). I'm fairly sure they haven't prebooked into any games, and I know from my experiences last year that finding a good game that isn't booked out is a bit tricky. So I'm turning to you lot. Basically, if you see two Irish girls wandering through the con looking lost/confused/bored, and there's a good game going on at some point, say hi to them. Look for Cat and/or Sadhbh on the nametags.

If they don't have a good time, I'll fly over next year and murder ye all. :smile:

Ron - I might tell them to stop by the Sorcerer booth at some point, you being a central point of contact and all. That ok? (and they can pick up a copy of Sorcerer for me while they're there...mwhaahahah.)

Message 372#3342

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On 7/25/2001 at 11:06pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Hideous abuse of the Forge denizens

Basically, if you see two Irish girls wandering through the con looking lost/confused/bored, and there's a good game going on at some point, say hi to them.

I'll be waiting at the bus terminal, pimp cane in hand.

- Call me "Shuga Jay"

Okay, that was horrible and I apologize...but it was either that or an esoteric "Felicia's Journey" reference.

Message 372#3343

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On 7/25/2001 at 11:08pm, Mytholder wrote:
RE: Hideous abuse of the Forge denizens

I have no doubts about them being able to kick your pasty ass back to the West Coast, Sorenson.

Was that any good? I'm no good that these sort of jocular insults.

Message 372#3344

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On 7/25/2001 at 11:18pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Hideous abuse of the Forge denizens


Irish women? GenCon? Need a helping hand, a little friendly interaction, maybe some role-playing?

Gareth, this is a joke, isn't it? You're really looking forward to hearing about all of us gazing left and right (and up, remembering all those D&D traps) throughout the convention, possibly embarassing ourselves by asking puzzled women if they are "Cat," and mentally rehearsing our "hello, please role-play with us," speeches.

Well, if it's not a joke, obviously the Sorcerer booth would be a fine rendezvous point. The GENTLEMEN who are helping me there WILL OF COURSE behave with utmost courtesy. And we'll have a signup for unofficial demos (role-playing sessions) for a variety of games, including Sorcerer of course but probably ranging all over the map.

You hear me, space monkeys? No fighting, no biting. If you hear an Irish accent, be nice to the person who produces it and come get me, before you try to be charming and non-gamerish and hurt yourself.


Message 372#3346

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On 7/26/2001 at 5:42am, joshua neff wrote:
RE: Hideous abuse of the Forge denizens

I will, of course, be a gentleman. & more than happy to help. I will not embarrass myself or anyone else by mentioning that I'm single. How pathetic do you think I am? (That was a rhetorical question.)

Message 372#3361

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On 7/26/2001 at 2:36pm, Dav wrote:
RE: Hideous abuse of the Forge denizens

Since I am not a space monkey, can someone come grab me when they show up and let me know so I can come over and ogle away?


Message 372#3373

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On 7/26/2001 at 4:56pm, unodiablo wrote:
RE: Hideous abuse of the Forge denizens

Don't worry, we'll keep Dav on a leash...

You should maybe describe them though (attractive?, long red hair?, sexy accents?), just so we can be sure to recognize them.

And "Sean" is Irish, and I'll have Guinness! :smile:

[ This Message was edited by: unodiablo on 2001-07-26 12:56 ]

Message 372#3376

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On 7/26/2001 at 5:02pm, joshua neff wrote:
RE: Hideous abuse of the Forge denizens

Hey, everybody! Lookit the gamer geeks, scrambling all over girls they haven't even met yet!

Girls? Are they purty? Do they smell real good? They's gonna be at GenCon?

I'm suddenly having a flash of the Android's Dungeon guy--"How do you feel about 45 year old virgins who still live with their parents?"

Man, we are so cool.

Message 372#3377

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On 7/26/2001 at 6:42pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Hideous abuse of the Forge denizens

Dammit... and here I went and invited my wife along...

I'm such a dumbass.

Message 372#3379

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On 7/26/2001 at 6:59pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Hideous abuse of the Forge denizens


I invited my girlfriend (who've I've already told about this thread and gotten the look). No Irish girls, no Anne Kemper.

Message 372#3380

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On 7/26/2001 at 10:00pm, greyorm wrote:
RE: Hideous abuse of the Forge denizens

Damnit! Irish girls, and here I am not being able to go now! [sob!] Oh fickle fate, though art a harsh, that's alright, Jen'd kill me anyways [grin]

Message 372#3388

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On 7/27/2001 at 2:18pm, Clay wrote:
RE: Hideous abuse of the Forge denizens

Hmmm, no going to the convention to ogle Irish girls for me. I'll just be staying home with the well-armed Filipina cheesecake model mentioned elsewhere.

Message 372#3399

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